Ancient Cosmography & Crop Circles

by Michael Theroux

This article was sourced from the Journal of Borderland Research Vol XLVIII, No. 5, Sept- Oct 1992

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The understanding of all forms in nature can only be obtained via an efficient system of qualitative and not quantitative interpretation. Thus, we must grasp the qualities of those form-giving forces in order to arrive at an objective and truthful conception of how form arises. These tools will then be applicable to all observation.

This beginning takes us to the etheric formative forces of Rudolf Steiner as revealed by Guenther Wachsmuth. The four etheric states of being, warmth, light, chemical or tone, and life possess formative processes which will present to us the archetypes necessary for the understanding of things manifest. Symbolically they can be represented as such:

Warmth– tendency toward spherical shapes

Light – tendency toward triangular shapes

Chemical or Tone — tendency toward halfmoon shapes

Life — tendency toward square shapes

These qualities will find their relevancy as we begin to unravel the mysteries of the subject at hand.

Now if we are to illustrate and expand upon our knowledge of form, we must encounter a suitable geometry to go with the shape-building process. The Euclidean geometries will not alone suffice– their limitations exist by the fact that they only represent centric form and one that is fixed in time that is without position or motion in space. Only Projective geometry can fill in the vital gaps. In its rhythmical interplay of peripheral and centric principles it not only defines position in space, but also allows for motive properties which exist in the growth of all form. It is essentially a sculpting process.

Let us relate this to the energic properties of the Golden Mean. It has long been thought that artificial constructs using Golden Mean geometries (of which all form in life is related to) will draw to them life giving energies. This is quite truthful , but we must not misinterpret this to be a product of inertial or static geometry. Everything in nature is in motion, and this is true provided we allow for an individual form’s particular time-scale (for instance, if we observed one hundred years of tree growth on five minutes of time-lapse photography, we could only liken it to an intense electrical discharge). The formative forces which give life its characteristic golden proportions do this through the motive properties of projective geometry. All growth is motion, and only here do we see the Golden Mean revealed. As an example, consider the phyllotaxis of plant. Only through the specific arrangement of its leaves in its spiralling upward motion are we able to observe this sacred geometry. The Golden Mean only arises through growth, in life, therefore it is a product of projective geometry. We can now see that it is projective geometry which should be considered sacred.


Archeological finds of cup and ring markings inscribed on stones have been noted throughout the world. No plausible explanations have ever been ascribed to them how ever there have been many theories. Most archeologists (at the turn of this century concluded that they were symbols of a sacred or spiritual nature and this may now appear to be the case. To understand just what these cup and ring markings depicted, we look to the scientific discoveries of Trevor James Constable.

In the late 1950s, Trevor James Constable began a series of investigations which would lead to the discovery of a new biological life-form. Affectionately called” critters” these invisible unicellular-type entities were discovered by Trevor to exist in the atmosphere, and this was accomplished using infrared photography. 1, 2 That they would at times manifest themselves into visible appearance suggested a solution to many UFO encounters. Then in the late 1970s an Italian named Luciano Boccone repeated the same experiments and consequently published a book full of photographs of these etheric beasts. 3

For our purposes at this time it is only necessary to give a physical description of these lifeforms. In some cases they will appear simply as black spheres, from as few as one lone critter to a complete swarm. Others take on the appearance of amoeba and other single-celled organisms. Characteristically, they appear somewhat transparent, spherical in form, with a tendency towards a sharply defined core and a surrounding field, but they are also able to vary their shape at will.

Upon returning to the cup and ring marking phenomenon we begin to note a striking resemblance. The idea which now presents itself is that the cup and ring markings actually depict these etheric life-forms. Most of the cup markings would appear to depict the simpler forms found in the pictures but these carvings are usually found in conjunction with other more remarkable figures. Although the comparison of photos and designs here leaves no question as to their similarity, we need more evidence if we are to indeed substantiate this theory.

We may at once allude to the cup and ring markings’ antiquity. First, these markings have never been found in connection with any shape or form of letter writing. “This one fact in the face of the acknowledged tendency of people of every age and clime to inscribe characters and letters, when they possess a knowledge of any, on stones and rocks, is enough to prove that these rock carvers were ignorant of the use of letters. ” 5 Of course, no actual date could be placed upon these figures. This gives rise to Rudolf Steiner’s indications that in such early ages, human incarnation was still partially extant in the etheric. At this time human consciousness would have decidedly been able to observe etheric life, but as they became more entrenched in the physical, these peoples gradually lost their etheric senses. The necessity for communication through physical language was not yet necessary, hence the lack of inscribed letters.

Following a more physical approach, we would probably find that the earth’s atmosphere was radically different in constitution than the atmosphere of today, and could provide for the visions of the invisible. These conditions can be considered realistic if we introduce what is referred to as the Canopy theory. This theory holds that in the early life of the earth, a spherical shell of mineral and water rotated around the earth at a distance from the earth’s surface with a common center and axis. Periodically, minerals would fall, creating the stratification found in sedimentary rock (an answer to so many geological anomalies), and ice would fall, creating the geophysically short-lived ice ages which soon disappeared as the ice melted. This also offers explanations for the planetary ring systems and cloud coverings found throughout the solar system. Obviously, this would have had a distinguished effect on the composition of our atmosphere, which in turn, would have altered the nature of visible perception.

So what about the stranger markings and photographic comparisons shown here? For an explanation we must return to Wachsmuth and his account of the vital processes involved with the earth. If we are to recognize what is depicted in these markings and photos as etheric beings it is essential that we understand their etheric praxes. These etherians reveal to us their manifold nature through the formative principles as set forth earlier. We can at once see their spherical and sometimes semispherical form follows characteristically the forms associated with the warmth and chemical ethers. That they are a product of the warmth ether is evident by the fact that they are visible in infrared photography. As for their association with the chemical ether, it can be seen that the answer lies in the telluric forces residing within the earth. In figure 3, Wachsmuth’s diagram clearly shows the breathing process of the earth organism. The chemical ether’s direction is indicated by the arrows and exists between lines A and B. This is the true earth current and can be observed to possess all the energic properties associated with telluric phenomena. This chemical ether (Wilhelm Reich’s orgone energy is a part of this realm), is the environmental playground of these etherian creatures and they thrive on its energy. Armed with this wisdom, we can see that fgure 4 exhibits the definite departure of these beings from the interior of the earth organism, and what allows them their everchanging form can only be resolved by the hitherto discussed spiritual geometry of motion.


It has been postulated that these etheric creatures could be responsible for the manifestations of crop circles (see the review of Andrew Collins’ book The Circlemakers in this issue). If so, it could explain the more intricate designs accompanying the cup and ring markings of the ancients (see figure 2). It isn’t unwise to assume that these ancient peoples would set the record into stone of the remarkable gods of this earth and their creations But, these designs, although resembling some crop pictograms, have never been reproduced in the fields. We may be left with the idea that the etherians, assuming they are creating the crop patterns, could be giving us new designs, but alas, we haven’t even begun to figure out the meaning or purpose of the old ones. It is apparent that some of the ancients knew their function. Their cosmographical knowledge and construction techniques would attest to this. The most credible explanation to date would be that they are Radionic patterns for the utilisation of natural energies. This would of course, exclude the Mandelbrot Set crop pattern which was probably a roguerous statement designed to expose the absolute lack of awareness borne by those who putter with non-reality in their meaningless fractal environment.

If we truly begin to observe nature in vital relationships such as these, we may one day hold communication with these etherians as did the ancients. We may even be able to engineer our own designs on the fields of corn. Certainly not the simple and mechanistic pursuit of answers will procure a knowledge as vast and vigorous as the makers of these swirling pictograms. Only a complete restructuring of our individual spiritual and scientific constitutions will secure such wisdoms. Let us begin by this restructuring, and allow it to govern our researches so that we may learn the truth.

“Conventional thinkers maintain that we get our energy from food. While this may be partially true, advocates of this explanation remain unable to impart movement to a corpse by stuffing it with food. There is something else involved with the animation of the living.”
– Trevor James Constable from The Cosmic Pulse of life –


l. The Cosmic Pulse of Life by Trevor James Constable. 1990, Borderland Sciences.
2. They Live in the Sky by Trevor James. 1958, New Age Publishing Co.
3. UFO -La Realta Nascosta (The Hidden Reality) by Luciano Boccone. 1980, Ivaldi Editore. (Italian)
4. The Ether Ship Mystery And its Solution by Meade Layne. Borderland Sciences.
5. Archaic Rock Inscriptions — An Account of the Cup and Ring Markings on the Sculptured Stones of the Old and New Worlds by A.
Reader, 1891. 1990 Reprint – Borderland Sciences.
6. The Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos Earth and Man -A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living by Dr. Guenther Wachsmuth. 1932, Anthroposophic Press. 1991 reprint — Borderland Sciences.
7. Man or Matter by Ernst Lehrs. 1985, Rudolf Steiner Press.
8. Projective Geometry- Creative Polarities in Space and Time by Olive Whicher. 1971, Rudolf Steiner Press.
9. The Idea of Counterspace by Olive Whicher. Anthroposophic Press.
10. Physical and Ethereal Spaces by George Adams. 1965, Rudolf Steiner Press.
11. Those Astounding Ice Ages* by Dolph Earl Hooker. 1991 reprint — Borderland Sciences.
12. Waters Above the Firmament* by Isaac N. Vail. 1988, Stonehenge Viewpoint.
13. The Crop Circle Enigma* edited by Ralph Noyes. 1990, Gateway Books.