A Primer on Transmutation

by Chester A. Hatstat, Jr

From the last volume of Fulcrum Magazine
Volume 6 No 3 December 1998

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This primer is a brief review of the transmutation principles set forth by Waiter Russell. The Russell Cosmogony is a unified practicum of the laws of cosmic creation. The laws of science are now effused with a Creator. Spirituality, philosophy, science and religion can be understood in light of Cause and the primary relationship between God and God’s Creation. In this primer I have only scratched the surface of the cosmic truths revealed within the Russell Cosmogony. I invite the reader to explore in depth this wonderful and inspiring message of God given to us by Waiter Russell – a message of Oneness and Love, a message vital to our successful evolution into God-conscious beings.

The Russell Cosmogony explains the causal relationships of how God’s balanced thinking sets the One substance of God’s body into motion the physics of the One Idea for Creation expressing into form. From the One comes the two simultaneous generating and regenerating, opposing and interchanging polarities (wave-forces). The interweaving and interchanging of the two positive and negative wave-forces, centered and controlled by the transcendental Stillness (God) give rise to the myriad forms seen in our Universe. This triune sets the One substance of God’s body into conditioned motion resulti.ng in the appearance and disappearance of matter.

Russell once termed the two wave-forces the positive electric force or polarity of generation and the negative electric force or polarity of ·
degeneration. Both wave-forces seek to negate themselves through their interchanging and interweaving to return again to the Stillness from
whence they originated. Russell often used the analogy of a see-saw with its centering fulcrum to describe this triune relationship.


This polarity process is the primal cause of the formation and disintegration of all systems of matter, be they atomic, planetary, solar,
galactic or cosmic. Matter, at any scale, is a geometric, pressure, and electric potential conditioning of the motion of God’s body caused by
God’s thinking and powered by God’s desire to express Love. Each atomic element represents a unique resonant conditioning of motion which makes it appear different from other elements.

What is God’s body? The ether? What is set in motion? How does one label or describe the indescribable? Thankfully we don’t need to know
what is in motion to effect transmutation. Knowledge of the cause of matter/motion gives us the principles to reconfigure its conditioning.

Russell stated that this Universe is created for the transmission and manifestation of thought. God’s thinking causes an apparent polarity
within God’s body. God thinks from low frequency, long wavelength thoughts to high frequency, short wavelength thoughts. God’s thinking
is rhythmic and repetitive. God’s thinking is a cyclic, continuous flow to and from a crest of generative (formative or positive) thought to a
trough of degenerative (dispersive or negative) thought. This is the primal polarity-integration vs. disintegration.

Knowing-Omniscience, the One Reality, the One Idea-is Cause; thinking is effect, polarity, and duality and simulates Reality. Cyclic thinking creates a cyclic Universe, ever borning, ever dying. God’s desire to express God’s One Idea of creation is the only power within our Universe. Creation is manifested by endless thought wave-cycles of expansion/ compression, ying/ yang, involution/ evolution, generation/ degeneration, etc. Our Universe and all its parts are in eternal, continuous and repetitive thought wave-cycles of birthing and
dying. Therefore all of Creation is wave-like, and frequency and resonance are key ingredients to manipulating the geometry and energy states of motion/matter.


Systems of matter are controlled and conditioned by transcendental cubic arrays of planes of Stillness, centering points of Stillness, and wave axis shafts of Stillness. The planar boundaries of the cubes act to reflect and refract the transmission of thought waves. Compressive thought
waves emanating from cubic boundary planes of Stillness interact with expansive thought waves simultaneously emanating from system centers (points of Stillness). Interference patterns from these two spherical wave fronts create convex and concave lenses which act to converge and expand, respectively, motion. Further investigation of the Russell literature will reveal the optical nature of motion and potential. Such knowledge may be important for maximizing transmutation efficiencies but not, I
 think, for initial research.


Motion is induced by the electric potential difference (polarity) between expansive thought waves at system centers vs! compressive thought
waves at system peripheries. Resistance to expansion caused by the compressive wave (and vice-versa) in conjunction with the convex and
concave lenses cause motion to curve in spiral fashion. All motion follows a vortex shaped, curved path centered by a wave-axis shaft of Stillness, and all motion is to and from cubic centers of Stillness and cubic planes of Stillness. Motion’s purpose is to simulate the Balance existing within the One Idea for Creation.


The cube and the sphere embody the geometric equivalent of polar opposite forms within our 3 dimensional universe. Systems of matter
fully expanded (disintegrated) meet at cubic wave field boundaries, and systems of matter fully compressed (integrated) meet at spherical
centers. Thus matter in all its forms and combinations is seeking to form the perfect sphere or perfect cube and
takes on all shapes and
configurations in-between these two primal geometric shapes.



The implosive thought wave-force is maximum at its origin-the system’s cubic wavefield boundary plane of Stillness, while its maximum
effect (solidity) is at the system’s centering point of Stillness. The explosive thought wave-force is maximum at its origin-the system’s
centering point of Stillness, while its maximum effect (tenuity) is at the system’s cubic wavefield boundary plane of Stillness. The generative
wave-force’s convex lenses shape the positive electric potential wavefield of generation, multiplying motion inwardly in tornado fashion along a wave-axis of Stillness at
90° to the originating cubic boundary plane, cathode base. The degenerative wave-force’s concave lenses shape the negative electric potential wavefield of disintegration, simultaneously dividing motion outwardly at 90° to the w.ave-ax1s of Stillness from the cubic center.


The electric potential field created by the interweaving and interchanging of these two opposing wave-forces (centered, controlled and conditioned by the neutral and Still axis, apex center, and basal cubic planes) freezes or contains motion into more or less spherical shapes.
During the system’s birth to maturity to death cycle, the geometry of the containment’s shape or boundary oscillates from a planar disc (inert
gas) to a toroid, to a sphere, to a toroid, and back to a planar disc (inert gas). The generative wave-force acts to close toroid centers creating solid spheres. The degenerative wave-force bores holes from within solid spheres to create toroids.




 This wave-force acts implosively, causing motion wind-up or multiply centripetally from two cathode planes of Stillness towards an anode apex point of Stillness. Vortices of symmetric, mirror image, inwardly directed positive electric potential are created along which low potential motion is multiplied into high potential motion.


The generative wave-force acts from cathode bases as it invisibly and implosively concentrates low potential motion into high potential
motion at anode apices. The inward multiplication of motion occurs maximally along a conic, hyperbolically curved path-a tornado. Imagine
setting two, apex to apex, hyperbolic cones spinning in the same direction and simultaneously tracing a mark on the surface of both cones
from base to apex. The paths traced on the two cone’s surfaces are spiral and mirror images of each other. The imploding motion’s centering
wave-axis (the tornado’s shaft of stillness) manifests as the polar magnetic axis of the system-be it atom, planet, moon, star or galaxy.


Russell’s use of the tornado sketches shows how the apices of the centripetal spirals move towards each other as the system matures. This
direction of movement results in toroid shaped systems forming from disc shaped systems which then develop into spheres as the toroid is
closed. The intersection of the two conical surfaces can be recognized as the center of a “toroid whose surface acts as a containment boundary of electric potential and motion. The direction of apex movement reverses at maturity. The mature sphere is caused to age into a toroid as a hole is bored into the sphere by the interpenetrating centripetal wave-forces.

Matter is a compressed condition of motion, space is its opposite tenuous condition of motion. We cannot see the generative wave-force. What we do see or sense is the radiating or unwinding at system centers of the cumulative effects (high potential motion) of this wave-force. We feel the effects of the generative wave-force as the pull of gravity: the push/pull of a body’s high potential condition seeking the high potential condition of a planet, solar or galactic anode system center created by the centripetal, spirally curved, positive electric potential field of the system’s generative wave-force.


This wave-force acts explosively from system centers causing motion to unwind or divide centrifugally from the apex center of Stillness. Due to the simultaneous compressive wave-force acting from two opposing directions towards the apex, a negative electric potential field is created causing high potential motion to spiral outward from the system’s anode center at 90° to the wave-axis. The degenerative wave-force acts simultaneously with the generative wave-force; whenever one is present, the other is also.

FIG 10

The centrifugal nature of the negative electric potential field caused by the degenerative wave-force creates the mechanical spin of the system. We can see and feel the effects of this force as radiant energy, atoms, planets, planetary rings and moons, stars, solar systems, ring nebulae, star filled galactic spiral arms, and the revolution and rotation of matter. The radiative, discharging electric potential field created by the degenerative wave-force also acts to repulse one atom from another.

The visible, sensed world is the degenerating or exploding half of the whole, continuous and repetitive cycle of creation. The other unseen half of the cycle is the imploding concentration of tenuity into form caused by the generative wave-force. The simultaneous action of both wave forces results in concave and convex electrical potential lenses. These lenses create hyperbolically curved spiral paths (vortices) of electric potential which motion follows.

FIG 11

The two interweaving electric force fields generate, between them, a containment surface of electric potential. Within this containment high
potential motion circulates. Russell used analogies of spinning tops and tires being pumped up to describe the effects of, respectively, the
centrifugal action of the degenerative wave-force and the centripetal action of the generative wave-force. The smoke
ring of ether envisioned
by turn-of-the-century physicists to describe atoms is an apt analogy. The faster these rings churn the heavier and larger they appear.


All motion is evolutionary and repetitive. Anode apices evolve into cathode bases which evolve into anode apices which evolve into cathode…etc. Creation is in a constant state of flux-ever seeking and attaining balance, ever losing it. The opposing wave forces are each in
their turn waxing and waning, each evolving into the other, and each alternately dominant over the other. Thus systems of matter age or
evolve from one resonant state into another as the two polar wave forces exchange intensities and relative dominance. This is the continuous and repetitive cycle of involution/evolution.

This rhythmically balanced interchange (measured and controlled by points, shafts and planes of Stillness) produces progressions of birth to
death to birth cycles within the periodic chart of the elements. Russell’s periodic chart of the elements contains nine cycles or octaves with the inert gases dividing and bounding each octave. Elements age. They age (transmute) through each octave and through the entire nine octaves as a whole. They are born out of and age into the octave boundary inert gases.

We transmute one element into another by affecting the relationships and interactions between the two wave forces. We thereby affect the
resonance of the pressure, electric potential, and geometric conditioning of the motion of the atomic system.

FIG 12


1. Plane angle of rotation:

The angle between the magnetic polar axis (wave-axis of the centripetal, charging wave-force) and the gyroscopic equator of spin (the plane perpendicular to the wave-axis of the centrifugal, discharging wave-force). Calculation of these angles from ratios given in Russell’s Universal One, i.e. 1:2:4:8, yield the following:

FIG 13 ( wave position and plane of angle rotation)

These are ideal angles. Per Russell, the ideal is approximated only in  the fourth octave. Carbon, the fourth octave’s fourth (mid-octave)
position element, is the only fourth position element to exhibit true spherical geometry and a
90° plane angle of rotation. The plane angles of rotation must be experimentally determined for each atom and are expected to be somewhere close to the ones calculated above.

FIG 14

Russell wrote that an element could be tuned up or down at each octave position, thus altering its physical and possibly chemical properties. My take on this idea is that naturally occurring resonant geometries form a bell curve at each octave position. By varying conditions of pressure, heat and electric field, we should be able to shift the bell curve to either side. A cooling or low pressure environment in the transmutation cell will shift the curve towards the lower potential and lighter weight side of the periodic chart. Conversely, a heating or high pressure environment will shift the curve towards the heavier elements. Similarly, a shift in charging or discharging electric potential may affect the atomic system’s resonance point.

2. Octave Preponderance cycle of elements, of one wave-force an element over the other:

Within each emerges (births) out of an inert gas, matures to a mid-octave position element, and ages (dies) into the next octave’s beginning inert gas to begin the birthing/aging cycle anew. The generative wave-force dominates from birth to maturity, while the degenerative wave-force dominates from maturity until death. These opposing wave-forces are equal at the mature mid-octave position. I do not know the ratios of the wave-forces within the octaves at the other positions. Laboratory research will determine these ratios. I expect the first element positions of each different octave to have similar ratios, as will the 2nd, 3rd, etc., however this needs verification. Russell used a difference of tums ratios in the coil magnets of his transmutation device to effect differing ratios of the two wave forces.

An interesting phenomenon occurs at each inert gas. The element which precedes an inert gas in atomic number has a maximum ratio of degenerative to generative wave-force, while the element which immediately follows an inert gas in atomic number has a minimum ratio of degenerative to generative wave-force. I expect the ratio to be 1:1 at the inert gas position just as it is at the mature, mid-octave fourth position. Russell characterizes the inert gases as minimum motion-in-opposition positions and the mid-octave position as maximum motion-in-opposition positions.

3. Intensity of each wave-force:

I think the intensity of both wave-forces increases from octave #1 through octave #9. The intensities increase while the ratios at each octave position remain relatively the same. The higher weight elements have both a greater wave force of compression and a greater wave-force of explosion. The motion within the spheres and toroids is of higher electric potential and, I think, of greater motion-both internally and as a system. Russell uses the analogy of a spinning top, the more energy pumped into the system the faster it goes. Russell noted that radioactivity is due to the explosive wave-force overpowering the compressive wave-force.

4. Difference between rotational velocities of the integrating centripetal spiral vortex and the disintegrating centrifugal spiral:

This relationship difference is purely conjecture on my part. I think different transmuting efficiencies will occur when we spin either or both of the opposing electric fields or the transmutor contents.


1. Waiter Russell performed his only transmutation experiments in 1927 at the Westinghouse Lamp Co. production facilities in Bloomfield,
NJ. Russell heated
5 cc of H20 to 300 °C, placed the specimen within his device, turned on the electromagnetic coils, and allowed the specimen to cool to room temperature with the magnetic coils left on. The only lab report I know to be in the Russell archives states that 17 different results were obtained during the experiments and gives the following analysis of one experiment:

Nitrogen – 69.0%
Oxygen – 14.9%
Hydrogen – 16.0%

Russell writes that he varied the magnetic coil intensities and/or their angular relationships to obtain the different results, and that one other
of the experiments produced
80% hydrogen and 20% helium.

FIG 15

In Russell’s device the central steel plate acts as a reference plane, simulating the planar, centrifugal, discharging field of the degenerating
wave-force. The centripetal, charging field is simulated by the vertical coils. Russell pivoted the vertical coils and varied their wiring turns ratios enabling his research device to effect different octave position plane angles of rotation. Specific octave position resonant states of electric potential/motion/geometry were thereby be created within the chamber.

FIG 16


Dr. Tim Binder – Natureopathic and chiropractic physician was president of the University of Science and Philosophy during this time.

Toby Grotz – Electrical engineer, past president of the U.S. Tesla Society.

Ron Kovac – Analytical chemist (M.S) who owns and operates the spectrographic equipment used to chemically analyze their experiments.

This group, working in Boulder, CO, attempted to reproduce Dr. Russell’s 1927 transmutation of H20. Their 1991 and 1992 experiments
used gas spectrographic analysis to detect the production of fluorine from H20.

FIG 17

The glass plate (reference plane for the centrifugal, discharging effects) and vertical magnet fields working with the angularly aligned magnetic fields (centripetal, charging effects) produced an environment wherein a percentage of the atoms were reconditioned (transmuted) into a different form (fluorine).

A quartz tube fitted with electrodes was filled with de-ionized and demineralized H20. The tube was heated to 300°C using the electrodes to
excite the water vapor with a
SKY AC source. The tube was place in the apparatus and allowed to cool to room temperature with the magnetic
coils energized. The magnetic field strength measured at the center surface of the solenoid core was 1450 Gauss with a 600 ma current. The
vertical magnets were energized with 500 ma and the angled magnets with 250 ma to simulate the turns ratio in Russell’s device. The gases in the tube were then analyzed by gas spectrometry utilizing the fitted electrodes. Due to restrictions imposed by the size and shape of the
magnetic coils, only the first octave position at a rotational angle of
44° was researched.

To my knowledge, the field strengths of the magnetic coils were not varied during the experiments. Polar alignment of the coils was varied,
using opposing or attracting alignments as shown below. The spectral line for fluorine (first octave position of the third octave) appeared and
varied in intensity as a function of repetition, polar alignment and time. We reported the results in Fulcrum, V.l, #2. The results were not

FIG 18


As reported in FULCRUM , Vol. 3, #2, Ron Kovac successfully transmuted nitrogen into lithium and helium. With his mass spectrometer, Ron identified the formation of a predicted but never before seen isotope of lithium with atomic mass five (5). His Kovac Fusion Cell transmutor initially produced 93.75% nitrogen-14, 3 .75% helium-4, and 2.5% lithium-5, and after reprocessing it obtained 6.5% lithium-5.

FIG 19


The Kovac Fusion Cell (KFC) produces a rarefied nitrogen plasma in a vortex shape. The externally mounted electromagnets with opposing
magnetic fields (B fields) when brought into close proximity produce counter-rotating lines of equal potential having a pseudosphere shape. A
plasma introduced into these counter-rotating, pseudosphere shaped magnetic field lines will twist like a rubber band and form a knot.
Continued energy input overcomes inter-ion attractions, and the knot transforms into a geometrically and electromagnetically self-sustaining
toroid. The toroid is then expelled from the rotating magnetic fields, and another cycle of twisting, knotting, toroid formation, and toroid
expulsion occurs.

A distinct resonant conditioning environment is created within the twisting, vortex shaped plasma. The patterned resonant conditioning of
motion called nitrogen (atomic mass
14) is entrained and reconditioned to the resonant, geometric, electric potential condition or pattern of a mass five element. I think changing the internal conditions of pressure, temperature, electric field strengths, plasma shape, etc. will change the resonant conditioning environment and change the types and amounts of elements produced. Quoting Ron Kovac from FULCRUM , “only the geometry of space” is involved in transmutation; the KFC is reconditioning or reshaping the nitrogen’s atomic geometry of motion.

The FULCRUM article does not give any of the parameters Ron Kovac used in this experiments. He said he uses a superimposed AC frequency on top of the plasma producing HVDC. I do not know this frequency or voltage or the electromagnetic coils’ amperages or field strengths.


l . God’s rhythmic, balanced and repetitive thinking sets the One substance of God’s body into apparent motion. The eternal One Idea
for Creation is thus reproduced or simulated in dynamic, eternally borning/dying form. Motion is an electric effect caused by polar
differences between the two opposing wave-forces of creation:
Generation Degeneration.

2 . All motion is curved and spiral due to resistance of opposing wave forces -and electric potential lenses created by interference patterns
of the two opposing thought wave-forces

3 . Motion is rhythmic and therefore exhibits qualities of frequency, harmony and resonance. All qualities of Nature are derived from the
wave nature of the primal polarity process of creation.

4. Matter results from an electric potential, pressure conditioning of motion. Systems of matter at any scale (atomic, planetary, stellar or
galactic) result from the one polar, opposing wave-force process of motion conditioning.

5 . Atoms are different due to different geometries of motion of the One substance of God. The geometric resonant conditioning of motion is determined by the interplay of the two opposing wave forces (polarities) of Creation.

6. The generative wave-force multiplies motion inwardly and centripetally towards apices (center of systems). It multiplies low potential into high potential.

7. The degenerative wave-force divides motion outwardly and centrifugally along gyroscopic equatorial planes. It divides high potential into low potential.

The two opposing wave-forces of Creation engage in a balanced and rhythmic dance of dominance and interchange. The interchange can
be likened to a birthing/dying or involution/evolution, one giving to and becoming the other producing periodic alteration of effect.

9. Within any one of the nine octave wave-cycles on Russell’s periodic chart of the elements, there are seven (7) primary element positions
between the inert gas boundary elements. These positions are resonant energy/geometric configurations which are repeated from one octave to the next. Russell likened the geometric progression of the positions within an octave as a series of rings or toroids which closed to form spheres at the mid-octave position which then opened to form toroids to finally again become the inert gas disc.

10 .
Inert gases are described by Russell as nebulous and disc-like. They begin and end each octave. They are Nature’s recording devices,
being a record of the elements preceding them and containing the idea for the elements which follow them in the periodic chart.

11 . The angular relationship between an atom’s magnetic and gyroscopic axes (Russell calls it the
plane angle of rotation) is critical to the
resonant geometry of motion and subsequently to transmutation of the elements.

12 . Time, temperature and pressure are experimental variables. Russell states that temperature and pressure are effects resulting from the
compression and expansion processes.

13 . Magnetic and electric fields can be used to ‘reshape’ the geometry of an atom.

14. The geometry of motion which characterizes the differentiation of elements is a resonance of the interplay of the two forces of creation.
This resonance is a combination of the intensity, relative location, relative dominance, magnetic axis/gyroscopic axis relationship,
rotational velocities, temperature, pressure, and valence of each atomic system.

15. Russell states that within each octave the frequencies of light are an overlay of the resonant frequencies of motion’s conditioning. The
diagram on page three of this primer reveals Russell’s categorizations of the different octave positions with color.

+ 1-infrared     +2-red     +3-orange     4-0-4-yellow-white-yellow    -3-green     -2-blue     -1-ultraviolet

16 . In The Universal One Russell describes 18 dimensions of matter: length, breadth, thickness, duration, sex, pressure, potential,
temperature, ionization, crystallization, valence, axial rotation, orbital revolution, mass, color, plane, tone, and ecliptic. These
different dimensions are subjects for investigative research.

17. Systems of matter are dynamic and evolutionary.


l . Walter Russell transmuted water into nitrogen. oxygen and hydrogen on one occasion and into helium and oxygen on another occasion. I think we can use his concepts to disassociate water into hydrogen and oxygen and then use these products as fuel. This avenue of research seems to me to be the simplest to perform and the quickest and least expensive to design. Its application is immediate and worldwide. The one environmental concern I have is the amount of heat from burning H20 that potentially may pollute our ecosystem.

2. Russell, Binder, Grotz, and Kovac all used a steel or glass plate to provide a centrifugal spin axis reference plane.

3 . Kovac used a vacuum of 4.5 x 10^(-4) Torr. I think he produced mass-5 and He-4- from nitrogen-14- as they are lower pressure elements
than nitrogen-lit in the Russell scheme. I am not sure if water is considered a higher pressure condition than the constituent
elements H and 0.

4. Russell heated his samples to 300°C and then allowed them to cool in the magnetic field configuration he established for each
experiment. Unfortunately there is no data on the pressure within Russell’s sample tubes or magnetic field strengths.

5. Atoms are resonant geometries of motion. The resonance is rotational spin, pressure, temperature and electric field related.

6. I am thinking a magnetic resonance can be simulated with alternating electric fields to effect a twisting of the water molecule.
Then its geometric form can be popped into the resonant forms of hydrogen and oxygen. Laser optics may also be capable of simulating
and stimulating the resonance of the water molecule into the resonance of hydrogen and oxygen after the twisting is effected.

7. Lasers may work within either or both magnetic or electric fields to create conditions within the test chamber that will induce the
resonant geometry of one element or molecule to jump to another.

8. The higher octave elements are more explosive as evidenced by radioactivity and are therefore under greater pressure in order to
maintain their integrity. Within each octave the pressure conditioning increases from the 1st position to the 7th. Pressure can be expected to determine which octave or where in an octave a transmuted element may appear.

9 . Temperature considerations parallel pressure’s.

10. Time is a variable for experimentation.

11 . The experimental environment is a resonance chamber intended to entrain or induce a specific resonant conditioning of motion.

12 . Pulsing of the electric fields i s another oscillation effect which may increase the yield of the transmutor. Pulsing allows for longer
duration at charging or discharging potentials. It may introduce a tensioning/relaxing oscillation of the atom which could be effective
for different reasons. One reason would be to allow for the alignment of the atom or molecule with the induced electric fields. Another might be a conditioning of the induced resonance which favors either a discharging or charging potential, thereby favoring the discharging or charging half of the targeted octave.

13 . The optimal experimental environment for reconditioning one element’s motion/geometry into another requires:

a. a charging electric field with a hyperbolic vortex shape converging_ from two directions to a center.
b. a discharging electric field with a planar shape expanding from the charging field’s convergence.
c. spinning either of the charging or discharging fields.
d. varying the angular relationship between the fields.
e. varying the intensity ofthe different electric fields.
f. throughput of material
g. real-time mass spectral analysis.
h. varying time, temperature and pressure.
i. introducing sound and light of varying intensities and frequencies.
j. inducing mechanical spinning of transmutor contents.
k. pulsing the electric fields.
I. shaping the electric fields
m. varying the spacing of electrodes.
n. varying the strengths of the electric fields.


l . Bucke, Richard, Cosmic Consciousness, Penquin/Arkana, 1991
2. Russell, Walter, The Universal One, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1926
3. Russell, Walter, The Secret of Light, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1947
4. Russell, Walter, Atomic Suicide, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil. 1957
5 . Russell Walter, A New Concept of the Universe, a Brief Treatise of the Russell Cosmogony, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1989
6. Russell, Walter & Lao, Universal Law, Natural Science and Philosophy, The Walter Russell foundation, 1951
7 . Binder, Grotz, Kovac, “Current Transmutation Research,” Fulcrum, Vl,#2, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1992
8. Kovac, Ronald, “A Report on the Russell Science Team’s Transmutation of Nitrogen into Lithium,” Fulcrum, V3,#2, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1994
9. Kovac, Ronald, “ATOMIC MASS 5, The Missing Link Element,” Journal of the International Testa Society, Vol. VIII, #1, 1996
10. Binder, Timothy, In the Wave Lies the Secret of Creation, Univ. of Sci. Er Phil., 1995