The Harmonic Creation Field Trio is our heaviest set of Rings.

• 26″ Regeneration Ring
• 27″ Harmony Ring
• 29″ Golden Fire Ring

While each of the three Ring carries its own unique energetic, and can be used as single Rings, the three together bring through something greater than their sum.

This heavy gauged set of Rings are felt tangibly on the physical for most people.  The Trio is featured in the video below, and goes more in-depth on their properties and uses.

The Alchemist Practitioner Set is a light gauge set of Rings.
• 26″ Divine I Am Ring
• 27″ Chalice Ring
• 29″ Harmonizer Ring

The Alchemist Rings are an energetically updated set of Rings.  Again, each individual Ring is powerful on their own, but when together they create an even higher field.  One that is transformative and magnetic to consciousness.

The Alchemist Practitioner’s Rings are beyond Transformational, and together carry energetics of the Wisdom Ring, which steps us into the beginning stages of Mastery.

26″ Wisdom Practitioner’s Ring

The 26″ Wisdom Practitioner’s Ring carries the energetics of both the Alchemist Set and the Harmonic Creation Field Trio!

The medium-gauged Wisdom Practitioner’s Ring is a great addition to either sets, or as a stand alone Ring.
• 26” Wisdom Ring

*Ring sizes are all approximate diameter in inches


Our largest Rings to work with any modality. Can be used both actively and passively.