Kozyrev: Aether, Time and Torsion

The Russian scientist Dr Nikolai Kozyrev is in many ways a forerunner — the father of today’s efforts to re-interpret physics in a way that does not contradict intuitive understanding. Our efforts to reconcile the inherent contradictions of the standard model of physics, firmly based as it is on Einstein’s relativity and Quantum Mechanics, have brought less than satisfying results.


Kozyrev has measured spin or torsion field effects at a time when Western science was busy smashing atoms into ever smaller fractions. He investigated time and the aether before most of us in the West ever thought of questioning the workability of our modern interpretations of the universe.

A most welcome effort to increase our awareness of Kozyrev’s outstanding work is a book chapter on David Wilcock’s site, which introduces him with the following words:

 Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an “aether” of invisible, conscious energy has existed since at least the 1950s. Renowned Russian astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-1983, pronounced Ko-zir-ev,) proved beyond any doubt that such an energy source had to exist, and as a result he became one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Russian scientific community.

The awesome implications of his work, and of all those who followed him, were almost entirely concealed by the former Soviet Union, but with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the advent of the Internet we are finally gaining access to “Russia’s Best-Kept Secret.”

Two generations of remarkable research by thousands of Ph.D. level specialists have emerged from Kozyrev’s seed findings, which completely change our understanding of the Universe.

With our prominent mention of him in this book, we hope to permanently establish his historical importance and impact to our colleagues and readers.

After having heard of Kozyrev in the 90s, I came upon his name again in a recent issue of NEXUS magazine, where a summarized version of David Wilcock’s book chapter is published under the title: The Aether Science of Dr N. A. Kozyrev. That short version, published in NEXUS, is copied here



by David Wilcock @ 2006

(a more extensive version of this article can be found here)

Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an “aether” of invisible, conscious energy has existed for decades.

Renowned Russian astrophysicist Dr Nikolai A. Kozyrev (1908-83) proved beyond any doubt that such an energy source had to exist, and as a result he became one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Russian scientific community.

Nikolai Kozyrev

The awesome implications of his work, and of the work of all those who followed him, were almost entirely concealed by the former Soviet Union, but with the fall of the Iron Curtain and the advent of the Internet we are finally gaining access to “Russia’s best-kept secret”. Two generations of remarkable research by thousands of PhD level specialists has emerged from Kozyrev’s seed findings, which completely change our understanding of the Universe.
An unseen medium of energy

The aether’s existence was widely accepted without question in scientific circles until the early 20th century, when the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887 was co-opted to “prove” that no such hidden energy source existed.

However, more recent breakthroughs involving “dark matter”, “dark energy”, “virtual particles”, “vacuum flux” and “zeropoint energy”, to name a few, have brought reluctant Western scientists to acknowledge that there must indeed be an unseen energy medium throughout the Universe. As long as you use a benign term like the “quantum medium” and not the forbidden word “aether”, you can talk about it in the mainstream press without much fear of ridicule.

One early example of proof for the existence of the aether comes from the respected physicist Dr Hal Puthoff. He frequently mentions experiments from the early 20th century, conducted before quantum mechanics theory even existed, that were designed to see if there is any energy in “empty space”.

In order to test this idea in the laboratory, it was necessary to create an area that was completely free of air (a vacuum) and lead-shielded from all known electromagnetic radiation fields by using what is known as a Faraday cage. This airless vacuum space was then cooled down to absolute zero or -273°C, the temperature where all matter should stop vibrating and thus produce no heat.

These experiments proved that instead of an absence of energy in the vacuum, there is a tremendous amount of it, from a completely non-electromagnetic source!

Dr Puthoff has often called this a “seething cauldron” of energy in very high magnitudes. Since this energy could still be found at absolute zero, this force was dubbed “zero point energy” or ZPE, whereas the Russian scientists usually call it the “physical vacuum” or PV.

Established mainstream physicists Dr John Wheeler and Dr Richard Feynman calculated that the amount of zero-point energy in the space volume of a single light bulb is powerful enough to bring all the world’s oceans to the boiling point!

Clearly, we are not dealing with some weak, unseen force but, rather, a source of almost impossibly grand power which would have more than enough strength to sustain the existence of all physical matter.

In the new view of science that is emerging from aether theory, all four of the basic force fields, whether gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force or strong nuclear force, are simply different forms of the aether/ZPE.

Professor M. T. Daniels found that the density of the gravitational energy near the surface of the Earth is equal to 5.74 x 1010 (t/m3). (Let us not forget that gravity would simply be another form of aether in this new model.)

Prof. Daniels’s finding means that drawing a sizeable 100 kilowatts of this “free energy” power from the gravitational field dips into an extremely tiny 0.001 per cent of the natural energy that is being produced in that area. (See New Energy News, June 1994, p. 4.)

Research conducted by Dr Nikola Tesla led to his statement in 1891 that the aether “behaves as a fluid to solid bodies, and as a solid to light and heat”, and that under “sufficiently high voltage and frequency” it could be accessed – which was his hint that free energy and antigravity technologies are possible.

Let us pay special attention to Tesla’s statement that the aether has a fluid-like effect when we are dealing with solid objects, as this ties in directly with the work of Dr N. A. Kozyrev.
Rethinking matter

In order to truly grasp Kozyrev’s work and related findings, certain new analogies for physical matter are required. Kozyrev’s work forces us to visualise all physical objects of matter in the Universe as if they were sponges submerged in water. In this analogy, we should consider the sponges as having remained in water for a long enough period of time that they are completely saturated.

Bearing this in mind, there are two things we can do with such sponges underwater: we can decrease the volume of water that they contain or increase it by very simple mechanical procedures.

Decrease: If a submerged, saturated sponge is squeezed, cooled or rotated, then some of the water inside of it will be released into its surroundings, decreasing its mass. Once the sponge is no longer disturbed, the pressure on the millions of tiny pores is relieved, causing it again to absorb water and expand back to its normal resting mass.2. Increase: We can also pump more water into the sponge in its rest state, such as by heating (vibrating) it, thus causing some of the pores to expand with more water than they can comfortably hold. In this case, once we relieve the added pressure, the sponge will naturally release its excess water and shrink back down to its normal resting mass.

Though it would seem impossible to most people, Kozyrev showed that by shaking, spinning, heating, cooling, vibrating or breaking physical objects, their weight can be increased or decreased by subtle but definite amounts. And this is but one aspect of his amazing work.
Dr Kozyrev’s background

Since the Western world is largely uneducated about Kozyrev, some biographical and research information is in order. Far from a being a “crank” or “crackpot” scientist, he was in fact considered one of the pre-eminent Russian thinkers of the 20th century. Kozyrev had his first scientific paper published at the tender age of seventeen, and other scientists were amazed by the depth and clarity of his logic.


His main work was in astrophysics, where he studied the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars, the phenomenon of solar eclipses and radiation equilibrium. By age twenty he had already graduated from the University of Leningrad with a degree in physics and mathematics, and by age twenty-eight he was widely known as a distinguished astronomer who had taught at several colleges.

Kozyrev’s abundant life took a most unfortunate and difficult turn in 1936, when he was arrested under the repressive laws of Josef Stalin, and in 1937 he began 11 torturous years enduring all the known horrors of a concentration camp. In this state, he mused deeply upon the mysteries of the Universe, paying attention to all the patterns that exist in life, wherein so many different organisms show signs of asymmetry and/or spiralling growth.

From his illuminated observations, Kozyrev considered that all life-forms might be drawing off an unseen, spiralling source of energy, in addition to their normal properties of gaining energy through eating, drinking, breathing and photosynthesis.

Kozyrev theorised that things such as the direction of a shell’s spiralling growth and which side of the human body will contain the heart are determined by the direction of this flow. Should there be an area somewhere in space-time where the energy flow spiralled in the opposite direction, then he would expect shells to grow in the opposite direction and the heart to be in the opposite side of the body cavity.


Kozyrev suggested that life couldn’t form in any other way, because it is actively drawing off this spiralling energy to sustain itself and must therefore follow its proportions every step of the way. In this sense, we can think of the skeletal system as an “antenna” for this energy.

When Kozyrev was finally rehabilitated from the prison camp in 1948 and could return to his field of expertise, he made many predictions about the Moon, Venus and Mars, which were validated by Soviet space probes more than a decade later. This then earned him the distinction of being a major pioneer in the Soviet space race. In 1958, Dr Kozyrev again aroused worldwide controversy by proclaiming that the Moon exhibits volcanic activity in the Alphonsus crater.

US Nobel Prize winner Dr Harold Urey was among the small group who believed that Dr Kozyrev’s theory of volcanic activity on the Moon is correct, and he urged NASA to conduct an investigation. As a direct result, NASA launched the enormous Moon Blink project, which later confirmed Dr Kozyrev’s assertions by finding significant gas emissions on the Moon.

However, not all of Kozyrev’s work was quite so readily assimilated into the mainstream world of NASA.



In the winter of 1951-52, Dr Kozyrev began his foray into the world of exotic physics, with the first of what became an exhaustive series of 33 years’ worth of very intriguing and controversial experiments. As we said, the spiraling energy patterns in nature unveiled themselves to the initiated eyes of Dr Kozyrev while in the concentration camp. His “direct knowledge” informed him that this spiraling energy was in fact the true nature and manifestation of “time”.


Obviously, he felt that “time” as we now know it is much more than just a simple function for counting duration. Kozyrev urges us to try to think of a cause for time, something tangible and identifiable in the Universe that we can associate with time.

After pondering this for a while, we see that time is ultimately nothing but pure, spiralling movement. We know that we are tracing a complex spiralling pattern through space thanks to the orbital patterns of the Earth and solar system.

And now, “temporology”, or the science of time, is under continual active investigation by Moscow State University and the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, inspired by Dr Kozyrev’s pioneering work. On their website, they state:

“In our understanding, the ‘nature’ of time is the mechanism [that brings about] appearing changes and occurring newness in the world. To understand the ‘nature’ of time is to point to … a process, a phenomenon, a ‘carrier’ in the material world whose properties could be identified or corresponded with those of time.”

This may seem strange at first glance, since a tree falling in your yard could be seen as a result of a strong wind, not of the “flow of time”. However, you must then ask yourself what caused the wind to blow. Ultimately, the motion of the Earth on its axis is most responsible. Hence, all changes are caused by some form of movement, and without movement there can be no time.

Several of the scholars whose papers are published through the Russian Institute of Temporology agree that if Kozyrev had changed his terminologies and use of the word “time” to more common scientific terms such as “the physical vacuum” or “the aether” , then many more people would have been able to understand his work sooner in the ensuing years.



In 1913, Dr Eli Cartan was the first to demonstrate clearly that the “fabric” (flow) of space and time in Einstein’s general theory of relativity not only “curves”, but it also possesses a spinning or spiralling movement within itself known as “torsion”.

Most people are unaware that it is now generally accepted that the space surrounding the Earth and perhaps the entire galaxy has “right-handed spin”, meaning that energy is influenced to spin clockwise as it travels through the physical vacuum.

According to Sciama et aI., static torsion fields are created from spinning sources that do not radiate any energy. However, once you have a spinning source that releases energy in any form, such as the Sun or the centre of the galaxy, and/or a spinning source that has more than one form of movement occurring at the same time, such as a planet that is rotating on its axis and revolving around the Sun at the same time, then dynamic torsion is automatically produced.

This phenomenon allows torsion waves to propagate through space instead of simply staying in a single “static” spot. Thus, torsion fields, like gravity or electromagnetism, are capable of moving from one place to another in the Universe.

Furthermore, Kozyrev proved decades ago that these fields travel at “superluminal” speeds, meaning that they far exceed the speed of light. If you can have an impulse that moves directly through the “fabric of space-time”, travels at superluminal velocities and is separate from gravity or electromagnetism, you have a significant breakthrough in physics – one that demands that a “physical vacuum”, “zero-point energy” or an “aether” must really exist.
Torsion field experiments

Dr Kozyrev’s experiments began in the 1950s and were conducted since the 1970s with the ongoing assistance of Dr V. V. Nasonov, who helped to standardise the laboratory methods and the statistical analysis of the results. Detectors using rotation and vibration were specially designed and made that would react in the presence of torsion fields, which Kozyrev called the “flow of time”.


It is important to remember that these experiments were conducted under the strictest conditions, repeated in hundreds or in many cases thousands of trials and were written about in extensive mathematical detail. They have been rigorously peer-reviewed, and Lavrentyev and others have replicated the results independently.

Going back to our earlier analogy, we said that matter behaves somewhat like a sponge in water. If we do something to disturb the structure of the sponge, such as squeeze it, spin it or vibrate it, then it will release some of its water back into its environment.

Over the years, all of the following processes were discovered to create a “time flow” of torsion waves in the laboratory, due to their disruption of matter in some form:

  • the deforming of a physical object;
  • the encounter of an air jet with an obstacle;
  • the operation of an hourglass filled with sand;
  • the absorption of light; friction; burning; the actions of an observer, such as a movement of the head;
  • the heating or cooling of an object;
  • phase transitions in substances (frozen to liquid, liquid to vapour, etc.);
  • dissolving and mixing substances; the fading death of plants;
  • nonlight radiation from astronomical objects; and sudden changes in human consciousness.

Other than the perplexing final item related to consciousness, we can readily see how each process is disturbing matter in some way, thus causing it to absorb or release minute amounts of its aetheric “water”, which fits perfectly with our sponge analogy.

Even more importantly, the fact that strong emotional energy could also cause a measurable at-a-distance reaction has been repeatedly documented not just by Dr Kozyrev but many others, and this is where our concepts of psychic phenomena and consciousness come into the picture.

Such concepts became even bigger news after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States, when Dean Radin and his team at the Institute of Noetic Sciences were able to measure a tremendous change in the behaviour of computerised random-number generators surrounding the time immediately before and after the attack.

The data show that, somehow, a change in the mass consciousness of humanity affected the behaviour of electromagnetic energy in computer circuits around the world, especially those computers nearest to North America. This suggests that torsion waves and consciousness are essentially identical manifestations of intelligent energy.
Aiding and shielding torsion effects

Returning to the more “comfortable” arena of physical matter, Kozyrev’s work showed that torsion fields can be absorbed, shielded or sometimes reflected. For example, sugar can absorb, polyethylene film and aluminium can shield and other forms of aluminium or mirrors can reflect.


Kozyrev found that in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and inelastic show weight changes, whereas flexible, elastic objects show changes in their elasticity and/or viscosity. Kozyrev also showed that the weight of a spinning top changes if it is vibrated, heated or cooled or if it has an electric current passed through it.

The Einstein-Cartan theory, which in 1913 established a theoretical basis for the existence of torsion fields, predicts that there is either right-handed or left-handed torsion in space, depending on the location. Subsequent discoveries in quantum physics related to the notion of “spin” confirmed that “electrons” have “right-handed” or “left-handed” spin, meaning that movement will be detected that is either clockwise or counterclockwise. All atoms and molecules maintain varying degrees of balance between right- and left-handed spin. Kozyrev determined that strongly right-handed molecules such as sugar can shield torsion effects, whereas strongly left-handed molecules such as turpentine strengthen them.

Subsequent Russian investigations also determined that common polyethylene film acts as an excellent shield for torsion waves, and these findings were used in many different experiments such as those discussed by Dr Alexander Frolov.



Paramahamsa Tewari says (by email):

The ether science of Dr. Kozyrev is the most basic insight on the nature of space as the final substratum inherent with energy. The question now is ‘How do we define energy fundamentally and how did the ether’s energy structure universal matter’. To answer this question we need to know the process of creation of the basic properties of matter, say mass and charge in electron structure. Like Lord Kelvin, Larmor etc. if we proceed with incompressible fluid ether vortex theories and be specific in assigning absolute attributes to mass less ether, (as done in writer’s space vortex theory, SVT), we reach a startling conclusion! That is the electron is a dynamically stable space vortex with a field less, energyless, spherical void at its center. It is the void-center that accounts for the mass of electron.

Mass is not energy but a constant of proportionality in mass energy equation. Entire energy of electron is located in its structural fields (electrostatic, gravitational, magnetic if electron is in motion) and not at its center. It is with this vortex structure of electron that Kozyrev insight that fields are specific conditions of ether get validated. In fact, electric field and gravitational fields are proportional to the acceleration of mass less space (mass less, continuous ether) in vortex circulalion.

With new fundamental equations on mass and charge of electron derived from the space vortex structure of electron and providing experimental proof to the experimentally observed properties of electron, the conclusion drawn is that the universe has only one entity — dynamic ether — as its fundamental reality, like the insight of Rene Descartes and of Kozyrev.

Non material fluid space in acceleration is the basic definition of cosmic energy as per SVT.

In a nut shell Kozyrev’s insight is very much true and we need to develop new concepts / theories to reveal misconceptions in contemporary physics (quantum, relativity).