Magnesium Phosphate

Magnesium Phosphate



An imbalance in our magnesium causes nerves and muscles to get out of sync. They cramp, spasm and shoot off pains.



MAGNESIUM PHOS (Magnesia phosphateIf you feel tight, tense, in a knot, then think Mag phos, and relax. An imbalance in our magnesium causes nerves and muscles to get out of sync. They cramp, spasm and shoot off pains. An imbalance in phosphates disturbs our vitality. Found in muscles, nerves, brain tissue, spinal marrow and teeth, the compound magnesium phosphate is vital to proper communication throughout the body.

Mag phos aids many spasmodic conditions in which nerves and muscles cannot cooperate these include leg cramps, menstrual cramps, abdominal pain or colic, back spasms, writer’s cramps, muscular tension, hiccoughs, tics, twitches, certain cases of nightly urinary leaking and other cramp or spasm symptoms. For nerve pain, Mag phos specializes in radiating pains, but applies well to shooting, stabbing pains as well. It can be very useful for stabbing headaches, backache, right-sided sciatic pain, facial nerve pain, toothache, right-sided ear pain, and inflamed, injured or weary nerves. Now for the big IF: an important key to Mag phos’ relief is that symptoms feel better for heat and worse for cold. This is so strong that many recommend a sip or two of hot water immediately after taking the remedy to speed its action. If a hot bath, hot tea, and a warm bed sound ideal, add Mag phos to maximize the relief.

SOLUTION: Magnesia Phosphate


FORMAT: Powder compacted into dissolvable pill

METHOD: Oral (O), Sublingually (S)

QUANTITY: 500 capsules

SUGGESTED USE: Adults dissolve 2 capsules under the tongue before bed

DISCLAIMER: This is a dietary supplement. The statements made about this product have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.

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