Build your own Symbolic Hieronymus Machine

by Joseph Max of Aetheric Arts

Articles and main images sourced from:


The Symbolic Hieronymus Machine image can be downloaded and printed out, and should fit nicely on a Letter or A5 size sheet.



  1. Print out the Hieronymus diagram and the knob.
  2. Mount the diagram and knob on a suitable backing. The easiest way to do this is take the printed sheet to a printing service and have it laminated. This gives you a suitable surface material from which to get stick reactions from the sensor pad. Also have the knob laminated, and cut it into a circle after laminating. (Note: don’t cut too close to the paper under the laminate – leave a few millimeters of plastic “framing” the images.)
  3. For a high quality version, glue the laminated diagram to a piece of stiff plastic, bakelite or thin plywood (silicon “goop” is good for this.) Then mount rubber feet underneath at the corners. This give you a solid device that can sit on a tabletop.
  4. Cut a small hole through the center of the knob, and another hole through the center of the dial on the diagram. Use a suitable length and diameter screw, washers and bolt to fasten the dial to the diagram, so it rotates freely.

An alternative to using a stiff backing is to use a piece of 1/4″ thick corkboard and attach the knob with a simple thumbtack.

Your Symbolic Hieronymus Machine is ready to use!


For complete instructions on using psionic machines in general, I refer the reader to the excellent description found in Charles “Uncle Chuckie” Cosimano’s book, Elementary Psionics, which can be downloaded for free here. (Thanks, Uncle Chuckie!)

Here are the particular instructions for using the controls of the Symbolic Hieronymus Machine.

Basic operation:

  1. Prepare the machine for work by exposing to bright sunlight or by waving a strong magnet over it for at least ten seconds, a few inches above the surface in a random pattern.
  2. (Optional) Place a power object, such as a crystal, talisman (or even a small watch battery) on top of the “POWER” section.
  3. Place the witness sample on top of the round spiral (leaf clipping, hair, fur, photograph or other witness that represents the Target of the work.)
  4. Stroke the stick pad while concentrating on the purpose of the working. Starting with the pointer on “0”, turn the tuning dial until a stick reaction is felt on the fingers stroking the pad. The easiest way to turn the knob is to rest one finger lightly on it to spin it. If you dial all the way to the “100” without a reaction, turn it back-and-forth and keep scanning until you get a reaction.

Alternatively, you can use a pendulum suspended over the Sensor Pad instead of using your fingertips. Tune the dial until you get a pendulum reaction.

  1. Release your fingers from the stick pad (or remove the pendulum) and the Machine will continuously broadcast the tuned intention to the target.

Anything more complex (and there are many things more complex you can do with a Psionics machine) refer to Uncle Chuckie’s book above.


Here some other images you may find floating around of other symbolic styles instruments: