Extracts from “Man or Matter” by Ernst Lehrs
Compiled by BSRF Associate Bill Few II

It is essential to realise that the gravitational and electrical fields dealt with by physical science however much they differ otherwise — have this one characteristic in common, that they have a centre where the field is at its highest intensity, diminishing as the distance from the centre increases. Motion in such a field naturally takes place from regions of lower to those of higher intensity. This accounts for the tendency of physical masses to arrive at the shortest possible distance between them. It was natural for the modern mind to picture a dynamic condition of :he kind just described, that is, one in which the centre and source, as it were, is a point round which the dynamic condition spreads with steadily diminishing strength as the distance from the point grows. For such is the condition of man’s head-bound consciousness. The locus from which modern man watches the world is a point within the field of this consciousness, and the intensity with which the world acts on it diminishes with increasing spatial distance from this point. This is the season why levity was banished from scientific inquiry, and why, when the field-concept was created by the genius of Faraday, it did not occur to anyone that with it the way was opened to comprehend field-types other than the centric one characteristic of gravity and kindred forces. To take use of the field concept in this other way is one of the tasks we have to undertake if we are to attain to a spiritual understanding of nature.

Regarding the distribution of land and water on the earth’s surface, we may say that to an observer in cosmic space the earth would not look at all like a solid body. Rather would it appear as a gigantic ‘drop’ of water, its surface interspersed with solid formations, the continents and other land masses. Moreover, the evidence assembled ever since Professor Wegener’s first researches suggests that the continents are clod-like formations which ‘float’ on an underlying viscous substance and are able to move (very slowly) in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The oceanic waters are in fact separated from the viscous substratum by no more than a thin layer of solid earth, a mere skin in comparison with he size of the planet. Further, this ‘drop’ of liquid which represents the earth is in constant communication with its environment through the perpetual evaporation from the ocean, as well as from every other body of water.

In order to obtain an idea of the liquid state of matter corresponding to reality, we must take into account yet another of its characteristics. When the heat becomes latent, it goes even further in contradicting gravity than by robbing matter of its own point of gravity and relating it to the earth’s centre of gravity. This effect is shown in the well-known urge of all liquids to evaporate. Hence we must say hat even where matter in a liquid state preserves its own surface, this does not by any means represent an absolute boundary. Above the surface here proceeds a continuous transition ~f substance into the next higher condition through evaporation. We see here the activity of heat going beyond the mere denial of gravity to a positive affirmation of levity.

With the help of this conception of the integration of the liquid state within the polarity of gravity and levity, we are now able to draw
a picture of the earth which, once obtained, answers many a question left unanswered by current scientific notions among them the question why the earth’s volcanic activity is confined to maritime regions.

This picture of the earth shows it lying under the twofold influence of the compressive force of gravity and the sucking force of levity.
Wherever land meets sea, there levity tends to prevail over gravity. It is in maritime regions, accordingly, that the inner strata of the earth succumb most readily to those sudden changes in the gravity-levity tension wherein we have recognised the origin of seismic occurrences.

Turning to the gaseous condition, we realise that although even here matter retains traces of a connection with terrestrial gravity, levity is now the dominant factor. There are three characteristics of the gaseous condition which bring this out. One is the extreme readiness of gases to expand when heated; we see here how much easier than with solid substances it is for heat to overcome the influence of gravity. The second characteristic is the property of gases, peculiar to them, of expanding spontaneously, even when not heated. Here we find gaseous matter displaying a dynamic behaviour which at lower stages occurs only under the stimulus of heat. The third characteristic is shown by the fact that all gases, unlike solids or liquids, respond with the same increase of volume to a given rise of temperature, however diverse their other qualities may beg. Once gases are mixed, therefore, they cannot be separated merely by raising or lowering the temperature. Here we find the unifying effect of the cosmic periphery prevailing over the differentiating effect of terrestrial gravity.

Considerations of this kind lead one to a picture in which the earth is seen to be surrounded and penetrated by a field of force which is in every respect the polar opposite of the earth’s gravitational field. As the latter has its greatest intensity at its centre, which is identical with the centre of the earth’s globe, so has the levitational field its greatest intensity at its circumference, which is somewhere in the width of the universe.

As the gravity-field decreases in strength with increasing distance from the centre of the field, that is, in the outward direction, so does the levity-field decrease in strength with increasing distance from its periphery, or in the inward direction. In both fields the direction of movement is from regions of lower to those of higher intensity. This is why things ‘fall’ under the influence of gravity and ‘rise’ under the influence of levity.

[This book is the fundamental text for those seeking supersensible pathways beyond the borderlands of perception unseen by the gravity-bound consciousness of our present world age. The writings of Ernst Lehrs are a valuable asset to any clear thinking and open minded spiritual scientific researcher.]

This article was sourced from the Journal of Borderland Research Vol XLIV, No. 4 July-August 1988 

This volume can downloaded in full from here: http://bit.ly/2kWG0Tm

A collection of Journal of Borderlands Research Volumes can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/2L5cGWo


Space and Counterspace chapter from Man or Matter: https://www.aetherforce.energy/space-and-counterspace-by-ernst-lehrs/

Review of Man or Matter by Gerry Vassilatos: https://www.aetherforce.energy/a-review-of-ernst-lehrs-man-or-matter-by-gerry-vassilatos/

Download Ernst Lehr’s book “Man or Matter” here: http://bit.ly/33HkeEQ

OR purchase here: https://amzn.to/31N7Hhu

OR read here: http://borderlandresearch.com/book/man-or-matter

OR read here: http://gutenberg.readingroo.ms/5/6/4/5641/5641-h/5641-h.htm