Aether Force Objectives

I. Identify the knowledge needed to build a new world

Biological Architecture ~ Permaculture, Electroculture, Biodynamics ~ Orgonomy
Light/Color Spectro-Chrome Healing ~ Radionics & Radiesthesia ~ Psychotronics
 Shape Power ~ Antigravity & Levitation ~ Structured Water Science
Weather Engineering ~ Counter-Space & Projective Geometry ~ Cavitation & Implosion
Time & Torsion ~ Hadronic Mechanics ~ Russellian Optical Cosmogony ~ Cymatics
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics ~ Vogel Crystal Technology ~ Phase Conjugation ~ Alchemy
Wave Genetics ~ Crypto-currency and decentralization ~ 3D Printing ~ Plasma Tech
Electric Universe ~ Harmonics & Qualitative Science ~ MetaMaterial Engineering & 3D Printing 


II. Share the Knowledge with the People while building a global network of researchers.

A Movement for the People and By the People to Rebuild Civilization in harmony and balance with natural law


III. Our Own Repository of knowledge free and available to all.

  1. Hard Drive Service – We have organized an incredible compendium of the living, qualitative, and Aetheric arts and sciences. On a 2 TB hard drive, you will have access to the deepest information we could find on these topics. Files include well categorized PDF books, journals, & articles, lectures (audio & video), audio-books, courses, geometry animations, brainwave entrainment meditations. Purchase of hard drives will help finance Aether Force this coming summer as an educational outlet at scientific conferences and gatherings in the US. This will help us in our motion towards non-profit status.
  2. is no longer online until further finances are raised to keep servers running … it’s expensive giving a way buckets of knowledge !!!)
  3. Discord Chat has constructed to allow for communication outside controlled social media networks. Free, uncensored aetheric conversation!

IV. Build educational facility for all ages concerning the aetheric and qualitative sciences. 

STATUS: Seeking properties in mid 202. Possible locations include the Carolinas, Arkansas, or New York/ Vermont Area.

WE ARE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS and are looking for communities to network with.

V. Build communal lab space for Aether Force researchers to freely investigate the Qualitative Sciences. 

STATUS: Seeking properties in mid 2020. Possible locations include Arkansa, the Carolinas, or New York/ Vermont Area.



VI. Begin construction of small communities utilizing the qualitative and aetheric sciences 

STATUS: Seeking interested collaborators, properties, and financiers.

Our Mission with Aether Force serves to provide the information and research necessary to propel the world into a more balanced state of living in harmony with the earth. In doing so, we hope to enable humanity to take a firm look at itself and its relationship to the cosmos in a different light, allowing them to see and act upon novel lifestyles synergetically weaving together a community of creative geniuses applying the formative forces through all means of self expression, be it art, farming, technology, architecture, spirituality. is a grass roots, open-source educational movement of the Aetheric Arts and Sciences. In the coming year, a group of aetheric engineers will be touring the country offering workshops, lectures, and meditations worldwide. Your support, whether financial, psychotronic, or otherwise is truly appreciated. Every bit counts and truly will help the advancement of this knowledge into the mainstream mindset.