Anahata • WorldSpirit-Remixed • Meditative Ocean

The Energy Alchemy Series contains very powerful subtle energy frequencies specifically arranged to enhance consciousness, instill peace, lift mood, and assist conscious connection with deeper spiritual awareness.

What is unique about the Energy Alchemy Series is that it contains NO brainwave entrainment, a first for iAwake Technologies, so you DO NOT need headphones as it generates this powerfully positive field of subtle energy.


AnahataAnahata-Package_CDcase ~ Bliss Encoded Music for Opening the Heart

Listen to this beautiful music and chant as your heart opens, fear and anxiety dissipates and you experience your larger, whole, loving Self. Learn More




Worldspirit-Package_CDcaseWorldSpirit – Remixed ~ Soundtrack to the Landmark Audio-Visual Experience Exploring the Visionary Art of Alex Gray

Experience the ambient trance music of WorldSpirit-Remixed, embedded with iAwake’s subtle energetic field technology to facilitate a euphoric, centered, focused quality of being. Learn More



Meditative OceanMeditative-Package_CDcase…Peaceful, Blissful, Purifying

Listen to 60 minutes of soothing ocean waves, while you experience the biofield energy washing over you, cleansing, clearing, quietingLearn More






Energy Alchemy Package:

Anahata ~ Bliss Encoded Music for Opening the Heart

WorldSpirit – Remixed Soundtrack to the Landmark Audio-Visual Experience Exploring the Visionary Art of Alex Gray

Meditative Ocean…Peaceful, Blissful, Purifying