Orgone & Eteroid


European Discoveries of the Life Force

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Wilhelm Reich

Wilhelm Reich was a Pole of Jewish origin from Galicia, part of the Austrian partition. He was the “creator” of the orgone accumulator. History shows, however, that he became interested in this topic from the scientific work of another Pole, Franciszek Rychnowski, after his death. Reich changed the nomenclature of the observed physical phenomena and presented them to the world as his own discoveries. As Rychnowski had previously observed, the entire Earth and the universe are permeated by streams of vibrating, pulsating, unpredictable life force.

Rychnowski materialized this energy for the first time in the form of green ellipsoids and “caught” them in a jar. And the next day, when squeezed, these balls glowed brightly.

Reich’s experiments proved that this force can be measured, just like heat or movement, and its size depends on the health of a given organism. It also turned out that this life-giving substrate is sensitive to the presence of high-voltage networks, and special disturbances are caused by unnatural levels of radioactivity.

The orgone accumulator was a simple therapeutic device that concentrated previously unknown energy thanks to an appropriate arrangement of layers of organic absorbing substances and inorganic reflecting materials. Experiments showed an abnormal increase in temperature inside the box, which was also experienced by Albert Einstein himself, following Reich’s instructions. Although Reich never claimed that the battery cured cancer, patients of many doctors claimed that they experienced improvements in many conditions after spending time in the battery or after contact with a smaller version of it.

45 years after Wilhelm Reich’s death in 1957, people can begin to research and study orgonomics like any other type of knowledge with the help and use of the Orgone Accumulator Construction Manual. In this manual, in a concise and condensed way, a large dose of information and simple experiments are provided, useful to anyone who is interested in the cosmic stream of life energy. The book presents the scientific definition of orgone energy; the history of how Reich’s subsequent experiments, discoveries, observations and theoretical intuitive considerations led to the practical use of the battery was shown; principles of battery construction and experimental use are described, with details of materials, layers and sizes needed, and a very useful list of supporting and additional literature is provided.

Wilhelm Reich said that although life energy had been known for thousands of years, he managed to make it available concretely and practically.

Of course, with these rights comes enormous responsibility, because the correct use and use of the battery imposes social requirements on its owner related to its natural environment. The cosmic ocean of orgone energy, just like air, food and water, is being polluted and poisoned. Therefore, quick actions by interested people are necessary to ensure that life on Earth is maintained.

A common problem with using an orgone accumulator is the difficulty in finding an energetically clean environment in which to use it. Orgone in the atmosphere is very sensitive to certain types of influences, disturbances and shocks. More like a living plasma, orgone energy can be stimulated or irritated by specific environmental influences and can be turned into a toxic environment. If the atmospheric energy in your home or neighborhood has been contaminated in any way, it is strongly advised not to use the battery or use it very carefully and carefully as it will be very difficult to accumulate anything but a toxic charge.

For example, orgone accumulators intended for biological research or use on humans should never be kept indoors with orgone “irritating” devices such as – fluorescent lights (fluorescent lamps), televisions, computers and microcomputers, cathode ray tube devices, cookers microwaves and other induction-type electric furnaces, electric blankets (even when they are turned off and the power cords are plugged into the socket), diathermy and X-ray devices, sparking electric motors, induction devices, coils, other electromagnetic devices, ionizing devices, e.g. radioactive detectors smoke, electronic watches, other devices containing radioactive or glow-in-the-dark materials (but photoluminescent ones that work by absorbing daylight are harmless), other fissile materials of any kind, and chemically strong vapors.

Orgone accumulators should not be used even in the same building where the above-mentioned devices are operated or were last used. Reich’s experiments, as well as those conducted in clinics in Germany, showed that X-ray equipment effectively destroys the good effects of orgone radiation. Moreover, there are constant effects of harmful energies even after the devices causing them are turned off and removed from the building. Therefore, an orgone accumulator should not be used in close proximity to places where the following devices are located – aviation radar systems, cellular telephone or shortwave retransmission towers, high-voltage lines, broadcasting stations of any AM and FM modulation (radio and television), nuclear power plants, areas contaminated with nuclear energy, storage sites for radioactive materials and devices as they adversely affect orgone, military installations where nuclear warheads or nuclear testing grounds are stored.

Orgone is a common (continuum) energy environment that constitutes the connection between unbalancing devices (such as nuclear power plants, relay towers, fluorescent light, television sets, etc.) and the living beings that are affected by the former. Therefore, if the orgone energy field is locally disturbed and shaken by these devices, at the same time the energy field of the person in this environment becomes disturbed. Modern physics recognizes that all atomic bombs, reactors and similar devices emit unshieldable, undetectable particles, theoretically called neutrinos, in huge quantities. These neutrinos released from this type of devices penetrate all kinds of screens and organisms over huge distances around. Theoretically, they do no harm, but this is only a purely theoretical assumption.

Observations of facts, in accordance with the best theories of classical physics, say that a significant part of the reactor’s energy from its “heart” is lost through heavy reinforcement and screens directly to the environment, in a way that cannot be detected using traditional radiation detectors. From the perspective of Reich’s discoveries, it can be said that the energy lost in the reactor is not discharged as a particle, but flows back into the cosmic continuum of orgone energy, causing a strong overload and stimulation of this medium. Orgone’s ability to penetrate all matter causes these disturbances to be quickly transmitted outside through the reactor coatings to living creatures and the space surrounding the reactor, including the weather.

The same applies to the problem of diseases caused by weak electromagnetic fields. Just like radiation, they should not cause them, but they do cause diseases in people.

Nuclear and electromagnetic devices and industrial plants have a devastating effect on the health of their employees and people living in the area.

In principle, health risks are unevenly distributed within a given population. Especially people with very high or very low self-energy, very young or old, are more sensitive to this harmful radiation and will react to it faster and stronger.

Reich’s observations regarding the negative influences of the mentioned instruments and devices cannot be explained according to classical physical and biological theories, but have been confirmed to a greater or lesser extent. A variety of devices known to irritate orgone energy, sending it into a wild, frenzied state, was defined by Reich as the “ORANUR” effect.

Oranur was detected accidentally when a small sample of radioactive material was inserted into a highly charged orgone accumulator. The orgone energy field, highly charged in the environment, was moved into a state of agitation that was easily visible and felt. Laboratory workers became ill, and experimental mice kept in an adjacent building died in large numbers.

For example, orgone energy radiates from all living and non-living substances. It can also easily, although at different speeds, penetrate all forms of matter. All materials interact with orgone energy by attracting and absorbing it or repelling and reflecting it. Orgone can be visualized, measured, photographed and physically felt. It is real, physical energy.

Orgone also occurs in free form in the atmosphere and in the vacuum of space. It is excitable, compressible, pulsating spontaneously, and can be expanded and contracted. It fills and charges the interior of a given environment, or the interior of a given substance, constantly changing over time, usually in a cyclical way. It is very strongly attracted to living organisms, living matter, water and itself. Its energy can normally flow or freely flow from one place to another in the atmosphere, but it usually flows from west to east, moving with the Earth, which is rotating slightly faster than it. It is an omnipresent medium, a cosmic ocean of dynamic, moving energy in interconnection with the entire physical universe; all living creatures, the entire weather system and the planets responding to its pulsations and movements.

Orgone is related and related to, but completely different from, other forms of energy. For example, it can affect the magnetic charge of ferromagnetic conductors without being a magnetic charge itself. Similarly, it can cause an electrostatic charge in insulators, even though it is not fully electrostatic in nature. It reacts in a very violent (disturbed) way in the presence of radioactive materials and “raw and hard” electromagnetism, it looks similar to irritated protoplasm. Orgone can be recorded in Geiger counters specially modified for this purpose. It is also the medium through which electromagnetic disturbances are transmitted, in a manner more defined by the older concept of aether, although it does not itself have an electromagnetic nature.

Streams of orgone energy within the Earth’s atmosphere cause changes in air circulation patterns; the functioning of atmospheric orgone is the basis for the formation (structure) of potential storms and storms, it can affect the atmosphere’s temperature, pressure and humidity. Cosmic orgone energy also seems to be a factor in the “work” of space, influencing gravity and solar phenomena. Still, the completely free mass of orgone energy is not any of the physical and mechanical factors known to us, nor their resultant. The properties of orgone energy derive more from itself (its own autonomous principle of existence), something more like the old concepts of vital life force, or elan vital, although, unlike in the old theses, it occurs in free form in huge quantities released in the atmosphere and space . It is primarily primary cosmic life energy, and all other forms of energy remain secondary in nature to it.

In the living world, orgone energy is the basis of the main life processes; pulsation, flow, and the appropriate level of biological charge of orgone determines the movement, action and behavior of protoplasm and tissues, as actively as the “bioelectric” phenomenon is large. Emotions are the result of the ebb and flow, charging and discharging of orgone as it flows through the membranes of every organism, just as weather is the result of the ebb and flow, charging and discharging of orgone in the atmosphere. Both the body and the weather respond to the dominant nature and state of life energy at a given moment. The functioning of orgone energy appears to occur throughout creation, in microbes, animals, storm clouds, hurricanes and galaxies. Orgone energy not only energizes and revitalizes the natural world; we are immersed in a sea of ​​this energy, more than a fish is immersed in water. Moreover, it is a medium, or center; which transmits emotions and enables perception, through which we are connected to the cosmos, which relates us to everything that lives.

Biological effects of a strong charge on the organ:

  • general vagatonic state, emanating from the whole body, (vatonic state – a feeling of complete peace with a simultaneous feeling of full energy),
    • a sensation of slight itching and warmth on the skin surface,
    • increased internal and skin temperature, flushing (blushing),
    • balancing (regulating) blood pressure and pulse rate,
    • increased peristalsis of internal organs and deeper breathing,
    • increased germination, budding, flowering and fruiting of crops,
    • increased rate of tissue regeneration, wound healing, as demonstrated by animal studies and clinical trials with humans,
    • increasing endurance, charge, tissue integrity and body immunity,
    • higher energy level of the body, increased activity and vitality.

Controlled studies of the effects of direct radiation of orgone energy from an orgone accumulator have been conducted on mice; injured individuals and those suffering from cancer. These studies confirmed Reich’s earlier assumptions that tissues with a greater energetic orgone charge heal faster and cancer growth is slowed or stopped compared to comparable energetically weakened tissues. These discoveries invalidated many aspects of DNA theories on how to distinguish cells, which showed that they were more directly under the systemic influence of the body’s own vital energy fields.


Apart from the clinical research conducted by Reich and his colleagues in the 1940s and 1950s, very little had been done to investigate the bioenergetic effects of the battery on humans. All research on this topic was stopped by the medical police in 1950. However, studies in Germany have confirmed these influences. Generally, people sitting inside the battery will experience various sensations – warmth, flushing and sometimes itching on the skin surface, their body temperature will increase, they will flush, while their blood pressure and heart rate will normalize to average and optimal values, regardless of whether they were originally too high or low. When used correctly, the battery has a pronounced wagatonic and invigorating effect.


Back to oranur…

Reich found that the oranur effect continued long after the radioactive materials were removed from laboratory batteries, rendering all research equipment unusable for many years. Orgone energy was as if “demobilized” and became “dead”. Reich named this deadly state of energy “dor”, short for deadly orgone. The room loaded with DOR seemed unbearable, stuffy, and it was difficult to catch your breath after leaving it. Constant dehydration of the body was also felt due to the highly water-absorbing nature of DOR. Some experienced swelling.


A specific type of DOR-related disease was also identified by Reich and his colleagues. The body reacted with strong lethargy, emotional lack of contact, and helplessness. These effects were completely tangible, perceptible and measurable. An enormous amount of knowledge about atmospheric life energy has been gained since this experiment, and in 1951 Reich’s work titled “The ORANUR Experiment” described these dramatic events. Reich later defined many sources of soft and sharp oranur that can disrupt orgone energy in offices, buildings, neighborhoods and even the entire region.

In most homes, the most common sources of orgone irritation are: television sets, microwave ovens, and all types of fluorescent lights (many of them have already reduced this effect, but do not eliminate the problem completely). Fluorescent grow lights produce “hyperactive” plants with oversized leaves that fool people into thinking the light is “good.” Some studies have shown that depressed people can be stimulated by exposure to fluorescent light, resulting in an intense stimulation of their metabolism. Examples include winter emotional depressions.

Near radio and television broadcasting stations, cell phone relay towers and aircraft radars, the risk of oranur production increases. Microwave ovens and televisions also emit relatively high levels of radiation into their local environment. Also devices such as: all types of gate remote controls, lighting operating in infrared or in certain microwave bands, all types of radar and microwave gates to prevent minor theft in shops, airport checks, radar detectors and police radars. They are particularly dangerous for people operating them, who sit near them day after day. The true risk of harm in such situations is simply unknown. The operation of a microwave or television exposes the “average” person to an “average” dose of radiation that is irrationally considered harmless. Until we know more about this, we should be absolutely doubly cautious and careful. Do not sit on the battery near the above-mentioned devices.

Similarly, in nuclear power plants where water is cooled, significant amounts of measurable radioactive radiation are released into the water as well as into the air constantly flowing through the plant equipment. The local population breathes and drinks these harmful substances, which also remain in the food chain and this is the problem of oranur and do’ru. Both of these phenomena are caused by nuclear power plants and the atmospheric energy in these regions will be excited (excited) from one qualitative state to another prevailing in that area. Sensitive people can literally feel the difference in regions where nuclear reactors were temporarily operated, and careful observations of atmospheric phenomena can reveal changes in weather patterns.

Underground nuclear test explosions are the most dangerous because they seriously shock and agitate the orgone energy of the entire planet. Extreme weather conditions such as droughts or violent storms, as well as certain symptoms of influenza epidemics, may be caused by underground nuclear tests, as a result of which the entire energy field of the Earth is disturbed. Some evidence indicates that the Earth’s rotation is disturbed and the upper atmosphere is overheated due to underground nuclear test explosions. This type of effect makes no sense from the point of view of classical biology and physics, which deny the existence of life energy principles and assume that space is “empty”. From the point of view of orgone biophysics, these common connections of phenomena and interactions make sense.

From a biophysical point of view, the effects of oranur may manifest themselves in sensitive people as nervousness, excitement, a feeling of heat or fever, constant arousal, other mild “calming down”, while others may include outbursts of anger. Acute oranur always plays on a person’s weaknesses and seems to have a tendency to activate hidden symptoms of disease. Spots in the form of a rash may appear on the hands, insomnia, and difficulty maintaining concentration for any work.

The atmospheric manifestation of oranur is atmospheric overload. The sky is then characterized by a strong blue color, with haze on the horizon. Clouds cannot concentrate and build. The winds are gusty and violent. Storms of rain are coming, the atmosphere is “tense” and “heavy”. The rains disappear, especially as oranur is replaced by the muted, lifeless (aether) conditions of the deadly dor.

Dor also expresses itself in the atmosphere in its own way and if it is widespread enough and accompanied by drought and desert conditions. It appears in the landscape as a steel-gray haze that reduces visibility, makes sunlight stinging or stinging, makes rain acidic, or blocks rainfall altogether. The clouds become frayed, resembling slightly dirty shredded wool, and never grow beyond a certain small shape. Occasionally, unusual small dark gray clouds appear, which, unlike other clouds in the area, retain their color even when directly illuminated by sunlight. These were called DOR clouds by Reich. They usually form and transform over certain specific places above the land, as if they were energetically connected to that place. While the oranur and dor exist together in a given region, one feature generally predominates over the others. It is an energetic phenomenon that oranur and dor cannot be “driven away” by winds, and only strong storms can destroy them and cleanse the area of ​​their occurrence. In the extremely strong conditions of Dor and Oranur, rain storms are held back and diverted, giving rise to long-term droughts in this area.

If the orgone continuum persists over a given area, it creates a state of healthy and vibrant atmospheric pulsation and constant cycles of rain and sun. The atmosphere is clean and clear, crisp, with no visible haze. The contrast between the clouds and the sky is clear all the way to the horizon. The open sky is a deep blue and the edges of the clouds are clear and visible. The clouds maintain a round shape similar to a head of cauliflower and build vertically without the tendency to “spill out” sideways or collapse. The plant vegetation is lush and fresh, full of life. Birds are very active and soar high, the life of other animals is equally active. The sun is warm, but not scorching.

Breathing is so easy that the air seems to push itself into the lungs. During rainy phases, people may feel less lively or even drowsy, but they will still feel content and at ease. Rains occur cyclically.

Naturalists report that the blue orgone glow over the mountains disappeared about two years before the mass die-off of trees began, a phenomenon accompanied by a foggy, stale air.

Research on the life energy and achievements of Dr. Wilhelm Reich is conducted by James DeMeo.

Already texts from ancient China and India talk about energy that is acquired through breathing and flows through the body through multiple meridians. Health is conditioned by the free, unrestricted flow of this energy, while disease occurs when the free flow of vital energy is blocked. It is also very close to the idea of ​​orgone energy, although Asians say little about the free expression of emotions and they recommended conscious control of emotions and sexual feelings (containing orgasm). It is similar in Slavic beliefs. Unlike them, Reich considered such constant self-control and chronic limitation to be the basic cause of blocking and suppressing life energy.

Cleansing your own bioenergetic environment

“The Wooden Barn”. The best of all possible environments in which to place a battery is the dry floor of a large, airy barn in the countryside. Most people don’t own barns like these, but they often have enclosed outdoor porches that meet these basic criteria. The most important thing to do is to get as close to the conditions of a “wooden barn” as possible. The “wooden barn” with all its features should ideally be located in the middle of open spaces of fields and forests and at least 50-80 km from nuclear power plants, about 8-10 km from main high-voltage transmission lines. It should also not be located in the “path” of telephony and radio communication relays and no closer than 8-10 km from radio and television broadcasting stations. It is best to have open, airy rooms with good air circulation and good sunlight, but well protected from rain and strong winds. What you should constantly remember about in the room is that there should be no TV sets, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, radioactive smoke detectors or anything else. There may be several electrical sockets and ordinary light bulbs suspended from the ceiling, the fewer the better.

Crops, fountains and waterfalls. You can increase the content of life-positive energy in rooms by placing as many plants as possible while ensuring optimal ventilation. Green plants alleviate the effects of the presence of oranur and dor, and additionally saturate the air with oxygen. The same rule applies to falling water cascades. Most people feel these pleasant, relaxing effects, which is why home gardens with fountains and waterfalls are increasingly being built in large and small rooms, which are also an aesthetic element.

Direct cleaning with water. If your environment is polluted or the air is very dry or desert-like, you should routinely clean the battery with water by wiping the external and internal walls with a damp cloth. Additionally, you can place a bowl of water inside it when not in use to remove any stagnant energy from it.

Building Materials. Currently, a wealth of literature is easily available to enable the selection of non-toxic building materials. From a bioenergetic point of view, there is generally concern about the existence and living in such structures and about building batteries in them, including buildings, cottages and caravans made partly or entirely of aluminum or entirely steel elements. Aluminum decorative exterior façade panels turn the building into an aluminum argon accumulator, which is known for its highly toxic effects. In turn, certain buildings, walls or other façade elements made mostly or partly of steel in the case of modern architectural structures may cause the effect of orgone accumulation. This situation, when we want to use the orgone accumulator periodically, is not beneficial for continuous living (overcharging effect). It is important to remember here the best model, which is the “rural wooden barn”.

All fluorescent lights and their entire state-of-the-art assortment of the entire spectrum of various types of lights are not recommended because they have an electromagnetic stimulating effect, and most high-voltage cathode ray tubes of all types. They irritate, disturb and negatively stimulate the orgone energy continuum. The best type of lighting is simply a bulb with a standard, non-matte bulb in which you can simply see the filament through the transparent bulb. Such bulbs most closely resemble sunlight and do not cause oranur.

Cooking. Microwave ovens and similar ovens are not recommended. They work on the principle of electromagnetically induced eddy currents (even though these cookers have government certificates as “safe”). In turn, stoves, ovens and grills that use the effect of electrical resistance (with a heating coil) as a heating element are safer, although they produce electromagnetic interference in the lowest frequency range, the so-called ELF (electric low frequency). Another disadvantage of devices that use electrical resistance for heating is that they are not energy efficient. From a biological and energy-saving point of view, it is best to use pilotless, spark-ignited gas stoves and ovens.

TV. Large color TVs are the most harmful. They have three cathode ray tube (CRT) electron guns and operate at relatively high voltage. Therefore, these types of TVs emit a wide spectrum of harmful radiation including ELF, soft X-rays, radio frequencies and pulsating magnetic fields. They can very quickly increase the level of dor and oranur in the room and throughout the house. Liquid crystal screens that do not have a cathode ray tube are better from a bioenergetic point of view, although these devices still cause orgone disturbances and should not be used near a battery. If it is impossible to avoid watching TV, replace it with a small black and white TV set that has only one electron gun and operates at a much lower voltage. You can also take more radical steps, i.e. drastically limit or completely stop watching TV.

Computers. They are often much worse than TVs because you sit quite close and spend much more time in front of them. They use the same cathode gun technology in image formation and produce ELF, higher radio frequencies, soft X-rays and pulsed magnetic fields. Frequent computer use by women may be associated with pathological pregnancies and even miscarriages. If you often work on a computer, the best solution is to use a monitor that does not use cathode ray technology to display information. These are the latest technologies, mainly used in laptops, i.e. portable computers with a liquid crystal monitor. They do not cause eye irritation and headaches associated with cathode technology.

Plasma screens, however, consume more energy than liquid crystal displays, so power supplies may cause more bioenergetic interference. In addition to monitors, the internal electronic circuits of computers cause a lot of noise and produce oranur. For this reason, the best alternative is to use portable computers powered by batteries or DC power. These types of computers are not directly connected to the 50 Hz AC mains and do not have an internal transformer or other transducer, which always produces ELF (electromagnetic low frequencies). Combined with a liquid crystal monitor, these are probably the safest computers on the market and, in addition, they use a small amount of energy.

If you work with a “cathode” monitor, you should seriously consider purchasing a “Gaussmeter” field strength meter and check the strength of the energetic interference to which you are exposed. Any amount of radiation above 1 milligauss or 1 kilovolt/square meter is too high for chronic exposure for long periods of time. There are currently several neutralizing devices on the market that appear to protect against cathode radiation.

Blankets and electric heaters. Their effect is associated with an increased number of spontaneous miscarriages among pregnant women. It is recommended to return to woolen blankets, down duvets or heavy bedspreads. This note also applies to portable electric heaters of any type in which the heating element is a spiral.

Energy extraction kits (drainer), Water Bions, Bion Packs.

Every time we take a bath or soak our feet, we feel a certain degree of relaxation because of the water’s ability to absorb energy. Reich observed that water had very strong properties of attracting orgone energy. When we soak our body in hot water, the internal orgone charge and bioenergetic tensions are reduced and we relax. This effect may be partly explained by thermal heating of the body, but other factors are also evident. When we immerse ourselves in water, our energy potential decreases, while the water’s potential increases. We literally release our energy into the water and rest, similar to a balloon that has released some air.

The energetic absorption or energy attracting effect of water can change the character in a way that combines the dual effects of attracting and energizing, by using soluble crystals such as bitter salt, which increases the energy potential of water, contributing to its even more energy attracting and mobilizing properties. A similar energizing and astringent effect is achieved by bathing in a bathtub with water containing half a kilogram of sea salt and half a kilogram of baking soda. A 20-minute bath prepared in this way can be used to reduce tension and overload or to remove harmful energy. Mineral baths in various natural springs where the healing properties of water are observed seem to be based on the same principle. Many spa towns were built in places where there are sources of hot or other mineral waters or earth minerals (mud, clay, ashes) occurring in nature. Patients who use these baths relax, feel great relief, gain vitality and feel cured of their chronic ailments.

Reich’s work provides a basic explanation of the effects of natural waters and mud baths. Reich discovered life energy (orgone energy) during experiments showing that microscopic radiating bubbles could be obtained from a variety of “decaying” organic and inorganic materials. Clay, earth, sea sand, rocky soil and iron filings (among the inorganic materials) are those which, if allowed to “live” in water or in sterile media of solutions for the development of microorganisms, give the opportunity to form and grow small radiating bubbles, which are called bions.

In one particular variety of sand from the Scandinavian coast, particularly strong, blue and radiant bubbles formed. The blue bions from these preparations developed such strong radiation that they were able to irradiate people and objects. For some time, Reich experimentally used these energetic bion solutions to treat various disease symptoms. Bionic solutions were also injected into experimental animals that were paralyzed by pathogenic bacteria or cancer cells. Later, healing ointments or special bion packages were made from bions, which were made in such a way that the energy released from decomposing substances directly irradiated the body. After discovering an orgone energy accumulator that drew its charge directly from the atmosphere, Reich stopped experimenting with bionic packs and making them for medicinal purposes. However, many years later, due to the energetic and chemical pollution of the atmosphere and, consequently, the contamination of the energy concentrated and received in the battery, work on bionic packages was renewed.

Based on various research, a very simple recipe for bionic packages was discovered. The bionic package can be made of coastal sand, earth or clay with known healing properties. You should take or sew a piece of thick canvas or other material, about 15-25 cm long and about 10 cm in diameter. Add clay, sea sand or other healing mineral to it. Then tie or sew it so that the substance cannot escape. The prepared bionic package should be immersed and cooked in water or a pressure cooker for about 15 minutes. After that, wrap it in wax paper or plastic, which will allow it to be frozen repeatedly and conveniently in the freezer. When using the Bion Pack for the first time, the cooking and freezing process must be repeated several times. You should not cook in a microwave oven.

The package is suitable for use after subsequent cooking, after cooling and draining the water. You can then place the pack on your body, protecting yourself with another layer of clothing if it is too hot. When, for example, sand begins to “decompose” as a result of cooking and freezing, microscopic radiating blue bions are created. The radiation from these packets should continue even after cooling and can be regenerated after drying by repeated boiling. Orgone radiation can be obtained using such natural substances even in a very polluted (dormant) atmospheric environment, where the use of an orgone blanket or battery is not advisable. This effect was discovered by Reich in his early research, and both the existence and behavior of bions have been confirmed by many other scientists.

Before the advent of the fashionable era of pills, treatment specialists used special types of heated clays, packets or sand patches that removed aches, healed wounds and cured infections. Many of these hot compresses and patches were acquired from natural healers who knew which muds or herbs gave the best results.

Another way to cleanse the energetic atmosphere inside your house or apartment is to use squeegee tubes and squeegee containers (dor suckers). Just like a battery, these devices are very simple in design and are passive instruments operating on pure energy principles. Tie tubes are open metal tubes with a diameter of 3/4 or 1 inch made of galvanized steel (used to produce aesthetic barriers), cut to a length of approximately 55 cm. An astringent container is simply a plastic or metal bucket or planter. This container must be placed on any drain, e.g. on a sink, and the water in it must flow calmly and freely and pour out. The drawdown tubes must be half-immersed in a container of water and directed to those parts of the house or room that require energetic cleansing. As the water circulates freely in the bucket, toxic (harmful) forms of orgone energy are absorbed into the water from the room and possibly adjacent rooms as well.

DOR appears to be extremely thirsty for water and will be removed from the room assuming more water is not created again. As the device lowers the energy level in the room, reducing arousal and overload, the amount of ORANUR will also decrease. After some time of operation and the presence of this system in the room, you can put your hand to the tip of the tube and physically confirm its operation by feeling a slight tingling and a cool breeze characteristic of the “sea breeze” phenomenon. It is recommended that the tubes not be directed at places where people stay or rest for a long time; they should also not be directed at different parts of the body for more than a few seconds. In turn, they can be permanently installed in offices and workplaces to eliminate energy overload, i.e. reduce the intensity of excited orgone – oranur.

In cases where a sink or any drain is not located near places from which harmful energy is to be drained with a light stream of water, a considerable length of hollow steel flexible pipes often used for laying electrical cables in plaster can be used. Such pipes will increase the possibility of draining harmful energy from distant rooms into one sink or bathtub filled with slowly flowing water. Open parts of the pipes should be placed in the rooms and in the direction from which harmful energy is to be extracted. The tubes in question can usually be purchased at electrical construction supply stores or hardware stores. Do not use aluminum pipes for this purpose and do not insert any wires inside. It is very important that the “grounding” water is clean and circulates through constant movement. It must be constantly refreshed with even a thin stream of running water. The bucket, sink or shower tray must be used as an overflow element filled with water (using its mass as an attenuating element).

Tubes should be made of galvanized steel or stainless steel, although galvanized is cheaper and easier to use by cutting, etc. Silver or silver-plated elements are very good for these purposes, but it is expensive. “Working” draw tubes must be open on both sides, clean and free from dust or dirt inside! One end of the tube must always be immersed in water and several tubes must be used at the same time. To enhance the effects of this process, they may have a plastic coating on the outside (made of materials that attract orgone). The principle of operation of the suction tubes and bucket is based on Reich’s discovery that water has the ability to very strongly attract and absorb orgone energy, and that hollow tubes have the ability to focus and enhance the astringent effect of water at certain distances.


At one point in his research, Reich discovered a device he called the medical dorbuster, which was used experimentally on patients to remove dor overload from their bodies. Larger devices of this type, called cloudbusters based on the principles described above, were used to remove accumulated dor and oranur from the atmosphere in order to restore the original freshness and obtain rainfall in areas of very long-lasting and troublesome droughts. Both devices posed a threat to the health of people who experimented with them in certain situations. The author has been involved with cloudbuster for over ten years and has used the instruments to stop several severe droughts. Other experiments have proven their ability to gather clouds and cause rain in deserts.

Cloudbuster is a major breakthrough in environmental research, just as the battery is in human health research. Anyone interested in these issues can obtain more information on this topic by contacting the author at the Orgone Biophysical Research Laboratory. If a device draining toxic energy is operated for several hours a day or several days, a soft, delicate atmosphere and a slightly sweet smell will be felt in the room. Metal tubes enhance the natural absorbing effect of water, grounding old and toxic forms of orgone energy, changing its nature from negative to positive for life and the environment.

The discovery of orgone energy and the accumulator was first announced by Reich in 1942 (Volume 1) in the International Journal of Sex-Economy and Orgone Research, in the chapter “Construction of radiating confined spaces”.

The letter also focused on the emotional and mental aspects of cancer and the relationship between cancer and emotional resignation, sexual desire, and chronic energy deficiency. Reich published his discoveries of the spontaneous organization of cancer cells from the patient’s own tissues disintegrating. Additional information was later published in articles on cancer development under the original titles: Cancer Biopathy, Orgone Energy Bulletin, and Orgonomic Diagnosis of Cancer Biopathy. Reich’s findings were confirmed by others who published their work in his journal. However, Reich never treated the battery as a simple cure for cancer and clearly spoke about it on various occasions.

Nevertheless, he claims the right to the following discoveries:

  • cancer is a systemic destruction, not simply a tumor,
  • cancer pathology begins early in life and most of its elements come from painful experiences in early childhood, which consequently blocks breathing and causes emotional blockages; and later, during adolescence and adulthood, the individual has many difficulties in stabilizing a life of happiness and love, and ultimately gives up sexual pleasures and joy of life,
  •  cancer patients have significant bioenergetic neuromuscular tensions that limit blood circulation and oxygenation of certain specific areas of the body and, it should be noted, also in the area of ​​the sexual organs,
  •  cancer patients suffer from chronic deficiencies and gradual depletion of the reserves of bioenergetic charge of body tissues,
  • shortly before the tumor begins to develop, people experience a very strong emotional event, e.g. the loss of a very close person,
  • cancer cells have their origin in bionic processes, they grow from the decay of the patient’s own energetically weak tissues,
  • specific T bacilli are found in the tissues and blood of cancer patients in abundant quantities; T rods can be cultivated and when implanted in mice they cause cancer,
  • the use of the battery does not cause a sudden reversal of advanced stages of cancer; but to a limited extent, it can cause positive stimulation of the body, bioenergetic charging of the system, tissue regeneration, stimulation of the body for vital expansion and even the annihilation of cancer in all its forms.
  • strongly charged blood with life energy from the battery distributes it throughout the body, to every organ and tissue, which causes the release of emotional blockages and inhibitions.

The battery can recharge the body and even, to a limited extent, helps overcome many secondary complications and disorders. People usually experienced a recovery of the functions of previously inactive organs and an increase in energy within a few years, and sometimes even a complete reversal of disease symptoms. But very often, in published cases, relapse occurred. In some cases, it was obvious that the patient’s tumor was beginning to break down, but they were rendered incapacitated by the toxic compounds produced by the breakdown of the cancer and died from secondary complications such as kidney or liver failure. This is a particular problem when tumors break down deep inside the body and there is no way to easily remove the toxic compounds resulting from tumor breakdown.

In some cases, when the patients’ bioenergetic level was recharged using the battery, they began to feel the rise of deeply hidden feelings that they did not always want to deal with. Often, when they begin to explore these feelings, they experience pain in their genital area or thighs related to their sexual stagnation. Reich found that almost all of his cancer patients had not had sexual intercourse for many years, were suffering from a lack or betrayal of love, were living in forced marriages, or were very deeply religious. In these cases, overcoming sexual barriers, emotional blocks and rebuilding their desire to love was the key to reversing their symptoms. Some patients, when these emotional problems became apparent, refused to continue using the battery, even though significant tumor regression was visible and body functions were restored.

Treatment of other diseases also began, such as diabetes, arthritis, tuberculosis, rheumatism, rheumatic fever, anemia, ulcers, aphthae, and sciatica. Reich also wrote about the promising results of therapy in the treatment of leukemia. In the magazines he published, he also discussed the additional benefits of orgone as a form of increasing immunity to flu and colds, removing skin diseases, and overall increasing vigor and the level of life energy in the body.

Human studies in Germany show that:

  • Pain is removed, appetite is stimulated, patients become more lively and active, often leaving hospital beds or even the hospital itself to resume activities that interest them.
  • The blood image is cleansed, revealing red blood cells with a stronger energy charge, the number of T bacilli is reduced.
  • The tumors stop growing, and in many cases shrink rapidly.
  • The battery is usually able to extend a patient’s life by months or even years, patients generally experience a relapse at some point with a sudden return of symptoms and a quick, less painful death.
  • German doctors found that many cancer patients did not have fully developed features of cancer, as Reich described in the 1940s.

Reich repeatedly warned people with hypertension, heart failure, brain tumors, atherosclerosis, glaucoma, epilepsy, severe obsessions, apoplexy, dermatitis or conjunctivitis not to use the battery or use it very carefully for short periods due to the risk of overcharging in these cases exposures.

Rychnowski 2

Franciszek Rychnowski is an engineer-inventor from Lviv at the turn of the century who managed to condense the mysterious essence of life, present in the entire cosmos – “aetheroid”. This substance, according to the stories circulating at that time, was supposed to prolong life and youth.

He was fascinated by the most popular physics issues in the 19th century, mainly related to mechanics, caloric energy, electricity and steam engines. Installations and structures of this type dominated the first years of his work and he obtained his first patents in these fields.

While working on the lighting of the parliament building, the designer first encounters a phenomenon that will later dominate his life and scientific research. This is how Rychnowski himself describes this event: “…during this installation I encountered very interesting physical symptoms. Namely, I noticed that each very sudden interruption of this powerful electric current (…) caused in the adjacent space, 1/2 meter from the machine room, demarcated by a thick wall, completely dark, symptoms of the glow of clearly perceptible moonlight, something greenish.” This sentence clearly parallels the observations of Wilhelm Reich, who in 1933 discovered a similar glow while observing sea sand under a microscope. Dr. W. Reich called the observed substance orgone. Eng. Rychnowski called the discovered radiation an electroid, and after finding many analogies with electric current, he began to use the term “etheroid”…

Based on research, he concludes that the principle of operation of electric current results from unknown, volatile matter that moves on the surface of metal conductors. The source of this mysterious prototype energy – as the inventor calls it – is the Sun and other stars. “This energetic matter – writes Rychnowski – penetrates in the form of emissive solar radiation towards the earth and other planets of the solar system and is the basis not only of light and heat, electricity, magnetism, chemistry and all organic life, but also the fundamental cause of the rotation of the planets and their laps around the sun.”

Yoga practitioner Annie Besant, with whom Rychnowski analyzes his discoveries, believes that the aetheroid is identical with prana, which in the philosophy of eastern peoples, including Hinduism, is the basis of all things.


A scientist from Lviv is trying to capture such a volatile substance as etheroid. Subsequent actions finally bring success. One day, the tested matter is caught in a glass bowl. As a result, Rychnowski also obtains greenish balls of liquefied aetheroid, which burst under pressure, scattering into glowing dust.

Rychnowski 1

In February 1899, several famous journalists gathered in the laboratory of the Lviv engineer and inventor Franciszek Rychnowski to witness an extraordinary spectacle. The engineer presented them with his new device, the main function of which was to generate ether and emit it in a given direction. To show the method and possibilities of operation of his machine, he hung a steel ball in front of it, which, after pointing a rubber tube connected to the machine from which the aetheroid was released, began to rotate slightly. Then, to enhance the effect, the experimenter separated the ball from the machine with a glass window. The spinning effect, although slightly weakened, was still visible. Only when a metal plate was used instead of glass did the spinning stop and the polarization phenomenon and electric voltage appeared on the plate. The inventor decided to surprise journalists even more. After a while, he placed solutions of various salts near the ether-generating machine, which crystallized under the influence of radiation! Andrzej Pilipiuk, a famous writer and researcher of Rychnowski’s fate, described the force acting in this experiment as similar, although not identical, to microwave radiation. Yet the discovery of these waves took place decades later… Also earlier than other engineers. Rychnowski invents a way to obtain color photography in natural colors…

What Rychnowski achieved in the presence of Lviv journalists was not achieved during his presentation to Jerzy Brandes, author of the 1900 book titled “Lviv”. In it, Brandes describes the inventor of the aetheroid: “he is a half-century-old man, strongly built, with a grizzled beard, with the physiognomy of a searcher, full of some mystery, half scientist, half mad…”. Brandes further adds that when meeting the inventor, he had the impression of seeing Faustus or a medieval magician or alchemist.

During the visit, Brandes talks to the inventor about the new power that de Welehrad managed to harness. It was apparently an extraordinary energy that could rejuvenate a person and make him resistant to pain. Not only that, the aetheroid presented by Rychnowski was able to create colorful photographs of human faces and even fetuses, which confirmed the identity of the aether with the life force. This brings to mind de la Warra’s famous camera, which was also capable of taking pictures only through the unexplored power of the human mind.

This is not the only comparison that comes to mind in connection with Brandes’ visit to the laboratory of the Lviv inventor. The author of “Lviv” allegedly witnessed an extraordinary spectacle during which Rychnowski’s machines set in motion a large number of balls revolving around themselves and the central sphere. This was intended to represent our solar system, operating through the power of the mind in conjunction with the aether generating machine. There are irresistible references here to Rychnowski’s contemporary, John Keely, who also carried out such acts via the airwaves overseas, in America. At the same time, they came across a phenomenon that had a great impact on the fate of humanity. The difference is that this discovery has not been investigated by official science, despite the first experiments undertaken by the physicist Dr. Roszkowski from the Lviv University of Technology.

Rychnowski failed in his demonstration with a steel ball in the presence of Brandes. Then, in a moment of weakness, the scientist said that aether was a force that generated energy, thanks to which ships could sail much faster. A power with machines built by Rychnowski could therefore dominate at sea, which was of the greatest strategic importance in international politics at that time.

The scientist was not wrong in his predictions. When his invention became famous beyond the borders of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Americans learned about it. The story goes that the scientist rejected an offer of $4.5 million, which was more than was offered for Nicola Tesla’s inventions at that time. The Pole was convinced to the end that his works could not leave his native land. As he stated in one of his books: “I consider it necessary that the country where this discovery was made in the first place should benefit from it, if Poland was resurrected from its political powerlessness, I am ready to donate this natural treasure to the Polish state.” The Polish state was then under partition. Perhaps it was an unfortunate historical situation that prevented Rychnowski from achieving well-deserved fame.

The following years would bring further discoveries related to ether. The most fateful thing was noticing the healing effect that ether had on humans. This was supposed to bring recognition to the scientist-engineer, but, as was the case with Dr. Wilhelm Reich, it also made him enemies.

It all started with irradiation of engineer Bodaszewski, who suffered from rheumatism. The positive results of the short therapy caused Rychnowski to send the results of his research to the Academy of Learning in Krakow, academies of sciences in Stockholm, Rome, St. Petersburg, Berlin and Philadelphia. Today we know that academies of science were skeptical about the results of Rychnowski’s research, because when describing the effects of the etheroid, he kept the method of obtaining it secret. It is known that the Germans entered into negotiations with the inventor, and the occultists of the time considered the aetheroid to be a confirmation of their theories.

The enthusiastic response caused the inventor to open a special aetheroid irradiation point in Lviv for therapeutic purposes. Earlier, the inventor had noticed that too large doses of his rays may cause undesirable side effects. Rychnowski installed his machine in the General Hospital in Lviv, with the consent of Dr. Wiczkowski, this time using only air pumped from the garden for radiation. It was cleansed and activated by the strong light of Nernst electric lamps. In this way, the desired therapeutic effects were achieved. The methods he used were effective in the treatment of such diverse diseases as: rheumatism, diabetes, tuberculosis, blindness, syphilis, congenital atrophy of the optic nerve (blindness) and even infertility. Doctors could not believe that the healing agent is usually air… (comparable to the results of de la Warr’s work).

In his opinion, the effectiveness of Rychnowski’s therapy was so great mainly because of the energy recharging of the blood by ether. This improved its proper circulation in the body, restoring general health to the person. As in the case of other great and forgotten discoverers, this invention functioned only in the presence of the designer himself. Was it related to a special quality of the engineer’s mind?

Later, after obtaining a government license from the Ministry of Public Health, Rychnowski begins to run a legal treatment center. Unfortunately, his machines were used incorrectly, as a result of which they were quickly destroyed, and a disappointed Rychnowski gave up the fight to transfer the aetheroid to the Polish nation.

Rychnowski was involved in medicine, conducting research on the harmfulness of tobacco and alcohol, as well as reaching the source of cancer, which, in his opinion, was caused by damage to the body at the cellular level. Rychnowski was also the first to provide the correct principles of operation of the human nervous system, stating that the spinal cord is an electrolyte that conducts signals in the form of electric charges.