The Double Slit Experiment Resolved !

Article Sourced from HERE


WRC = Walter Russell Cosmology

Escher moment = occurrences of apparent duality and fuzzy reality

Introduction :

The purpose of this presentation is to explain the infamous Double Slit Experiment (DSE) in a spirit promoted by Walter Russell, and to offer his gift of truth and clarity in simple, plain language as proposed at the Copenhagen interpretation of 1926.

Results of the DSE :

  • ‘particles’ + 1 slit = single narrow band pattern
  • ‘particles’ + 2 slits = 2 single narrow parallel bands
  • wave + 1 slit  = diffused (wide) band pattern similar to the ‘particle’ + 1 slit condition
  • wave + 2 slits = interference pattern
  • electrons + 1 slit = single narrow band
  • electrons + 2 slits  + sufficient time = interference pattern. How can pieces of ‘matter’/electrons generate an interference pattern
  • electrons + 2 slits when observed result in the pattern reverting back to the narrow band pattern. The observer affects result.

One consideration is seems not to be taken into account is the action of any REFLECTION from the slit interface back towards the source of ‘particles’/waves during the running of the experiment.

The Double Slit Experiment forms the corner stone of quantum physics. It has spawned the birth of weird and fanciful theories; “string theory”, “black holes” to name but a few. Assumptions are made during the DSE and the inferences of those  have been wildly exaggerated because of a fundamental misunderstanding of what lies in plain sight. Quantum physics is built on foundations of sand. If the Natural Law “as above -so below” is true, then the physics that describes the macro universe also describes the micro/quantum universe. There can be no place where one type of physics ends and another begins !

Science has attended a magic show and seen, with their own eyes, the magician saw the assistant in two. They have since come away from that magic show and postulated, formulated and presented the methods and techniques used by the magician to achieve his feats of macro surgery.
Many prodigious careers have been carved out by promoting such constructs when the entire illusion is simple to explain and once understood makes it seem incredible how science was so easily deceived.

There is no excuse though, for general science, to ignore alternate perspectives (Bohm, Arp) in preference of incomplete and illogical paths just because they don’t comply with the current paradigm.
Science is also hampered by the fractured architecture of the scientific community, the left hand, not aware of what the right hands is doing !
This new insight will avoid too much scientific jargon and will be presented so that the layman can judge his learned peers in a new light !

The work of Walter Russell, Newton and Johann vonGoethe hold the keys to the magicians trick.

The seed for the misinterpretation of the Double Slit Experiment lies at the doorstep of the genius that is Newton. Newton’s work on colour was only half-baked, and little credit is given to Johann vonGoethe who managed to pull together a more complete understanding of the science of colour and more importantly that of colour perception. Newton believed that colour was located inside a ray of white light. This is not the case as the work of Goethe and Russell indicate.

Proposal :

WR teaches that we live in an electric universe causing a perceived effect, which has been attributed to a force of gravitation. The concept of gravity has come into being once again because science was tricked by the magician into believing gravity is a force in its own right. If science would only accept electricity as the fundamental force of Nature then man’s understanding of the cosmos would take a giant step forward.

The key feature of WRC is that the entire universe manifests between two extreme poles, a polarised (anode/cathode) expressions of the same Idea.
Goethe would describe this phenomenon as follows, what we observed as a colours reality depends on how light and darkness interact. When the dimension/width of the light ray is small we perceive Newtonian colours, but when the light ray dimension is wider then we perceive the Goethe spectrum.

TIP 1 : When you look at the techniques employed by Newton and van Goethe to produce their spectrum colours, one should treat the portion where the colour appears as a slit !!

Newton used a white slit, while Goethe used a black slit. When the light ray is narrow the light/dark interactions can bleed across to replace the light ray with a coloured ray. It appears as though the colours were somehow hiding inside the white.  Likewise, when the black rays are narrow, a new series of colours bleed across this time replacing the black ray with another coloured spectrum. If now seems that this new spectrum was hiding inside the black ray !
In the experiment above a symmetrical white/black rectangle is used to simulate the interface between a homogeneous black or a homogeneous white condition. WR teaches there is no straight line geometry in this universe of spiral curvature. The experiment should be re-examined with a cone rather than a rectangle. the conical geometry will effectively introduce a thin ray at the apex anode and a wide ray at the cathodic base.
TIP 2 : This is another classic Escher Moment, nothing appearing as our senses suggest. The colour does not appear to be inside the white ray of light, yet the dimension of the Newton/Goethe slit determines whether we observe certain colours at all!

Electricity is the force that pushes those poles as far apart as possible in defiance to Coulomb’s Law. We perceive light heading toward the anode as positive, a proton. But, expanding light heading towards the cathode behaves to our sensing more like an electron. There are no electron particles as such. There is no place between the anode and the cathode where electrons exist because the potential of the environment is constantly changing and the potential of the light steam is also changing in accordance with the environment. Expression is therefore never static long enough for it to be one thing or another. This is why man has so many names for ‘matter’. Man thinks matter exists for a time as a static expression when in fact all motion is dynamic and constantly changing its potential to find balance. This constantly changing potential appears as a different identity to man’s instruments.

All of Creation therefore, manifests between compressed anode Sun’s and the expanded cathodes of Space. What actually manifests depends on the location of that material body between the anode/cathode in the same way a radio channel is selected by its location on the dial.

If we now assign the Cosmic Background as follows one can better appreciate how Newtons spectrum will manifest close to the cathode with von Goethe’s spectrum manifesting close to the anode.

WR conical geometry is evident if we can ‘see’ the white slit is narrow at the cathode but wide at the anode and the black slit is narrow at the anode but wide at the cathode. All motion/heat/light will manifest between these two anode/cathode conditions with some expressions appearing static between the anode/cathode because their electrical signature is in balance with its environment and as a result will be held buoyant for a period.

TIP 3 : When man get in the way (influences his observations) of his experiments he acts like a condenser for the particle/wave duality. He detects a particle, but the cubic wave field model offered by WR indicates there is more illusion than reality 3:1. Nothing is what it seems.
Remember, man perceives the entire universe by looking OUT into that universe. As a physical body he/she is centered by its own shaft of Stillness, the bodily ANODE. The space in which that body moves is its relative cathode condition. All incoming data/wave information is thus re-compressing or condensed within that physical body.

All polarised conditions divide the one condition into two, a positive anode and a negative cathode separated by a plane of Stillness. These positive/negative conditions have been extended from this plane of Stillness. On the positive/anode side of the divide compression is dominant, while on the negative/cathode side of that same divide expansion is dominant. This is why polarised conditions are conical and why polarised fields are curved.

The compression of electrical fields of potential at the anode, and the expansion of those same fields at the cathode, is the reason every part of the universe has a measure of polarity, and that polarity distribution is responsible for the curvature of space, optical lensing and all spiral motion. As we observe towards an anode we perceive compression, heat, light, suns, matter, & gravity. As we turn through 180° to observe the cathode we perceive expansion, cold, dark, space, & nebulous gases.

WRC teaches that polarity causes conical wave fields, which in turn is the reason we experience gravity effects in the direction of the anode and radiative effects in the direction of the cathode. Man’s polarity is cylindrical and static while that of WR’s is conical and breathing.
An observer will experience compressing gravitational effects when viewing in the direction of the anode, but an observer viewing in the direction of the cathode will experience radiative expanding effects.

Conical wave fields of curved potential exist in the main with the central hub and the outer rim in the same plane and the curvature is expressed radially. It is this differential distribution of potential into a continuously varying density between the anode hub and the cathode rim that creates a two-way optical lensing effect. In addition, we tend to perceive centripetal apex motion as particles of matter, and centrifugal conebase motion as waves. Whether a particular motion is a wave or a particle depends on where the observation occurred.

To write this in terms of JvG, when we looks towards the anode we perceive reality against a white background. When we look towards the cathode of space we observe our perceive reality against a black background.

Goethe’s translucent glass experiment shows this effect clearly. The translucency of the glass does not change, but our perception of colour does indeed change depending on whether the glass is observed with a white background (yellow) or against a black background (blue).

In the image on the right, it is our perception which ‘fills in’ the magenta colour. There is no magenta colour present at all, just a grey shadow. Because the cone is lit with a green light, the processing within the brain generates greens complimentary colour, which is magenta.
WRC teaches that we live in a universe created from opposed light streams. Centripetal motion running from the rim in towards the hub, and centrifugal motion, expanding from the hub out towards the rim. This radial motion is evident throughout nature.

These streams encounter greater opposed resistance at the anode where the channels of electric force are compressed into very small volumes.

This compressed condition is the reason we perceive matter and form. We are sensing the anode. It is this very resistance that causes the white light to appears from the void. Remember, light in the physical is invisible, and only becomes visible when it encounters a resistance. The greater the resistance the dark we see colours. When those same channels of electric force have had a chance to expand into much more open and wider channels, then we perceive that condition as cold and spatial.

Our perception of what we observe is based on our orientation within the electric field we find ourselves in. We are observers IN the Creation experiment. We cannot observe that Creation experiment from the outside, yet we cannot extrapolate our understanding of the whole by our myopic observations of the within.

The anode/cathode are 180° opposed, desiring to extend in opposite directions. When we view towards the anode, then the cathode is directly behind our back. When we view towards the cathode, then the anode is directly behind our back. Whether we perceive matter or space may simply be one of a polarised orientation only.

Tip 4 Remember, in order to produce a vector force, the initial forces are applied with a perpendicular orientation. WR often states that opposed conditions are offset by 90° rather than 180°.

A white ray against a black background Cathode view

The origins of the ‘Green Ray’ at sunset becomes obvious.










Newton discovered that the colour ‘green’ appeared out of seeming nothingness as the divided red and blue light were united. It was the interaction of the red with blue that gave rise to green. Newton’s spectrum image was formed with a white rectangle on a black background.

When this white rectangle was large, green did not form, but when the white rectangle was narrow then the opposite lights of Cyan/Yellow could merge and give birth to green. The black background acts as the backdrop of space and we perceive compression in the white area surrounded by an expanse of space.

The colours arising from Newton’s experiment may now be described as a phenomenon observed when looking towards the CATHODE. When the white ray is thin, then our perception is that a coloured spectrum replaces that white light. This will manifest as a dynamic ‘reality’.
This arrangement by Newton should be viewed as a white slit on a back background.

Goethe on the other hand while being aware of Newton’s works observed his colour spectrum by observing in the direction of the ANODE. The white background acts as the backdrop of a sun, seemingly compressing inwards towards a focal point, while the black strip is perceived as a ‘hole’ of expanding space. This idea of a hole comes from the WR perspective. Goethe on the other hand would describe this hole as dark light.

A black ray against a white background Anode view

This analogy fits completely with the teachings of WR, who says all matter returns to space by expanding from the inside out. Spheres are bored into by space to become toroids, expanding further to rings, finally becoming space itself, before reversing and commencing the compressing cycle again in the reverse direction.



But, something very fundamental occurs when viewing the spectra against a white background versus a black background. This arrangement by Goethe should be viewed as a black slit on a white background.

The reason magenta is manifested is because Newton’s colour sequence is inverted such that the blue/cyan are shifted to the bottom, while the red/yellow is shifted to the top. So, instead of cyan/yellow merging to give green, red/blue now merge to give birth to magenta.

In short, if we look to the anode we perceive magenta (in the black strip), but when we turn and look in the direction of the cathode we perceive green in the white strip. This inversion is an important step in understanding the illusion of the DSE.

TIP 5 : Just before we move on consider the following. Goethe anode perspective is perhaps not what you may think. It certainly at first appears 

as a black slit against a white background. But, there is no physical equivalent out there in our perceived reality.

In terms of the DSE we should consider this condition as a solid bride dividing a hole. When a second slit is added to a black background youchange the experiment fundamentally without realising it. You immediate flip your perspective from a Newton view to the vonGoethe perspective.

The details of the Double Slit Experiment are outlined in the video above. Suffices here to say, I will apply the above known observations to answer the following perceived observations of the DSE:

  •  why electrons particles passing through a single slit form a single band pattern
  •  why particles passing through a double slit from an interference pattern behave as a wave rather than particle
  • how the observer interferes with the perceived observations
  • how the magician’s trick is performed to fool our sensing

When the DSE is performed with a single slit only, we need to beware of our spatial orientation. To do that, we need to look closely at the slit assembly itself. Secondly, we will refer to an electron particle or an electron wave as simply light, and treat the transit through the slit assembly in exactly as Newton/Goethe would have done in their optical

The single (DSE) slit behaves in exactly the same way as the Newtonian ‘white bar on a black background’. The single slit makes our perception orientate towards the CATHODE. We perceive the white strip as if it is expanding into the outer blackness.

The omnipresent curvature of space, which cannot be removed from the DSE experimental apparatus, causes a refraction of the projected light beam and the resultant interaction (cyan/yellow) at the slit creates the
‘green’ effect observed as a single band pattern.

This thin slit is analogous to the thin ray of white light, and as such the refracted steams passing through the slit can bleed/merge across from one side of the slit to the other, exactly in the same way Newton produced his coloured spectrum. One can think of the emergence of green in Newton’s arrangement as analogous to the manifestation of the lined pattern observed in the DSE.

When the same light beam is now passed through the double slit, a simple inversion of perception occurs. When Goethe observed his colour wheel, he was orientated towards the anode. The solution to understanding the
DSE is not thinking of the DSE as the addition of a slit rather it should be thought of as the original single slit divided into TWO by the addition of a bridge. The dimensions of the original slit are still present it has just been divided. This simple addition of a dividing bridge (which looks the like addition of a second slit inverts our perception just as Goethe discovered.

In other words, rather thinking that a second slit was added, think the original slit was divided in two. This major difference now is that rather than perceiving a slit (white bar) on a black background, the division now appears to  be a black slit on a white background !!!!!

Double slit behaves like a black ray against a white background NOT TWO white rays on a black background !

The light entering the double slit doesn’t change in any way. It does not flip from particle to wave in some strange quantum fashion, but our perception of what is occurring does indeed change as we process this new situation as an inversion of the original orientation.
So, rather than looking towards the cathode we are now looking towards the anode, a black divide on a white background. The right side of the image above shows this effect as a zoomed view. This is Goethe’s perspective. This dividing bridge gets in the way of our original perception and as a consequence our brains processing function inverts.

The light entering the double slit interacts such that rather than cyan/yellow melding to green we perceive red/blue birthing magenta. We perceive a compression effect of the black strip by the exterior anode. The addition of a simple bridge has an enormous effect on our perception.

The Double Slit Experiment should be renamed the “Bridge of Perception Experiment”.

When we place a detection device (Geiger counter) to monitor which slit the particle goes through, the monitoring devices are orientated looking back towards the CATHODE. So, the Geiger perceives the reverse polarity to the observer on the other side of the slit. The actual slit assembly is the dividing equator of polarity perception. This is why the Geiger counter perceives ‘particles’. It is orientated to look at the anode, the place of accumulated potential.

The magician has designed the flip of polarity into the slit/bridge such that no matter which side of the assembly you are on you will perceive the opposite, mirror imaged polarity of an observer on the opposite side, just as a clock face reads 3 o’clock to one but 9 o’clock to the opposite perspective.

Even more important that a resolution of the DSE, this new insight goes so much further.

WRC teaches that this universe of apparent form and solidity is an illusion. WR teaches this illusion is created by the way opposed light streams interact. Those opposed streams are expanding centrifugally from the hub anodes to the rim cathodes and from centripetally from the rim cathodes to the hub anodes.

Their interactions produce the EXACT SAME EFFECT as placing a black strip (bridge) on a white background, which inverts our perceived polarity. This creates the illusion of motion as follows,

Our entire perceived reality is created by the interactions of opposed lights which cause a flickering polarity. Our perception is constantly
flickering in sympathetic response and a simulated moving image is created on the INSIDE creating the illusion of a moving image on the OUTSIDE.

The Ultimate Magician’s Trick !