Microscopes constructed on entirely new principles have been invented and developed by Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist and biologist. These new microscopes have led to many discoveries regarding:
(a) The characteristics of bacterial and virus micro-organisms.
(b) Factors leading to the production or transformation of various microorganisms.
(c) The role of bio-chemical changes, in encouraging or retarding the growth of  harmful micro-organisms.

In this paper we shall first consider Microscopes, and then summarize the discoveries these instruments.


With these outstanding optical devices, resolution up to 31,000 diameters and magnification up to 60,000 diameters is obtained, with a number of advantages over the electron microscopes–the only other devices known at the present time which reach such high magnifications.

The results obtained from the Rife microscopes are due principally to the use of three principles of physics in a manner completely new to the field of optics:

1. A method of selecting a portion of the frequency spectrum of light for use in viewing specimens.
2. A method of heterodyning light to bring micro-organisms of various invisible ultra-violet colours into the visible light frequency range.
3. The attainment of very high magnification and resolution through an ingenious method for keeping the optical rays parallel in the instrument

Considering each of the foregoing principles in turn:

1. Selecting~ Portion of the Frequency Spectrum

It is well known that a beam of light passed through a prism is broken up into the colour spectrum, and since different colour-components of the beam are displaced by differing degrees, the beam emerging from the prism is spread out over a relatively wide area. The visible colours can be seen un-aided, but beyond the red component of the beam there is an invisible beam of infra-red and beyond the violet component there is an invisible area of ultra-violet frequencies transmitted by the prism if it is made of material such as quarts which permits the transmission of ultra-violet.

In the Rife microscopes, circular, wedge-shaped, block-crystal quartz prisms are used to polarize the light to be sent through the scope. By means of a revolving adjustment or control, the portion of the spectrum sent through the prisms is selectable, so that a narrow band corresponding to any colour from infra-red up through the visible colours and then through the entire ultra-violet range in narrow steps, can
be selected for use in illuminating the specimens. The importance of this unique feature will be evident later.

2. Heterodyning Light

We will first explain the term “heterodyne” and then show its application to light as developed by Rife. It is an observed fact in physics, and a principle constantly used in radio and in work with sound, that when two different frequencies of vibration are produced, they inter-act upon each other to produce two new frequencies–one of which is the sum of the two original or fundamental frequencies: the other is the difference between the two originating or fundamental frequencies. Suppose, for example, that in the range of sound, a tone of 400 cycles per second and another tone of 600 cycles per second is produced. The resulting new frequencies will then be 200 cycles, the difference between 400 and 600 cycles, and 1,000 cycles for the other new tone, the sum of 400 and 600 cycles.

So far as is known, Rife was the first individual to apply this principle to the field of light. The visible frequencies range from about 436 trillion oscillations per second at the red end of the visible spectrum, to about 732 trillion oscillations per second at the violet end of the visible spectrum. An oscillatory rate faster than 732 trillion times per second results in a beam which is in the invisible, ultra-violet range. The ultra-violet band occupies several octaves of vibration, as compared to the visible spectrum which occupies less than one octave of vibration … (The upper limit of an octave has twice the vibratory rate of the lower limit of the same octave.) So the range of the vibratory light spectrum invisible to the human eye is larger than the frequency range of the light spectrum which the eye can perceive.

The process of heterodyning light is accomplished by bringing an invisible, ultraviolet beam of, for example, 1,200 trillion oscillations per second into contact with another equally-invisible beam of say, 1,700 trillion oscillations per second; the difference between the oscillatory rates of the two originating beams results in the production of a light beam having an oscillatory rate of 500 trillions per second, which is within the range visible to the human eye.

In the past, many micro-organisms could only be observed if stained with a chemical. Some micro-organisms never became visible with other microscopes, because no suitable stain could be found for them. One of the prime advantages of the Rife microscopes is that Rife found many of the micro-organisms having no colour in the visible light range–their frequency characteristic is such that they have a “colour” in the invisible, ultra-violet range. By the use of the heterodyning principle in his microscopes as mentioned, the micro-organisms of ultra-violet colours are brought into the visible light range in their natural state, without the use of any stain. This method also beings into visibility the micro-organisms which had not responded to any known stain, and all micro-organisms can be viewed in their natural live state — a very considerable advantage, since the use of a stain kills the micro-organism. In fact this is the only microscope yet known by which ultra-high magnification can be used to view organisms in their living state, for the beams from electron microscopes instantly kill any living organisms.

3. Achievement~ Very High Magnification through Optical Means

In the ordinary microscope, the rays of light refracted by the specimen enter the objective and are then carried up the tube in supposedly parallel rays, but in practice these rays converge after a certain distance, cross each other, and then diverge, resulting in distortion and a limit on the amount of magnification obtainable, since the rays by ordinary means cannot be kept parallel for a sufficient distance to pass
them through several series of lenses. In the Rife microscopes, specially-designed quartz prisms are inserted into the tube at frequent intervals to counteract the tendency of the rays to diverge from parallel. This enables three matched pairs of oculars to be used in the universal microscope, the largest which Rife has constructed, permitting the attainment of the extra-ordinarily high powers of magnification and resolution that we have already mentioned. The supposed limit on magnification arising from the dimension of a wavelength of the light used for viewing the specimen, has been transcended by Rife, partly through the utilization of ultra-violet light which is composed of wavelengths of shorter dimensions than those of visible light, and partly by other means. Many technical details of the instrument are contained in the article : The New Microscopes by R.E. Seidel, MvD. and M. Elizabeth Winter, published in the February, 1944, Journal of the Franklin Institute. That article has been reprinted by the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, P.O. Box 652, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201,
and published as their Reprint #47, “The Rife Microscopes or Facts and Their Fate”.


1. Frequency Characteristics of Micro-organisms

The adjustment of control mechanism in the Rife microscopes, for selecting the frequency band of light sent up through the lenses, has already been mentioned. In the sue of these instruments, it is found that the control setting differs for every different type of bacteria and virus, and that for any particular type of bacteria or virus the setting is always the same. This means that each different type of bacterial
and virus has its own characteristic life frequency which it emits, and by “tuning” the microscope to that frequency of light, the micro-organism becomes brilliantly visible without the use of any chemical stain.

In the use of the Rife microscopes it has been found, for example, that Bacillus Typhosus is always a turquoise-blue; Bacillus Coli is mahogany-coloured; Mycobacterium Liprae is always a ruby shade; the filter-passing form of virus of tuberculosis is an emerald green; the virus of cancer (one of the discoveries made possible by the Rife microscopes) is purplish-red, etc. Different colours are of course representative of different frequencies of light.

2. Observations of Micro-organisms not shown by Other Microscopes

Because of the unique characteristics of the Rife instruments as already described, they permit observation of micro-organisms which other microscopes are unable to show. Among the discoveries thus made, have been virus organisms present in poliomyelitis and cancer.

3. New information regarding the relationship between Micro-organisms and Their
Chemical Environment

The cancer virus which was isolated by Rife, and which he terms BX virus, induced cancer growths in 104 successive generations of albino rats. During the course of the extensive experiments performed with this virus, it was found that with a slight change in the chemical media for the culture, a larger virus resulted, termed BY. Another slight change in the chemical media, and the virus is transformed into a monocyte.
With still another change in the chemical environment, the monocyte becomes a fungi, and with still further slight change, the fungi turns into Bacillus Coli! Then if the Bacillus Coli is kept in a certain media for a year (the time required for metasteses), the BX virus again appears! The changes in the chemical environment required to effect these transformations are very slight–in fact it is stated that an alteration of four
parts per million in the media will transform the harmless B. Coli into the deadly B. Typhosus. These changes can be made to occur in as short a period as forty-eight hours.

It is Rife’s belief that all pathogenic (disease-producing) micro-organisms are divided into ten groups, and that any micro-organism can be converted into that of any other within its group, by changing the chemical environment, sometimes by as little as two parts per million. From the above it can be seen how slight metabolic changes in body tissues can induce a micro-organism of one group to change into another microorganism within the same group. The Rife work provides interesting support for, and visual confirmation of, the Naturopathic theory. In contrast to the Allopathic view, Naturopaths hold that ·the important factor in fighting disease is the vitality of the patient and the strength of the general constitution, and that if these can be supported and the body chemistry kept balanced, germs need not be a concern.

4. Use of Selected Frequencies of Radiation to Destroy Specific Micro-organisms

To quote from the article in the Journal of the Franklin Institute: “Under the Universal (Rife) Microscope, disease organisms such as those of tuberculosis, cancer, sarcoma, streptococcus, typhoid, staphyolococcus, leprosy, hoof and mouth disease, and others may be observed to succumb when exposed to certain lethal frequencies peculiar to each individual organism, and directed upon them by rays.”

The frequencies referred to in the above paragraph are in the radio-wave band, and the most effective method of administration has been found to be the use of these differing frequencies of radio waves to pulse the current of a vacuum tube similar to an X-ray tube but partially filled with helium, so that none of the destructive X-ray radiations are emitted. The beam or rays from this new type of tube is directed at the
micro-organisms under consideration. This work is in the laboratory stage, and is of interest mainly because of the principles involved.

Once it was proven, by the use of the Rife microscopes, that each type of micro-organism has its own. particular life frequency or rate of vibration in the light band, it became a logical corollary that for each type of micro-organism there is also some frequency radiation or rate of oscillation that will be destructive to the organism.

In the field of radionics, for example, the theory has long been maintained that each virus, bacteria or type of toxin has its own frequency of radiation or tuning, and that these frequencies provided a key to tunings which could be used to destroy the virus or bacteria–however with Rife’s work it is now possible to prove the correctness of the theory, by observation with his special microscopes which show the destruction
of any micro-organism when the appropriate frequency of radiation is applied.

Reprinted from NEW LIGHT ON THERAPEUTIC ENERGIES compiled by Mark L. Gallert, (C) 1966. BSRF, working with John Crane, has put on video an old movie of Rife working in his laboratory. You can actually see Rife tune in a virus with his microscope and kill it with his ray tube instrument. This visual documentation shows how Rife was able to isolate a cancer causing virus and how he inflicted it in laboratory mice. He was then seemingly able to cure the mouse of cancer. This is important historical black and white footage of Rife and is narrated by John Crane who knew and worked with Rife.


Eradication of disease is the exciting promise of new discoveries in microscopy and radio wave electron transfer by Royal R. Rife.

Virus diseases, the ancient scourge of man, which still plague millions in the world, are destroyed by modulated radio waves, tuned to precise frequencies in thousands of lab tests, the frequency instruments have killed organisms in test tubes, animals, and human patients. The
lethal rays are transmitted by the frequency instrument ray tubes. Most cases respond within a period of two months and diseases are quickly rendered non-infectuous. Destruction of the organisms by rays is described as being similar to the phenomenon of transmitted electron energy and coordinating resonance of critical frequencies with electromagnetic and static fields.

Rife has demonstrated that the frequency instruments have the power to kill germs without harm to human tissue.

Development of the ray to the point where it is now used effectively against virus, bacteria and fungi has been accomplished and made possible by two other discoveries of nearly equal importance to practitioners and lab workers. One has been the design and construction by Rife of powerful virus microscopes, shown on the opposite page, with special patented illumination and peak magnification beyond 17,000x. The other is Rife’s isolation of pure cultures of the filterable forms of virus, which are too small to be seen with the best research microscopes. Virus has been revealed for the first time as the prenatal cell of pathogenic disease and is viewed by the heterodyne wave length of light transmitted through the virus.


11 Virus Microscopes designed and built by ROYAL R. RIFE for Cancer and other Research. Rife isolated the virus of Cancer, Tuberculosis, Poliomeylitis, Typhoid. Herpes. and 40 other virus in 1931 to 1935.



This article was sourced from:  The Journal of Borderland Research Vol XLIV, No. 2 MARCH-APRIL 1988 

Download this Volume Here: http://bit.ly/2Oqd4iW

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