It is now time to move on from considering the personalities of Radionics and their work, to exploring one of the mechanical workings … numbers, since these are fundamental to all Radionic systems, the very nuts and bolts of its existence.

Whether they are regarded as key links to a psychic plane or as creating scientifically regarded radiations is a personal conviction often debated in Radionic circles.

Both methods produce healing successes. Whichever method is used they are the medium through which all measurements are taken, and students inevitably are curious to know how these numbers are chosen or worked out. Perhaps this chapter may help throw some light on this difficult and abstruse subject.


My first encounter with numbers came when I called on a friend at his bookshop off the Charing Cross Road in London. While I was looking round he asked me what I was currently doing. I replied, “Studying Radiesthesia.” “God help you!” was his comment. I countered this observation by asking if there were any books on the subject. “No, none at all,” he replied. “You’re a great help,” I said.

Soon after this exchange I turned to leave the shop, but as I was going through the door my friend called me back.

“There are two books that might help you. Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans by Thomas Taylor and Key to the Hebrew Egyptian Mystery in the Source of Measures by J. Ralston Skinner. However, both are rare and you won’t be able to get them.”

“Thank you, you’re still a great help,” I replied and left the shop. But I made a mental note of the titles and the authors even though I was too occupied to pursue the matter further at the time.

My story now takes a strange twist. At the time I was living in the country and one afternoon a complete stranger came to see me. I found that he wanted me to hypnotize him, but I refused to do so since I did not know him and had had no introduction to him.

In spite of this he stayed and our chat went on all afternoon, until at last I was forced to tell him he would have to leave as I had other work to do. As he was going he suddenly said, out of the blue, for we had not discussed books, “By the way, if you ever want any rare or difficult-to-obtain books, try Weisers of New York.”

My mind went straight back to the conversation I had had in London with my bookseller friend, and I remembered his comments about non-availability of books. I sat down at once and wrote to Weisers and within a fortnight, to my surprise and delight, they replied stating that they had both books for me!

In the introduction to Theoretic Arithmetic Manly P. Hall writes:

“Thomas Taylor, the author of this remarkable treatise on the philosophy of numbers was the greatest Platonist of the modern world. He was a prodigy of erudition and industry. He translated into English the complete works of Plato and Aristotle, and numerous but scarcely less important fragments of classical learning. In addition to these translations Mr. Taylor composed several original works, of which his ‘Theoretical Arithmetic’ is the most important.

“Unfortunately no complete system of numerical divination has descended to this age from the old mystery schools. The Pythagorean philosophers, after the martyrdom of their master, were scattered throughout the Mediterranean countries and left to posterity no complete account of their numerical tradition.

“The third book of Theoretic Arithmetic is devoted to philosophising on the virtues of numbers, contains practically all of the fragments of genuine Pythagorean onomanics which have survived the ruin of time. From these fragments it will be evident that to the Samian Initiate numbers were the elements of a sublime theological symbolism. Through the study of Mathematics Pythagoras invited all men to communion with the Gods.

“… Numerology as it is practiced today derives its premise from a short statement of Iamblicus to the effect that Pythagoras perfected a system of divination by numbers, based upon the secret traditions which had descended from Orpheus. In the sixth and seventh centuries before Christ it was customary for the ancient Greeks to perform divinations from the entrails of specially sacrificed animals and birds. Pythagoras condemned this practice and substituted therefore arithmomancy, the oracular use of numbers, as more acceptable to the Gods and not harmful to any living creature. It should not be inferred, however, from the words of Iamblicus, that Pythagoras actually invented numerology. The use of numbers for symbolical and divinatory purposes was common to nearly all ancient religious systems. Well developed systems of numerology are to be found in the older writings of the Chinese, Egyptians and Jews. Numerological cabbalism is usually found closely associated with astrology and magic.” The following is on the flyleaf of his book.


contains the substance of all that has been written on the subject by Theo of Smyrna, Nicomachus, Iambilchus, and Boetus — together with some remarkable particulars respecting perfect, amicable, and other numbers, which are not to be found in the writings of any ancient or modern mathematicians. Likewise, a specimen of the manner in which the Pythagoreans philosophized about numbers; and a development of their mystical and theological arithmetic.

By Thomas Taylor


Key to the Hebrew-Egyptian Mystery in the Source of Measures J. Ralston Skinner

“Originating the British Inch and the Ancient Cubit, by which man built the Great Pyramid of Egypt and the Temple of Soloman; and through the possession and use of which man, assuming to realise the creative law of the deity, set it forth in a Mystery, among the Hebrew called Kabbala.”

This is a highly abstract mathematical treatise. In the introduction we read:

“Contents of an essay or study rather than, strictly speaking, a work. The whole a series of developments based upon the use of geometrical elements, giving expression in numerical value, founded on the integral values of the circle, rediscovered by the late John A. Parker, and by Peter Metius in the 16th century. Brief statements of these developments; the greatest being that the system from whence their derivation was anciently considered to be one resting in nature, or God, as the basis, or law, of the exertion practically of creative design: as such to be found as underlaying the Biblical structure. This introduction contains the Hebrew alphabet, with the values and powers of the letters, and some of their supposed symbols, with some remarks on the hieroglyphic use of the letters.”

Chapters include:

Quadrature of the Circle by John A. Parker, and reflections on.

Problem of Three Revolving Bodies by Mr. Parker.

British System of Long and Land Measures, inclusive of an occult

System of Time Measurement.

Introduction to Construction of Great Pyramid.

Temple of Solomon.

Another line of investigation was through Dr. Drown. I wrote to her on several occasions asking if she would advise me if there was a fundamental LAW by which she had arrived at the numbers for her work. Her answer came in a leaflet ‘Drown Radio-Therapy’ where she had written: “The so-called ‘rates’ were originally worked out from histological structures of the animal body … the pathological diseases were taken from specimens found and so labelled in medical hospitals.” I felt confident, however, after reading her other books that she must have had some other specific system from which to work as well. I became certain that she KNEW the deep meaning of her combination of figures, and that she combined it with a profound spiritual understanding of natural laws in their application. So I persisted and on numerous occasions I asked her if this was correct, but she was always reticent on the subject. Eventually she wrote to me saying:

“I have worked out a comprehensive study on the numbers of the Qabalah, which, of course, go back to the very essence of Life itself. It seems quite true that people are using these numbers in what they call a ‘code’, and yet they have no understanding of what the ‘code’ stands for!”


I now know that this clue leads one towards the Principles involved in the meaning of numbers, although at the time I had no idea what a profound question I had asked her. Subsequent experience made me aware of the vastness of the subject I had inadvertently broached.


On this subject one must also consider the teachings of other early writers, for certain great rhythms and numbers in nature affect every moment of our lives. In Nature’s Harmonic Unity Samuel Coleman gives numerous illustrations, which he analyses, showing that the triangle, the square, the pentagon and pentagram, the hexagon and the hexagram and the octagon are the determining geometrical elements of tiny plants. These and the circle provide all the geometrical patterns for the manifold forms of the physical world.

He shows also that the angles and lines of these microscopic members of the vegetable kingdom are the precise angles and lines utilised in the planning of the Parthenon, in the construction of the Great Pyramid and in the composition of innumerable works by the greatest painters and sculptors.

By the proportions centred in these simple figures all force relations in the Universe are determined. Sound vibrations, both in pitch and volume, are determined by the same principles. All the play of Light and Colour follow the same laws of form. And the spirals of a shell are the logarithmetic spirals which are the basis of all forms.

Manly P. Hall has produced many diagrams in his large Encyclopaedia of Masonic and Hermetic Symbolismto illustrate these facts.


All this made me think much more along Esoteric lines. As often happens when one comes in contact with Radionics, one is suddenly confronted with possibilities of deliberately developing one’s sensitivity. For many this is not a major factor, and it must be made clear that one can become an excellent Radionic Practitioner without esotericism. It is against esoteric teaching that this type of self-development can or should be forced on beginners … offered maybe … but forced … never. The choice must be left to each individual. For those who wish to use such facilities, they are confronted by a wide selection of training; many systems of approach become confusingly evident. Broadly speaking there are those who advocate the Eastern Tradition in various forms.

There is a safer although longer method of which many may not be aware. This lies in the teachings of the Western Tradition.

“The life of any person is necessarily influenced by the customs and traditions of his race. Thus escape from the world, which is normal in the East, is pathological in the West. Western occult systems do not seek ways of escape. They seek mastery of the hidden powers, both within and without, enabling the initiate to control his environment while he continues to live in it.” Dr. Paul Case, founder of ‘The Builders of the Adytum’ sets out the Western Tradition in the pamphlet ‘The Open Door’ (see Bibliography). This system of the Ancient Wisdom is known as the Hermetic Arts, after Hermes Trismegistus who is reported to be its founder. The Seven Hermetic Principles are set out in a book The Kybalion and is a study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece. Written by ‘Three Initiates’ these principles I now set out as described in this hook. This will be followed by considering the practical applications of this philosophy.

The Seven Hermetic Principles


“The purpose of this work is not the enunciation of any special philosophy or doctrine, but rather is to give to the students a statement of Truth that will serve to reconcile the many bits of occult knowledge that they may have acquired, but which are apparently opposed to each other and which often serve to discourage and disgust the beginner in the study.

“From the land of the Ganges many advanced occultists wandered to the land of Egypt, and sat at the feet of the Master, Hermes Trismegistus, Master of Masters.

“In all the ancient lands, the name of Hermes Tris-megistus was revered, the name being synonymous with the ‘Fount of Truth’.

“The Principles of Truth are seven; he who knows these, understanding^, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.

“The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based are as follows:

1. The Principle of Mentalism– The ALL is Mind. The Universe is Mental.

2. The Principle of Correspondence– This principle embodies the truth that there is always a Correspondence between the Laws and Phenomena of the various planes of Being and Life.

3. The Principle of Vibration– Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.

4. The Principle of Polarity– Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same, opposites are identical to nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; paradoxes may be reconciled.

5. The Principle of Rhythm– Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

6. The Principle of Cause and Effect– Every Cause has its Effect; Every effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but the name for Law not recognised; there are many places of causation, but nothing escapes the l aw

7. The Principle of Gender – Gender is in everything; every has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.” Now let us turn to the practical applications of the Hermetic Arts which include The Holy Kabalah, Tarot, Alchemy and Astrology. Unfortunately these have been misused, even debased in the past but when seriously studied, they serve as a dependable guide on the road to Mastership. They are largely based on symbolism which is a universal language, and gradually lead to higher states of consciousness.

Let us first look at Tarot and I quote from Dr. Case’s book of that name.

“Tarot is a pictorial text-book of Ageless Wisdom. From its pages has been drawn inspiration for some of the most important works on occult science published during the last seventy-five years. Its influence on the minds of a few enlightened thinkers may be traced throughout the history of the modern revival of interest in esoteric science and philosophy.

“This revival of interest began in 1854 with the publication of Eliphas Levi’s Dogma and Ritual of Transcendental Magic, first of a series of occult writings in which he names the Tarot as his most important source of information.

“Levi’s opinion of The Tarot was very high.” He said:

“As an erudite Kabalistic book, all combinations of which reveal the harmonies pre-existing between signs, letters and numbers, the practical value of the Tarot is truly, and above all, marvellous. A prisoner devoid of books, had he only a Tarot of which he knew how to make use, could in a few years acquire a universal science, and converse with unequalled doctrine and inex-haustable eloquence.

“The oldest examples of Tarot designs now preserved in European museums were probably made about 1390. According to an occult tradition, in which I am inclined to place confidence, the actual date of its invention was about the year 1200 A.D.

“The inventors, this tradition avers, were a group of Adepts who met at stated intervals in the City of Fez, in Morocco. After the destruction of Alexandria, Fez became the literary and scientific capital of the world. Thither, from all parts of the globe, came wise men of all nations, speaking all tongues. Their conferences were made difficult by difference in language and philosophical terminology. So they hit upon the device of embodying the most important of their doctrines in a book of pictures, whose combinations should depend on the occult harmonies of numbers.”


In the chapter on the occult meaning of numbers Dr. Case writes:

“In this chapter we shall consider the occult significance of the numbers from Zero to Ten, with particular reference to the esoteric meanings of the so-called ‘Arabic’ numerals. As a matter of fact, these numerals were invented by Hindu priests, from whom they were borrowed, (and slightly altered), by the Arab Mathematicians who introduced them into Europe. The key to the meaning of the numerals is the diagram which appears at the frontispiece of this book.”

Key to the Cosmos and Number“Readers of these pages, who are familiar with occult symbolism, will percieve that the basis of the construction of this diagram is the six-pointed star, known as ‘The Shield of David’ and ‘The Star of the Macrocosm’. Years ago, one of the Theosophical Masters declared that the system of six circles, tangent to a central seventh, is a key to the construction of the Cosmos. At that time, the Master’s meaning was not grasped by the student to whom the statement was made.

“I hope the inclusion of this diagram may stimulate some of my readers to further research. Want of space forbids my developing the various details. I shall therefore content myself by saying that this one diagram is a key to the geometrical construction of the Great Pyramid; to a very close approximation to the squaring of the circle, to the true occult meaning of the apron worn by Free Masons, to the construction of the Qabalistic diagram known as The Tree of Life, (which has been called ‘a key to all things’), and to the proportions of the mysterious vault in which the body of the founder of the Rosicrucian Order is said to have been discovered. These are but a small selection of the mysteries to which this one diagram affords a clue.” Who then are ‘The Builders of the Adytum’? “They are an authentic Mystery School. Its system is that of the Western Tradition, and its teachings have been handed down from one group of Initiates to another since very ancient times.”

What can be expected from this training?

“Firstly there will be a gradual improvement in the ability to concentrate, to think through plans with clarity, and act on them correctly.”

“Creative imagination and discrimination are heightened and also control of One’s path of Spiritual growth. Under their direction students learn the essential requirements of esotericism by monthly instalments, so that they are not plunged into a mass of occult terminology.” This is followed by study of the Tarot Keys, with careful colouring instructions which students paint for themselves. This gives each one a set of cards suitable to his own psyche, yet conforming to the same pattern of design for all. After this a year is spent studying the meaning of the symbolism and leading on, over a further four years or so, to experience in the art of healing, balancing the personality by the use of colour and sound, and the methods of Tarot interpretation leading to the attainment of higher consciousness.

An explanation of the occult diagram that is called ‘The Tree of Life’ and revelations of the secrets of Spiritual Alchemy are also given.

All this brings one face to face with such questions as … What is life about … The Inner Being of Man … Life and Death … Nature and Immortality … and many others?

The other important step is to be able to consider where one wants to go and what one wants to be in this life.

For a long time in the past secrecy was necessary about such matters but today, ‘closed doors’ are not necessary, for the secrecy applying today which guards the deeper meanings is by not possessing the ability to understand the concepts involved, or the reasoning required to master such an advanced science.

Through training with ‘The Builders of the Adytum’ theoretical knowledge is gradually imparted to students alongside experimental work. The Student finds he gradually gains mastery over small things, then over greater. He must learn about the forces with which he will be working, and to discover that his own determination and willingness to work will be the measure by which he achieves his results. There are no short-cuts to enlightenment.

Albeit, in spite of the divergencies in this method between East and West, their similarities in principles should also be recognised. These similarities I will show in my next chapter.