
The intriguing high frontier of communications technology is represented by several new developments which have been based in the methodologies of qualitative science. Biological Communications represents on of the gateways through which the astute scientific researcher must finally advance. It is a means as different in theory and scientific principles as any of the qualitative sciences, and requires special adaptations of existing instrumentation for its successful appropriation. To comprehend the notion of Biological Communications, we need to know more about the biological infrastructure of our world.

The layman will address these topics with some degree of circumspect reluctance. Amid the floods of modern technologies, one questions why some outlandish sciences are being explored. More often than likely, the technologies of which they speak are those whose methods are bioantoganistic, and therefore prone to project an alienating ambiance which dissuades both our interests and our desire for participation. But when we speak of technologies which are fundamentally biological in source and mode of operation, then it is that we find a sudden intrigue and attraction at work within ourselves, vitalizing influences which literally draw us into an interest.

The layman who is thus attached and sufficiently intrigued will come forward with several curiosities at hand. The simple inquests concern themselves with the nature and operation of Biological Communications. Deeper questions as the operant mode by which such a technology is possible at all. The history of those developmental lines which brought forth the Biological Technology will certainly be required by an inquiring mind. Whether metaphysical or technological, the thorough elucidation of such topic areas will not disappoint such a student.

Therefore our questions begin with the roots and origins of biocommunications technology. What were the circumstances of its appearance in the social setting? What sensitive persons first became aware that a bio-energetic stratum did indeed exist in the world? Who recognized the various conscious and sensual potentials of this bio-stratum. Who learned how to engage this biological energy for the first time? What persons developed the first modalities by which this bio-energetic stratum was actually implemented? What striking developments brought forth the first true biotechnology? What agency drove the human development of biotechnology from its primal metaphysical impressions to its contemporary state of art? The answers to most of these questions will be found in this preliminary summary.



The topic of biocommunications is one which lend necessary perspectives on the stark significance of the “world infrastructure”, a concept largely lost to the scientific mainstream. Biocommunications depends on a space which is connective and living, a tableau of articulate details in which matter is poised in a vast consciousness. It is this articulate tableau, whose awesome complexity removes all hope of quantitative analysis, on which biocommunications technology is absolutely dependent. But the knowledge of this tableau, of this superlative and articulate space does not find merciful treatment in the conventional texts.c

Appreciating the foundations on which biological communications is based demands a summary review of certain archane standards, scientific principles which form the thesaurus of qualitative science. Any examination of the natural world reveals a clarified distinction between forces “vital” and forces “inertial”. It was the earliest consideration of vital force which defined the most ancient scientific themes. The natural and vigorous human predisposition toward examining the world as regards its purely vital expressions formulated a human theme which has forever haunted human consciousness. That study is now referred to as Vital Science. It comprises the experimental exploration of natural reality through a variety of methods which have their ultimate basis in human experience. Vital Science is primarily a qualitative science, and yet implements the very tools of its quantitative opponents to prove the reality of its well-exercised sensitivities.

The futility of quantitative analysis begins with a definition of experiential reality as a collection of inert forces. Mechanistic analysis disdains all obvious conscious contradictions, disintegrating experience into progressively isolated force-vectors, separately itemized field-distributions, and kinematic exchanges. Reducing the natural order into chain-like connections of fields, forces, and momenta, the mechanist satisfies some vague estimation that reality has been analyzed. Such reductive analysis lacks the detail and definition by which natural organization is so thoroughly characterized. But inert forces, regardless of distribution or infinitesimal detail, can never synergize to produce the meaningful aggregates of which Nature is so obviously composed. Those sweeping macro-organizations, so evidently preeminent throughout Nature, speak of a much deeper and more permeating reality. It is a comprehension of world-wholeness, which demands far more than an examination of miniscule mechanisms and inert infinitesimals.

Mechanistic science has forged a veritable prison-house for the minds who secretly doubt the validity of their own profession. But the knowledge derived from the excessive analytic exercise does not bring them closer to a true comprehension of the natural world. The most honest scientific minds fearfully confess a single truism in the dark. Unless there are those whose arrogance and pride prevents such confessions, there is a single truth which best tell the fate of quantitative scientific method. It is found in a singular recognition, one which demands its due testimony. Plainly stated, the manner in which the most disunited and dissimilar components of Nature find unification utterly defies quantitative method. It is no great and trying effort for us to to therefore leap over simplistic force analysis, that on which contemporary science has so long forged its humiliating path, in order to recognize the existence of a far more august and comprehensive world-thesis.



In the terms of orthodox physics, space is viewed simply as the “absence of matter”. This pitiful tautology revealed the fundamental inconsistency in the erudite scientific approach. Born of fundamental unwillingness to probe the deeper and more wonderful qualities of the world, such science perfected only by a highly specialized philosophy; one in which human experience was completely shunned in favor of a synthetic and unnatural objectivity.

The superficial aspect of the world on which this science became completely focused and absorbed appears to be the least important of all natural considerations one could possibly choose to study. Not permitting a purely experiential exploration of space and matter, the conventional worldview is one in which the consciousness of space is far worse that rejected. It is utterly derided. Nevertheless, the conscious and sensual exploration of space and matter revealed to certain sensitive empirical researchers the existence of a remarkable and variegated topography: whose flow-lines, vectors, tides, and sharp discontinuities absolutely contradicted all previous assumptions concerning consciousness.

This discontinuity of consciousness through personal examinations of various spaces reveals the commanding presence of an insensate “eidetic topography”, which determines the quality and intensity of our consciousness and sensual experience in any location. These notions may come as a complete shock to those who have been taught to imagine themselves the sole source and origin of their thoughts and sensual experience. One is gradually encouraged to recognize the external sources of experience and, being initiated in the same, realize the treasury of the ancients.

A deeper sense and consciousness rule the very possibility of each of the biological technologies, and plays an especially dominant role in the design of biological detectors and biocommunications systems. Biological Communications should be, more properly termed “bioconscious communications”, because it is the transfer of signals in a domain of energy which engages the conscious infrastructure of the world. Such is a form of communications represents the most fundamental and irrepressible continuum for the establishment of real communion among organisms.

The discovery and employment of inert forces have provided the limited kinds of signal exchanges which we now call “communications”. Because of its reliance on the conscious foundations of space and matter, biological communication offer us the real possibility that a new and more intimate degree of conversation may become possible: a literal exchange of impression and idea …. of conscious impression and inflection. But these sensibilities were also anciently appreciated, from which  ancestry we derive our fundamental theoretical models and views.

Despite all arguments to the contrary, the ancient view of natural world process, as wholly composed of meaningful and conscious attributes, remains a far more profound and promising thematic approach than any of the quantitative models can offer. It offers us increasing understanding that these potentials in Biological Communications may be expected as fact. The exercise of remote viewing is a small and underdeveloped example of this potential. The most ancient explorations of the natural world provided mystifying contrasts, against which the concept of conscious continuity in space was proven inaccurate. Personal experience in a large and supportive consortium of sensitives established the fund of archane knowledge in this regard. The awareness that different land are endowed with different sensual topographies is best related to us in the music, art, and emotional tones of each geographic province encountered in the world today. But such qualitative evaluations of space, consciousness, and emotional tone by personal assessment were gradually rejected among those who were literally insensitive to the process.

Real species distinctions provoked long-lived animosities among sensitives and insensitives. Those who show ability in the sensitivity to spatial distributions of imaginal and emotional quality refer to their “intuitive vision”, their “innermost sight”. Such persons have been derided by those whose insensitivity to such space qualities compels them to rely on the five senses and on the intellect alone.

The division between these two parallel human species is a division of sensitivities. The resultant schism in the world of science is therefore the result of differing abilities. Each group in fact developed their own fund of knowledge, and a subsequently distinct worldview. The sensitives continue to develop the science of vitalism, that which discriminates the presence of a distinct and mysterious biological energy throughout the world. The insensitives cling to their inert forces and develop an inert worldview.



Whether examined by those who are sensitive or those who are insensitive, the world is one world. It is therefore possessed of attributes which differ in depth of perception. Those who perceive deeper in that world are also more acutely aware of energetic incursions and patternate fluctuations which direct and regulate those superficial effects which appear to the crude five senses. There are indeed those eidetic infrastructure not discerned by either the five senses or by intellectual applications. We thus repeatedly discover that the intuitive personality, the sensitive personality, is endowed with more defined ability in discerning a deeper world reality. Such persons rely more or less completely on their intuitions for the sensual evaluation of space and matter, and are also thus empowered to map those space infrastructures which completely govern the inert features of the world.

Ancient natural sensitives understood very clearly that an infrastructure of consciousness and sensation literally flooded all of the natural environment, and that is was this infrastructure which determined all of reality. The attempt to utilize this bioconscious infrastructure for purposes of communication … was engaged of old. Evidence for these eidetic technologies are amply supplied among the ancient ruins of a wide variety of cultures the world over. The species of sensitives is not limited to one race or creed. It is a parallel development and is exercised in those whose neurology lends complete support to the deeper sensitivity.

Ancient science considered the deepest foundation of the world to be one in which consciousness held the preeminence. There were those sensitives whose deepest experiences taught them that consciousness and sensation were both literally generated and derived from a deeper foundation. Their science was thus possessed of truly mystical roots, and did not deride the deepest explorations of their most sensitive members … regardless of where those exploration guided them. Indeed, dream and reality were taken to be but differing degrees, or stratifications, in the deep conscious space.

Space was understood to be a limitless domain, a conscious sea, where there were no limits to human potential of experience. The arduous ancient dissertations (called “philosophies” by the insensitives) describe the sensitive exploration of conscious space, a map of eidetic topography. The ancient mode provides adequate definition of the most obscure and difficult to explain attributes in the natural world. There is, for example, no mechanistic means by which to explain the permeating presence of biological “macro-organizations”, those sudden ordinations which sweep through the natural environment and bring about synergistic co-operations among hosts of disparate natural components.

The repetitive and apparently self-organizing movements across the face of the natural world orchestrates and harmonizes even the most antagonistic components of Nature.

The true miracle of such synergizing influences prove, at least to the sensitives, that the world is so very much more than a mere collection of inert and autonomous “forces”. Indeed, these inert forces are (by both definition and experimental evaluation) not possessed of self-organizing attributes. From what domain then do these periodic, though atempic co-ordinations actually emerge? Of late, chaos theory has been formulated to prove that inert forces do “self-organize”, but this determination is another philosophical faux-pas, yet another instance in which empirical discovery has preceded theoretical modeling. But the synergistic macro-organizations which we seasonally observe find no explanation in the clock-regular features of Nature. They reveal a meaningful dialogue between disparate portions of the natural environment, a manifestation which seems to be a regular feature of the world in its largest aspect. It is in this larger perspective that all consideration of “inert force connectivity” or “autonomic organizations” must forever be abandoned. Indeed, examined from among the sad collections of their few crude attributes, the inert forces stand as paupers awaiting their patrons.



The awareness of a fundamental world-infrastructure provided humankind with new conceptions and concomitant new technological means. The direct modification of consciousness and of sensation was explored by several cultures. Ancient sciences approached the learning process and human communications from the new perspectives, and scientific progress in the enhancement of these two areas proceeded with the decisive empirical discoveries. That knowledge now deemed “old” and “archane” was derived through empirical means, through the experience of those sensitive enough to recognize the materials and geometries which gendered changes in perception.

The sensitive exploration of the world is a qualitative method which was recognized, employed, and perfected in ancient time. Where experience of the natural environment alone provided the more valuable scientific enlightenment, we find a remarkable legacy of technology which was founded on an awareness of the bioconscious infrastructure of the world. There is no other means by which to comprehend the huge and magnificent stone monuments left for us by our ancient natural sensitives strove to comprehend the ways of consciousness and sensation, particularly in the ways in which these were both expressions of a world-fundamental energy. The Vital Energy. 

While the insensitives yet deride these wonderful ancient writings as crude “pres-scientific exercises”, we embrace them as monuments in the qualitative perspective. But the ancient transcripts then form the basis for our modern pursuit of biological communications technology, for it was the ancients who showed us that space was a suffusion of energetic connections. Their wonderfully precise sensitivities, in a strictly metaphysical exploration of space and matter, anciently established the fundamental principles on which all of our research has been based. To them we owe a debt of extreme gratitude. If not for their excessive discourse, the many volumes of descriptive texts which we have inherited from the devotions, our world would never now of the historical corroborations pointing us toward Bioconscious Technology.


Concerning the sensual and conscious potentials of space and matter, I am sure that (were it possible), the academic convention would police the suppression of every such thesis. Nevertheless, the sensitivity of many millions yet holds sway in this domain. The development of the technology which engages the bioenergetic stratum requires willing sensitives and capable hands. The first step is always awareness. To sense, perceive, and know that space is suffused with a supernal consciousness is the first step. To shape matter and space in the workshop thereafter, are exciting conclusions to the primary sensitivity by which these potentials are assuaged.

To know the deeper world, to know the eidetic topography, and the manner in which the conscious energy responds to matter and space is to be best prepared for the design of a new technology. Ancient sensitives amassed an enormous body of knowledge in this vein, by which it was possible for them to probe the most fundamental discernible world qualities, and exploration demanding a qualitative method. Sensitives of both the ancient world and the Renaissance literally described their locales with refined eidetic vision. Several such persons mapped the veins of biological currents which were perceived flowing in the subterranean domain (Kircher). The reflections of these writers on the contours of space relative to sensation and consciousness in their locales may be completely comprehended in this view.

Empirical explorations of the world used consciousness and sensation as probing tools. All aspects of the world were thoroughly explored with a view toward learning how different kinds of matter and geometrically disposed spaces would literally modify, magnify, or hinder consciousness. The science of Geomancy was derived from an awareness of the manner in which perception was literally altered and modified. The various expressions of rock, water, wind, and plant offered continual evidence continual evidence to the flowing conscious lines which permeated the natural environment. Knowing this, that consciousness and sensation were personally derived from the external supply, formulated the early noumenous arts of art and architecture.

Having observed the manner in which natural formations modified consciousness, sensation, and conscious process, humankind sought the means by which beneficial changes might be directly engaged. The architectural arts sought the creation of artificial mind-amplifiers, specifically to stimulate ethno-cultural improvements on behalf of their parent societies; an outgrowth of knowledge gained through the study of Plato. Art, Architecture, and Alchemy … these three formed the first technological regime by which humankind engaged the deliberate modification of consciousness on earth.

Please understand that the development of Biological Communications Technology is an exploration of the very same prospects. Art produced fixed forms of matter whose functions serve to fix a conscious and emotional state in matter. This fixation provided a culture with the means by which sentiment and sense could be references among different members. By combining the work of artists with geomantic principles, architecture provided a culture with a larger kind of artform. Architecture provided a means by which a culture could be transformed by exposure.


The development of alchemy was a specialized study which sought to learn the behavior of matter when placed under certain artificial “treatments”. How such treatments modified perceptions and awareness comprised the alchemical secrets. Designing chemical configurations was an exercise in miniature by which local consciousness could regulated as demanded. Combined with the geomantic knowledge, alchemical operations could be formidable. The concept that chemical manipulations (alchemical operations) could influence thought at a distance provided a new approach to the acquisition of knowledge provided a new approach to the acquisition of knowledge concerning the behavior and use of the bioconscious infrastructure.

Art, architecture, and alchemy were the crude and untunable predecessors to Radionic Technology, the art by which bioconscious energy is tuned and Biological Communication is best improved. We thus notice the conscious states derived among cultures which employed these mind technologies for elevating social ends. Cultures are deemed “high” or “developed” when their mind-states evidence modification into elevated consciousness by the deliberate applications of these technologies. Cultures are deemed “underdeveloped” and “low” when their technologies fail to address the primary importance of consciousness elevation through technology.



 The revelation of such ancient, medieval, and Renaissance developments in each of the three time-honored arts prompted some to begin in systematic collation of empirically derived facts. Those facts which could lead to a directed application of artistic, architectural, and alchemical knowledge, was viewed as the means by which new and superlative conscious technologies could be acquired. You see, it must be appreciated that such technologies provided for the strength and survival of the culture in which they merged in a great number of ways. Megalithic technologies opened a world of awareness to those cultures which engaged the urge to establish the standing stones. Cultures who could not suspect the full potential of such technologies became rulers of their regions.


By expanding awareness and opening new potentials in human consciousness, megalithic technologies served to raise the cultural standard for a few. Among these cultures, megalithic technology became the much valued and refined science. Bioconscious expansion provided the deeper worldview, with subsequent impact on the quality of scientific knowledge obtained. How thoroughly curious that the worldview of megalithic oriented cultures always seems to be “mythic” to our modern mechanistic aesthetic!

Realize of course that these simple megalithic technologies were primitive biocommunicators. The mere human response to the vital emanations near the megaliths was a simple communications system. The energy surged, and all the sensitives turned to receive it. Here is communications on much more than a personal, individual level. Here was energy which unified those cultures engaged in megalithic deployments. Bioconscious energy became the central force of such cultures, not fire. Indeed, megalithic cultures learned how to obtain utilities from the megalithic source themselves. They later learned how to modify the rudimentary rock pillars in order to perform a wide range of vitalistic operations. It was through the expansion of their minds, a benefit derived directly from the earth energy, that cultures grew beyond their savage roots. In this we glimpse a small promise in response to the desperation of our times. Where savage elements seem now to overwhelm the civilization which we have inherited, we glimpse a hope requiring diligent effort and unified labor.

Tribes ceased being nomadic. They formed settlements around their sacred sites. It was through the aegis of bioconscious technology that tribes became cultures, cultures became societies, and societies became civilizations. Bioconscious Technology provided the wisdom by which cultures predetermined their yearly plans for survival. Such peoples knew what to expect with the seasons. Through their megalithic technology, cultures literally softened the more savage aspects of weather patterns. Bioconscious energy provided the vital stimulations by which crops were rapidly grown and proliferated.

In addition, there were those cultures which developed incredible eidetic transaction devices, by which it was also reported possible to exchange knowledge. There are tribes on earth who yet maintain their use of such eidetic communications systems, the aboriginal people of Australia being one such group. In them is preserved the knowledge of “tsuringa stones”, large megaliths whose surfaces are covered by spiral patterns. It is not uncommon for tribal members to gaze into these megaliths whose surfaces are covered by spiral patterns. It is not uncommon for tribal members to gaze into these megaliths for minutes at a time, to suddenly announce that some relative is travelling to meet with them. While these aboriginal people do not show signs of extensive knowledge concerning the history and development of megaliths themselves, they have preserved the technique whereby the system is used. These remote viewing exercises are nothing less than Bioconscious Communications Operations in an elementary form.

Designed to magnify conscious experience, the historical precedent was initiated with megaliths. Through the centuries, the use of large stones was refined in the design and establishment of Gothic Cathedrals. The need to obtain ever more compact and portable devices for the production of special bioconscious applications eventually bought sensitives to develop the fundamental components of our Radionic Science. The path of these developments leads through those panregional engineering systems of telegraphy, telephony, and wireless, topics which I have discussed elsewhere. It was the subsequent application of such components and technological methods by which the advanced developments of Dr. L. Geoge Lawrence became possible.




Early examples of biological detection and elementary biocommunications technologies are clearly elucidated by a great diversity of scientific writers whose works, though rarely comprehended in this vein by the most astute scholars, give surprising evidence of the same. Biological Communications Systems became most thoroughly refined in the Nineteenth Century, when certain components and combinations of technologies gave special empirical evidence of influence over human consciousness. Conscious potentials of telegraphers, and telephone engineers became anecdotal. The arrival of large wireless assemblies, particularly those systems which relied entirely on grounded components, gave renewed evidence that the otherwise inert technology had capacity to effect expansions of the mind.

An enormous history of developments in these directions began with simple sensitivities, and gre into profound expositions. It is of pivotal importance to recognize that singular theme of empirical exploration which runs through each of the monumental discoveries which can be named. A grand series of experimenters developed components which remain profoundly fundamental to the development of more refined Biodetection and Biocommunications Technologies. Certainly, we can only name some of the more eminent personalities which contributed to the modern science of Biocommunication.

Luigi Galvani (1780) discovered muscular responses to distant electrical and biological disruptions. A. Meucci (1845) discovered physiophonic detection through monoploar wires. Baron Karl von Reichenbach (1850) found that highly shielded neurosensitives responded in deleterious manner to the presence of light from the moon, sun, planets, and stars. W. Crookes (1877) observed strange ectoplasmic extrusions in high vacuum discharges. N Stubblefield (1885) found it possible to receive strange telephonic sounds from the ground, an ability facilitated through the use of his special earth batteries.

Nikola Tesla (1893) detected biological presence through the rotating aether brushes in his carbon button lamps. He also proved it possible to detect biological activity in special powdered selenium coherers. Popov (1895) discovered the response of grounded aerials in the detection of bioelectric disturbances. G.S. White (1882) found that bioradiations effected autonomic contractions in the iris. A. Abrams (1898) corroborated this finding in his discovery of abdominal contractions in bioradiant fields. Dr. Abrams also was first to develop real wireless biocommunications systems which effectively transferred biomuscular signals.

W. Kilner (1895) revealed the reality of the human aura, the detection of which was effected through special dye screens. He observed the severe response of human auric energies to geoelectrostatic and geomagnetic influences. Together with his dye screens and the georegional observations, Kilner inadvertently managed a demonstration of biocommunications on a vast scale. G. Le Bon (1900) later found it possible to produce photographs of outdoor scenes directly through walls, scientific proof of the biological energy stratum which flows throughout the natural world.

J.C. Bose (1902) demonstrated the extreme sensitivity of plants, minerals, and metals to distant biostimuli. He developed special detectors of electrostatic signals, claiming that the response of plant cell to such inertial energies was entirely distinct and unusual. Despite their placement in Faraday cages, the spark discharges managed to stimulate strong and typical biological response in distant plant detectors. G. Squier (1919) corroborated these findings in an unusual corollary. He employed trees and shrubs as aerial biodetectors, obtaining remarkably distant signals of great strength without static.

Tommassina (1908) developed fine carbon powder coherers and developed radio receivers of anomalous great strength. He observed the curious formation of dendritic “chains” when the lampblack powder was receiving radio signals. L. Theremin (1918) showed the response of sensitively balanced high frequency circuits to biological capacitance. T.H. Moray (1932) developed a strange listening device which effectively “scanned” through the ground, and could detect the vocal utterances of human subjects. S. Kirlian (1933) utilized high voltage impulses to stimulate, expand, and photograph the human aura.

W. Coblentz (1920) discovered that sensitive molybdenite crystals could respond to biological sources. F. McCullough (1923) developed special yard-long electron tubes for military application, which could detect distant radio and biological sources. R. Drown (1930) revealed the means by which distant stimuli could effect visual modifications in the auric anatomy (radioauric photography). T.T. Brown (1929) discovered a mysterious penetrating radiation which varied with lunar cycles and was capable of stimulating responses in a large carbon resistor. An ancillary discovery proved the possibility of detecting similar signal regimes in capacitors and crystalline minerals.

Alexander Gurwitsch (1929) found that the light of germinating seeds could stimulate germination in distant dormant seeds. The infamous O. Rahne corroborated these findings in 1936. Lily Kolisko (1922) verified the reality of celestial influence on chemical crystallizations. J.C. Maby and T.B. Franklin (1939) experimented with special electrometers and ionization tubes with an aim toward the military detection of distant biological disturbances. W. Reich (1954) developed motors which responded to the mere presence of bioorganismic energy.

Each of these experiments lauded the empirical methods. Following their innermost leadings, despite all scientific bias to the contrary, they made superlative discoveries in what may be now referred to as biotechnology. Indeed, it was not possible for most of them to realize their discoveries without some special, virtually “prior” sensitivity to the biological stratum in which we lice. The sensitives therefore have never disappeared from the society which has been led to esteem the principles of inertial force and its dying companion, thermodynamics.

Biological Technology, of which Biocommunications Technology is a significant application, holds the promise of a life-enhancing modality. Each of these biologically based technologies are embodiments in which user vitality is literally amplified with proximity to the apparatus. Bioapparatus have proven effectiveness as elevators of mind and mood (Tesla, Moray, Reich). Biotechnology is an expression of the metaphysical foundation in which we live and move and have our being. The generative and bio-supportive agency which it best represents provokes overwhelming improvement upon the natural environment.



The development of Biological Technology has never waned. Perhaps oniy in the urgency which calls its applications forth have there been momentary lapses. The strong resurgence of Victorian interest in developing an “auric” meter was stimulated by those who studied paranormal phenomena. In each of these we see a methodic movement toward the development of bioindicators or biodetectors, where the mere presence of bioorganisms is sufficient to trigger a switch response in an apparatus.

How curious that the true identity of the biological energy was not clearly enunciated by the early Victorian researchers. It seemed that their minds were somehow conditioned and literally blocked from enunciating that energy as distinct from all the inertial forces! Therefore we find a scientific trend of “apologia” by which the discoverers of vital energy attempted the use of academic terminology. Vital energy was never succinctly spoken until the mind-Nineteenth Century. One finds such terms as “magnetic-rays”, “electric-rays”, and the like.

The age-old auric pendulum was studied scientifically by several serious researchers, who also found that pendulum movement did not require free hand vibrations for the appearance of the response (Briche, 1838). It is very interesting to note in this avenue that Sir William Crookes (in 1870) designed a special sensitive strip chart recorder specifically for the measurement of “psychic energy”. The device utilized a very delicate lever arm, to which was solidly connected a foil capacitance. The subject would hold his or her hand over this capacitance and watch the needle flutter. Sir William obtained a very extensive series of such strip charts, where his “psychic” (biological) energy had effected strong markings.

Rutters (1851) developed a biodetector which he called the “magnetoscope”. This device initiated the design of enclosed pendulums and free-rotating needles. The enclosures were usually thick belljars with external terminals. Glass enclosed biorotors were developed by Leger (1852), Thore (1887), Lafontaine (1889), Boirac (1890), Baraduc (1893), Geoffriault (1901), Tromelin (1908), Archat (1908), Fayol (1913), and a great host of many others. A new and more compact approach to this technology was initiated by Joire (1904), whose “sthenometer” was both compact and portable.

In each of these, we perceive the schema of a rudimentary signaling device. It would not require much more advancement in thought for systems such as these (though mechanical in nature) to become true Bioresponders. Perhaps the most significant developments of the Twentieth Century dealt with correlations between energetic realms, by which it was possible for some to show that biological signals could indeed influence a wide variety of common laboratory diagnostic tools. To this end, early experiments with high frequency transformers produced the electronic instrument which has since become synonymous with its inventor: the Theremin.



In the Theremin instrument, two high frequency coils are held in both close physical proximity and oscillating relationship. The mere presence of any biological capacity is sufficient to evoke an audible tone from the device. This very obvious bioindicator was brushed away by conventionalists, who convinced their listeners that simple electrostatic capacity was the reason for the circuit response. How intriguing that Theremin could not produce the same quality of tones when metallic object were brought near his unit on long insulating poles. The Theremin device is an electrostatic biodetector “par excellence”. It employs the projection of an electrostatic component, and sweeps a given volume of space. The device remains “silent” until it locates an organism. Then it springs forth in its audible signal. The device suggests other applications.

What is also not generally known is the later work into which L. Theremin was conscripted by the Stalin Government, where his musical instrument became a biodetector for “military purposes” which, in his last interviews, he was loathe to mention. But the method of Theremin stimulated a tremendous experimental movement throughout the world. It was clearly evident that biological energy could modulate a great variety of inert energies. The construction of a modulator which used electrostatic, magnetic, electroconductive, or radiant energies as the carriers would be qualitative science with a new regime of instruments by which to measure bioenergy.

The use of fluidic sensors to reveal the energetic attributes of bioenergy was again investigated in modern times by M. Ash. His initial simple experiments used a pool of mercury to detect the cyclic rotations which a human hand stimulated in the fluid. Held over the mercury, and observing the reflections of sunlight from off the mercury surface, Ash detected several kinds of undulation from the human body. He then proceeded to study a possibility that auric energy could interact directly with sound. Ash and H.V. Rogers constructed a special loop detector whose output was directed through an audio amplifier. With this simple detector, they were able to determine the existence of “successive auric shells” all around test subjects. This work corroborated the detection methods of G. Richards (1929), who through a special kind of capacitance detector, first described these auric haloes in great detail.

Ash and Rogers then performed a series of experiments in which soundwaves were made to directly impact the human aura. The use of a microphone as the detector successfully isolated special “nodal points” all around human subjects in the frequency realm of 30 to 85 Kilocycles. Thereafter, Ash and Rogers explored the possibility that auric energy could be made to interact directly with radio energy, to this end having constructed a special quartz crystal receiver. The device was amplified through a shortwave radio, and successfully indentified a host of bioenergetic attributes (impulses) proceedings from each of their test individual. The design was perfected through the use of more sensitive galena crystal, and constituted perhaps the first long-range biodetector.


J. Cecil Maby, together with T.B. Franklin, performed experiments in which bioenergy was caused to produce reactivities in large and highly sensitive sealed electrometers. They were able to use their system to detect the development of weather fronts long before such patterns appeared. In addition, they also explored the interaction of bioenergy with sensitive ionization chambers (Geiger-Muller Tubes), and obtained evidence that such interactions could outperform their electrometers. To the necessary military end of their day (1934, England) such systems were used in the early detection and warning of enemy aircraft. Though their experimental apparatus was overshadowed by the development of RADAR, the Maby-Franklin biodetector remains on of the most astounding developments in the art. We yet find these principle alluring. The pursuit of a pure biological energy detector requires and approach which may not be so new and exotic. The promise of such a development is brilliant.

Several contemporary experimenters have explored the development of new biodetection components with specific application in the medical arts. Most of these are intended for use in bood chemistry applications, and do not hold the expansive vision of a biotechnological revolution. We look forward to the deployment of biotechnology because, inherent in its implementation, is the necessary worldview which properly explains its operation. Please recall that the antagonistic interpretation of all these startling and succinct biological effects were engaged by the academic consortium with a special vengeance. Understand that the elimination of biological energy from the scientific agenda was urgently sought as a means to usher in a new mechanistic worldview. It was important for the academes to use each biological energy experiment as a proof text for their own mechanistic thesis. The convention thus had as its deliberate intent the complete and methodic elimination of all vitalistic models.

To admit the existence of a biological response at a distance was tantamount to acknowledging the existence of an auric anatomy in organisms and an auric infrastructure in the natural environment. Therefore, the reinterpretation of these numerous cases was treated with rare and incisive tenacity. The pantheon of qualitative science is thus considered to be only a collection of arch offenders against “the method”, pseudoscientists and charlatans. How curious that these names are, for us, the very pillars and colonnades of our scientific thesis!


Now the detection of distant bioorganisms was first demonstrated by independent experimenters through the relatively small spaces of their laboratories. These were actions interpreted by the academes in purely electrical terms. The detection of biological sources was thus taken by the convention to be a simple case of electrical conduction (Galvani, Meucci), electrostatic permeation (Crookes, Tesla, Popov, Squier, Kirlian), or even magnetic field extension (Stubblefield, Theremin) and nothing more. But when special responses to biological energies were found capable of traversing longer distances in the absence of electrical fields, a more “radiant” energy model was then sought. In the case of several experimenters (Reichenbach, Le Bon, Coblentz, Gurwitsch, Rahne), the spectrographic determination of radiant components was actually taken as conclusive proof that biological energy did not exist. Discussions on the relative importance of specific infrared and ultraviolet spectra settled the academic fears. Determining the unreality of a distinct biological, or auric energy structure would not come that easily however.

This perfect proof text was not a small bit disturbed by the findings of several persistent experimenters whose discoveries could not find satisfactory explanations in either electrostatic, magnetic, radioelectric, or radiant spectrum models. Few of the detractors were able in fact to accurately determine the anomalous energies clearly demonstrated by White, Bose, Abrams, Hieronymous, Drown, Kolisko, Reich, and a a great host of others. Now predisposed to eliminate the doctrine of vitalism, many were convinced that auric energy and the vitalistic “world-soul” had been forever laid to rest. Yet a new regime of long-distance biological detection methods (Maby and Franklin, McCullough, Moray, Brown) proved too difficult for the prior simple explanations. Many therefore considered these to be complex dielectric of radio-field responses along the surface of the earth. Massey (1902) thus proposed that all such activities were the result of disturbances in the geomagnetic field.


FIG. 1

 Caption – Tape record, new “radio-electrometer” )Maby), showing pulsatory disturbances of general radionic field by a sudden overcasting of the (already lightly clouded) sky during a period of four minutes, following “quiet” and settled conditions. 10 secs. Time intervals shown below tracing.

Note irregular pulses of energy (mainly “positively” polarised : – upward tracing, corresponding to clockwise deflections of radiometer of dowsing pendulum) of a mean frequency 3-4 per minute, with the straight line tracing before and after the disturbance. Two superimposed artificial impulses at xx-xx.

Similar irregular pulses are caused by moving storm clouds, massed road transport (at short range) & c ; frequency and wave form, if repetitive, depending on dimensions, relative velocity and spatial separation of the moving objects, which need not be metallic or electrified.

At such times of widespread (e.g., meteorological) or strong local disturbances, that is difficult or even impossible to screen off or damp put, dowsing and other radionics readings get confused. “Quiet,” undisturbed periods are, therefore essential to accurate work and clear records of special local effects of the types shown in figures 2-7, as explained in main text.






Electromagnetic tracing (as above), showing irregular response caused by switching on a weak Hertzian signal generator (“condenser” field between two plates electrode 6 cms. On either side of rotor of electrometer), oscillating at 30 Mcs., when the general and local field was all quiet and no deflections occurring. 10 secs, time intervals shown below tracing.

Note that oscillator was switched on (with signal) at first arrow near left end of tape, that signal was switched off at the second arrow, and the whole    oscillator switched off at third arrow near right end of tape, after which the radionic disturbance faded out completely again.

About two main pulses or “beats” per minute result, with initial response commencing instantly, but not reaching peak strength for about 5 secs., owing to an electro-mechanical time-lag, corresponding to the physiological time-lags in dowsing, etc.

All such electrometric responses appear to depend on some sort of beat between two or more “radionic” signals, whether artificial of natural in origin: in this case, an artificial Hertzian signal pitted against generalised “background” radiation of cosmic or perhaps, ionospheric origin of some 10m. wavelength – which appears to be the main source of energisation in field dowsing. And the instrument will give similar responses at various selected frequencies against the main broadcast (e.g., B.B.C.) signals when reception is good, using a laboratory signal generator to create the “beat” or heterodyne effects in question. Physiological responses by the “radio electrometer  also appear to depend on this fact.



Certainly the development of biotransducers and bioresponsive switches has been the primary goal of those whose quest in the workshop. E. Dollard (1987) found it possible to detect biological signals through specially preconditioned Farnsworth multipactor tubes. M. Bradford (1988) employed special carbon based neural “controller” circuits which were capable of converting auric emanations into measurable electrostatic signals. M. Theroux (1997) developed sensitive organic biodetectors which employed special dielectric materials.

In studying elemental, mineral, and organic matter we find a surprising variety of responses to biological signals. Each material evidence succinct brevity and intensity of response to minute biological fluctuations, a fascinating study. The experimenter finds himself walking in exploration which almost certainly produce successful results. Such researches have included the detection of biodynamic ground currents via electrochemical emulsions. Phototubes, carbon-enriched suspensions, and carbon-enriched saturations in coarse cloth have all been applied to a s successful detection of biological emanations from the ground, from plants, and from persons.

It is possible to correlate gamma ray fluxes with biodynamic currents. In addition, one finds that certain frequencies of radio static may be absolutely correlated with biological disturbances, the short-wave receiver being used as a primitive frequency selective voltmeter. Regional bioenergy disturbances were measured, having tremendous utility in the prediction of weather pattern development long before its appearance. Visual rays were also found to evoke sharp and measurable responses in protein cultures.

All of these component have revealed an “instrumental response” to the biological presence: a profound and revolutionary fact.



The true apprehension of understanding, both metaphysical and empirical, hold inestimable consequences in the modern world, especially for those who are sensitive enough grasp their significance. The ancient science which studied the conscious and sensual nature of the world at large left a legacy of mystery technologies. These have been transmogrified and permuted through time into several expressions. Radionic Science is perhaps the single most potent expression of the ancient mystery technology. The understanding then, that there is a bio-conscious infrastructure in the world, that it controls life process, and that human progress is absolutely and directly dependent on its ordinations, is the first step toward appreciating the motives and methods of BIOCOMMNICATION ARTS.

The development of biosensors best answers those mechanists who deride personal experience as “inadequate”. Yet the implementation of biosensors we have studied and developed remain impervious. The work is perhaps best exemplified in the enormous legacy of Dr. Lucas George Lawrence, who began with inertial methods, and ended with bioenergetic technology. The steps in his researches have been best described in his own words. It is intriguing that a NASA engineer would empirically settle on the use of living cellular material to receive signals of military significance.

How curious that this once mainstream engineer, imminently equipped to check his own qualitative inclinations, eventually preferred the biodetection systems. These systems, which he found superior in all aspects, were turned to the detection of a range of natural energetic emanations, not the lest of which was his revolutionary detection of interstellar signals. The clearly demonstrated response of these biodetection systems to auric stimuli, presents the mechanistic analysts with a true conundrum.

Methods developed and perfected by Dr. L.G. Lawrence operate in a medium, a space which shares nothing in common with electromagnetic energies. The history of this incredible technology begins with the classic thesis of Dr. Jagadis C. Bose, whose discovery of plant sensitivities produce a storm of controversy to the orthodox science of his day.

Having found that plants respond to changes in both emotion and consciousness, Dr. Bose demonstrated the use of plants as sensors. Stimulated by conscious modifications alone, plants exhibit remarkably sensitive responses despite placement within various kinds of Faraday Cages. These facts were rediscovered and corroborated by Cleve Backster.

Biodynamic behaviors surmount the limitations of electromagnetic or electrostatic energy in significant ways. Plant responses evidence a conscious aspect. Electromagnetic energies do not evidence growth characteristics are evidenced when plant sensors identify specific individuals in their surroundings. Response to the presence of certain individuals seems to increase, exhibiting response at further distances from the sensing plant. Such identifications are never part of the electronic sensor repertoire, their limited response so evidently an inherent attribute of their driving energies. Plant sensitivities are capable of being transacted across distances too vast to comprehend. By the use of simple plant cell cultures as sensors, Dr. Lawrence managed the reception of interstellar biological signal is 1971.



It is Johann von Goethe who faithfully transmits to us the heart of a forgotten scientific thesis, the method by which communion with natural reality may be again restored. That one must examine Nature as a participant, honestly recognizing the noumenous presence which so thoroughly infuses the world, remains the primary approach of the qualitative experimenter. To recognize in Nature those sweeping and insensate influences which produce all outward corporal organizations is the first lesson.

Goethe teaches us that the honest acceptance of these sensitive impressions, those which modern science strives to obliterate, alone comprises the true and deep science. He says that only in the sensitive examination of Nature is the world best understood. Children comprehend that the natural world is a world best engaged through experience, empirical experience providing us with the best and most valuable kind of scientific knowledge. How is it that each of us ave drifted so very far from thee elementary experiences? Is it not for the world which childhood recalls that we are so desperate?

In sensation and consciousness, in experience, a means has been provided us of achieving far deeper access to the world foundation than is every appreciated by the quantitative sciences. It is through personal experience of the natural world that we gain the deepest comprehension, communing with the more meaningful aspect of Nature. The fact that there is meaning in the natural world teaches us that the world is built up of metaphysical structures and not mere matter. This lost ancient truth is being rediscovered in countless institutes of learning, as the revolutionary concept of a vital world is again seriously being explored.

These two viewpoints have produced two study areas, and these two distinct regimes of study have produced two separate sciences which are (respectively termed) “quantitative” and “qualitative” sciences. The ancient awareness concerning inertial forces (magnetism, gravitation, electrostatics) was not as highly distinguished or as prized as modernists would imagine. This awareness of inert forces was paled by an awareness of the overwhelming life process so evident in Nature.

In its most fundamental manner of examination, matter becomes the reflective medium for human consciousness. It is an ancient perspective, a literal “return to one’s senses”, whose methods and valuable fruits magnify empirical knowledge. The direct engagement of the natural world requires only our most fundamental human application. That application is our consciousness, our naked unaided consciousness. Matter responds to our conscious examinations in ways which are completely “biological”.

We recognize also that consciousness forms the most fundamental world stratum, a flow whose boundaries are unrestricted, and composed of levels and stages without limit. In this we also realize our own potential, and how awareness is but a vessel to be filled with external consciousness. It represents the forgotten science, whose fundamental yields are experiential and personal … subjective and whole. Here then is the fundamental importance of this technology, the reason why it cannot be simply ignored.





Abrams, Albert

Electronics Reactions of Abrams, International Clinics Volume 1, 27th  Series 1917, Borderlands Science Research Foundation Reprint.

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Coblentz, W.W.

“Physical Review”, 29, 365 (A), 1927

The Black Light Radio”, S.R. Winters, Popular Mechanics

The Radiophone”, Patent 1.345.586, July 1920

Crookes, Sir William

“Dark Space Around the Cathode”, Lectures of the British Association, 22 August 1879

Farnsworth, Philo T.

“Distant Vision”, Elman Farnsworth, Pemberly Kent Publishers, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1989.

Farnsworth’s Cold-Cathode Electron Multiplier Tube Use Neither Grid Nor Filament”, Radio (Oct. 1932).

New Amplifier Tubes Amazes Group of Radio Engineers”, San Francisco Engineer, (March 5, 1936).

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Farnsworth IATRON Radar Projector Contributes to Air Safety”, Aviation Magazine, 1950.

Electron Image Amplifier”, Patent 2.085.742, July 1937

“Charge Storage Tube”, Patent 2.100.841, November 1937

Multipactor”, Patent 2.135.615, November 1938

“Image Amplifier”, Patent 2.257.942, October 1941.

Image Amplifier”, Patent 2.291.577, July 1942.

Electron Image Amplifier”, Patent 2.292.437, August 1942.

[Farnsworth Patents, with Laboratory Notes are found in VRIL COMPENDIUM V. 10]

Gurwitsch, Alexandre

“Mitogenic Analysis”, Noord-Hollandsch, Amsterdam, 193

“A Theory of the Biological Cellular Field”, Netherlands, 1947.


Hopkins, Albert

The Human Aura”, Scientific American, p.200, Match 1922

Kilner, Walter

“The Human Atmosphere”, Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey, reprint (orig. 1920)

Le Bon, Dr. Gustav

“Evolution of Matter”, Walter Scott Publishing, 1906, Borderlands Science Research Foundation.

McCullough, F.

‘Radiotelegraphy’, (Radiant Location), Patent 1.471.406, October 1923.

Michell, John

“The New View Over Atlantis”, Harper& Row, San Francisco, 1983.

Montandon, Raoul

“Les Radiations Humaine”, Felix-Alcan, Paris, 1927.

Rahne, Otto

“Invisible Radiations”, Verlag von Gebruder, Berlin, 1936.

Tesla, Nikola

“Differences of Ray Species”, “X-Rays From the Sun”, “Biologically Sensitive Streams”, “Grooved Lenard Windows Collimate Rays”, Electrical Reivew p. 207, 22 April 1896.

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Watson, T.T.

“Proceedings of the Scientific and Technical Congress of Radionics and Radiesthesia”, London 1950, Borderland Sciences Reprint. (All references to mechanical biodetectors).

This article was sourced from “BIOLOGICAL COMMUNICATIONS – Selected Articles, Experiments, and Patent Designs” from Borderland Sciences Research Foundation.

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