by Malcolm Rae


Paper Read to the Medical Society for the Study of Radiesthesia

Before embarking upon the main theme of this talk, I want to make it emphatically clear that what follows is but an expression of my current opinions — many of which have undergone radical reversals as additional observations or clearer comprehension occurred; and many of which are probably destined to a future of change.

Some of them are truths. All of them, I believe, at this time, to be relatively true; and a very few of them I believe to be absolutely true . All are currently my opinions.

I should like to occupy a few moments examining the unfortunate relations hip between truth and opinion and dismissing, if I can, a measure of the distorted thinking which results from their confusion .

It is a regrettable observation that a persuasively pronounced opinion, especially if reinforced by the recorded words of men of letter s, is frequently and misguidedly granted the status of truth , whilst a poorly presented truth may be overlooked as no more than mere opinion .”

Intellectual assessment of relative truth may be assisted by application of the following considerations :

1. An opinion is not necessarily confirmed because a similar opinion is attributed to some other individual.

2. This, I think is especially so when the similar opinion is attributed to some historical character, whose pronouncements were probably made in circumstances differing substantially from those in which we currently live; whose capacity to reach a balanced opinion almost certainly did not exceed the capacity of the best present-day thinkers, whose available spectrums of observation must have been greatly less than that of a current sixth form schoolboy, and whose words have almost certainly been to some extent distorted by the passing years.

3. Committing a statement to paper does not have any effect upon its veracity. It is interesting that whereas the original intention of recording thoughts in writing was purely to make them available, unchanged, at a future date, in many minds the printed word is accorded greater probably reliability than its spoken counterpart.  Taking this to the ridiculous, who has not hear someone say “it must be true — it was in the papers !”

Intellectual assessment of probably veracity is thus a difficult process — as visit to any Law Court will almost certainly demonstrate. But we, as radiesthesists , are fortunate in posses sing the basis of an extremely simple system for measuring truth . This consists of nothing more than a pendulum and a suitably designed chart to be used over a piece of magnetized rubber.

Very likely, you each employ some device. But since I am going to invite you to use the method here this evening, I have taken the liberty of making up a few charts which I will now pass around.

The main purpose of this talk is to offer for your consideration a model of the way in which radiesthetics and tele-harmonics might function. I believe the model I shall describe is not only understandable but is also very high on the scale of truth; and my reasons for the preamble and for preparing truth assessment charts for you is that you may check for yourselves,  should you feel it is worthwhile, the truthfulness of any part of it as my description unfolds.

If you should find an indication of any of the three species of “Falsehood,” I think you should stop me and challenge my statement. For whilst I am prepared to warrant that you will not find a deliberate falsehood. I am certainly human enough to be caught under “Accidental Falsehood,” and I should be grateful for information have I been so caught.

The model is constructed in two parts,  of which I will now describe the first:

Everything in this universe as far as I am aware, consists of a system of energies operating within boundaries. The boundaries describe structure, and the energies describe functioning within structure. This refers to us.

An energy always flows along the boundary as, for example, blood in an artery, or petrol between the tank of your car and its carburetor. I am, of course, aware that both petrol and blood are substances but in the context of this example, they are moving energy bearers.

It is interesting that the pendulum aligns itself along a boundary, or with an energy flow. That is, I believe, fundamentally the only thing it detects; and it is only by boundaries that individual items, whether material or conceptual, can be recognized and defined.

Any deviation from the planned function of anything in the universe is caused by an alternation in the pattern of boundaries and energies. Any detrimental deviation is due to the displacement of a boundary.

A displaced boundary becomes a barrier, and the introduction of a barrier to any system of boundaries and energies tends to convert it into a system of barriers and stresses.  For once a stress is present, its pressure will be distributed throughout the system. For example, a partial blockage occurs at some point in the circulation system with the result that the flow is reduced, the pressure increased, and there is danger of a collapse of a boundary at any point in the systems even remote from the blockage.

These, as you will see, are graded from left to right thus:

“Deliberate Falsehood” “Accidental Falsehood” “Partially True – Falsehood by Omission” “Workable Concept not Necessarily True” “Short-Term Temporary Truth” “Long-Term Temporary Truth” “Absolute Truth” “Complete Absolute Truth”

There are undoubtedly other methods of division. I offer these only because
I have found them useful and informative.

The first three divisions are, I think, self explanatory. ”Workable Concept – not Necessarily True ” is the section into which most of what we term
” Science” falls , – though not all scientists would be prepared to agree .
Electricity , and in fact , the whole of the concept of matter and energy are quite adequate examples.

“Short-Term Temporary Truth” – “It is Wednesday,” and “Long-Term Temporary Truth” –  “It is the 20th Century” are again self explanatory: But either may be required when making an assessment.

The purist might assert that “Absolute Truth” and “Complete Absolute Truth” are identical: And to this I can but reply that I have found them both to be necessary.

The charts are mounted on rubber impregnated with particles of magnetised steel, which provides a random magnetic field: i .e . the rubber will adhere to ferrous metal, but appears to have no polar characteristics, since either surface will adhere to either surface. Experience – both personal and of others working with me – has led to the belief that it greatly reduces the effect of interference of the intellect upon intuition.

I shall now halt for a few minutes whilst these who wish – and I hope that will be all of you – experiment with pendulums  over the rubber and sense the feel of it. For most radiesthetists this will be a peculiar inert feeling, until the moment when a question is formulated for reference to the chart, when the pendulum’ s movement will be more positive and “dead beat” than its customary movement.

(a) Radiesthetic detection is the detection of boundaries and barriers: it can detect nothing else.
(b) A boundary is a demarkation between masses or energies.
(c) A barrier is a dermarkation between stresses.
(d) A barrier is a pressurised boundary.
(e) A barrier is a wrongly located or a displaced boundary.
(f) All differentiation depends upon boundaries.
(g) A boundary is always parallel with an energy flow.
(h) A barrier is always at right angles to a stress.
(i) Introduction of a barrier into a system of boundaries and energy flows tends to turn all boundaries into barriers and all energies into stresses.

The second part of the model calls for a little exercise of the imagination. It begins with the idea of a simple chart, square is shape, with each side divided into ten, to form a grid.


On this it is possible to locate any point accurately, by numerically expressed distances from the edge of the chart, which may be regarded as the “frame of reference”.

The point “x” for example, may be designated – 3/4 – meaning 3 spaces up from the base line of the frame of reference and 4 spaces to the right of the left vertical edge of the frame of reference.

Image below is what is shown in the pdf

A set of lines such as those drawn on the following diagram would be described by

Curved lines can also be described by similar ratios, by application the Calculus.

It could therefore be stated that any point, line, or complex of lines on a plane surface may be expressed numerically as ratios: but is should be stressed that these ratios will be constant only if the same system is used, and within that system, the same frame of reference. To clarify this, the following examples are offered:

Summarising, then: –
1. A point, line, or complex of lines may be expressed accurately by the use of ratios consisting of numerical co-ordinates.

2, Because there are many equally accurate sets of co-ordinates for any point, dependent upon the system employed and the frame of reference to which it is referred, it is essential that the system and frame of reference employed are constant in any measurements designed to be communicated and it is equally essential that the correct frame of reference should be chosen for the measurement to be made.

I do apologise for inflicting upon you an elementary lesson in plain geometry; but it is necessary in order to develop my model. To bring it into context, perhaps I should explain that the lines on the map may be regarded as the definition of the context in which they are to be considered : but this will, I trust, become clearer as I proceed: but perhaps I should explain, at this point, that whilst the foregoing considers only two co-ordinates in a plane frame of reference, radiesthestic question and answer indicates that six are required, operating on the same principle, to describe all facets of man in his environment.

At this point I want you to imagine the chart appearing on the screen of your television receiver.

You may well know how a television functions, but at the risk of conveying coals to Newcastles, I shall briefly describe the functioning of such parts as I require to develop my theme. These are no more than the tube and the deflector plates:

In principle the cathode projects a beam of electron which strike the fluorescent inner coating of the front of the tube, and cause it to fluoresce at the point of impact.

Without voltages applies to the deflector plates the beam strikes the screen in the centre – as may be seen on many sets immediately after they have been switched off when the cathode is hot and continues to emit electrons for a short time whilst it cools.

If, however, one of the deflector plates is made more positive than that opposing it, the negative electron beam will be attracted towards it, and so the beam will strike the screen in a different place.

It will be seen, then  that by controlling the voltages applied to the deflector plate, the spot may be located at any point on the screen: and the voltages applied may be regarded as the … [ TEXT IS COMPLETELY MISSING FROM THIS SCAN … between 3 to 6  words missing].

This phenomena may be observed operating psychologically, too. Imagine a small group of men working in very austere surrounding under the guidance of a competent and understanding manager. They are happy, in spite of their surroundings, which they have accepted as the boundaries of their work; and production is high, for nothing is impeding the flow of energy. Now imagine the change that follows the replacement of the competent and understanding manager by one less competent and understanding. The new manager will be regarded as a barrier, and stress primarily due to him will be introduced into the group where it will be spread, so that it is only  a matter of days before complaints about the quality of the tea in the canteen the temperature n the workshop, for most of the erstwhile energy flow has deteriorated into a static stress, longing to explode wherever it may find a weak pin in the barriers.

The foregoing may be organized into the following set of axioms, which I believe to be “Complete Absolute Truth,” but which I should like you to check for yourselves.

These are but three examples of different numerical co-ordinates of the same point, resulting from different systems applied to the same frame of reference.

Variations from any of these will occur, however, if the frame of reference is changed. Of this I will give you one example, see diagram f.

Summarizing again:

  1. A point on a chart may be expressed as a ratio of distance from the frame of reference of that chart.
  2. A point on a television screen may be expressed as a ratio of voltages applied to deflector plates.
  3. Voltages applied to the deflector plates when the beam is switched off may be regarded as the latent co-ordinates of an effect which will occur when the beam is switched on. In other words, they are “Programming” in its simplest form.

(The television produces the apparent of lines by spots moving with the velocity beyond which the eye can appreciate moment; but the ratios of changing voltages applied to the deflector plates would define these lines.)

I now want you to consider the method whereby you become consciously aware of an idea. When you were born, you were brought into life with you an enormous number of sets of co-ordinates related to the many requirements of living on this plane; and since then, you have been adding to them.

Those which you brought into life could be considered as “programming for living”; and those you have added are the fruits of experience.

They are all normally latent, to become activated only when your personal electron beam, which called “attention”, energizes them.

For example, if I say the word “lemon,” each of you will see a picture of a lemon. You were not aware of it before I said the word lemon, and I did not give you the picture; so you must have already possessed its co-ordinates, which were energized in response to my spoken word.

So attention energized the co-ordinates of “lemon” and brought the though into awareness; and it is perhaps worth observing that the co-ordinates are related to the mental picture, and not to the word itself,  so that “Citron” would evoke the same picture in a Frenchman as would “zitrone” in a German.

In my example, the individual’s attention has been so stimulated that he becomes aware of its results, i.e.; it is a function of the conscious mind.

But in studying the causes of illness, we are far more deeply concerned with the unconscious mind, wherein the same order of mechanisms is unceasingly at work. 

There is, however, a notable difference in that the appropriate co-ordinates are energized by some thing other than attention, which, of course, emanates from the conscious part of man’s mind.

Conscious mentation could not compute the required combinations of co-ordinates, and their relative intensities, rapidly enough to sustain life in an environment which is liable to almost instantaneous change; and whatever it is that serves this purpose, in combination with the sets of co-ordinates available to it, is plainly able to achieve feats of mathematics which would confound our most sophisticated computers tended by their most competent programmers.

Radiesthetic question and answer yielded firstly that that which is responsible for energizing the appropriate co-ordinates, to sustain life within those changes of environment which man was designed to withstand, is a principle. Secondly, the most accurate verbal description of it is “The essential simplicity.”

What an inspiring description that is, too. “The essential simplicity” — the simplest and thus most efficient employment of man’s essence in conducting the behavior of his substance.

Diverging  momentarily form the subject of man himself and examining the wider aspects of life, does not “essential simplicity” describe the principle which should pervade all activities? It is undoubtedly the principle which should pervade purposeful organizations from Governments to the arrangements of stocks in a one-man retail business.

As I see it, the only legitimate apparent departure from it should be purely temporary for purposes of expansion or for the elimination of accrued complexities.

And returning to individual man himself, for whom radiesthetic question and answer yields the most accurately descriptive terms as a “unique integration” (that is of “essence” and “substance”, is not all healing directed towards driving out those complexities which have developed within and restoring, as far as possible, a unique integration, which has started to disintegrate?

The essential simplicity operates the body by a process of energizing as and when required sets of co-ordinates which cause corrective bodily issues.

This process was designed to operate without impinging upon awareness; and under ideal circumstances, I think it would do so. For one is not normally aware of changes in depth of breathing, pulse rate, or release of blood sugar. In health one becomes aware of some of these only when operating near one’s environmental limits, as,  for example in extremes of temperature or humidity, and when operating near one’s bodily capacities, as in very strenuous unaccustomed exertion, and since it must be assumed that the repertoire of sets of co-ordinates, which accompany a health body are in alignment with the designed purpose of that body, this invasion of consciousness by the unconscious processes is no more than a sensible warning.

To override it could result in damage.

It might well be that, in surroundings uncompromisingly ideal for the physical body, an unambitious savage could live a life-time without being aware of any of his subconscious mechanisms: always eating food before hunger became apparent; always drinking before thirst started to be felt; excreting just before the need was felt; and being unambitious, never striving to extend his activities beyond the limits of his limited design.

But the penalty of ambition and of living in society is that many of the purely physical ideal requirements are made subservient to the individual’s ambitions and social agreement. So he drives at 70 mph – or occasionally even more – for long periods, using eyes which were designed to accommodate at a maximum of about 12 mph for the duration of his ability to achieve that speed on foot; and his misses his luncheon if he is busy and drinks, when it is socially appropriate rather than because his body requires liquid; and in fact generally overrides the endeavors of the essential simplicity to conduct his body efficiently, whenever he finds it more expedient to do so.

At this point, I would ask you to return to imagination to your television set and consider what happens when the picture is too dull properly to convey its message.

What happens is, of course, that the viewer turns up the “brightness” control, the purpose of which is to increase the intensity of the electron beam which, striking the fluorescent coating inside the tube, will generate more light. 

This functions perfectly well as long as the instrument is used within the frame work of its design. But suppose the viewer who is adjusting for himself is partially blind and in order to see the picture he increase the electron beam’s intensity beyond the limits of its designed activity and continues to have it so operating.

Under such conditions two, at least, faults would develop. The continued bombardment of the fluorescent material on the screen would ultimately desensitize t and the concentration of negative charge passing through the deflector plates could be sufficient to modify the voltages on the plates themselves and thus to distort the resultant picture.

Similarly, in the human being, the repeated attempts of the “essential simplicity” to cause the individual to take such steps as are required for bodily wellbeing and to avoid those which are detrimental to its results i more and more intensity being applied to the energization of the requisite sets of co-ordinates, resulting in a progressive decrease in response and a distortion of the sets of co-ordinates, or the energization of the wrong sets and culminating in complexities of compensation dis-integrative to the “wholeness” of the man. In other words — ill health.

A television receiver possesses no self-repairing characteristics, and once the fluorescent coating of the screen has become desensitized, it is beyond repair. But by injecting compensatory voltages into the deflector plate’s circuits, the distortion of the picture could be remedied as long as the voltages were applied.

The injection of these voltages might be regarded as the introduction of a remedial message; and similarly any measure which can be introduced into a human being to correct the dis-integrative complexities, which he has developed, may be regarded as a remedial message will not only achieve a temporary correction but will enable to organism to set about self-restoration.

The reason for this is to be found in the concepts of energies, boundaries, barriers, and stresses; for any deviation from integrated simplicity is caused by a boundary having become partially or wholely converted into a barrier and a proportional amount of the dynamic flow of life energy having been thus converted into static stress. Any measure which can, even temporarily, eradicate a barrier or render it ineffectual, will result in the recovery of dynamic energy which will start the repair work.

The title of this talk it “Radiesthesia and Thought” and its endeavor is to associate the two in an understandable relationship.

A summary of the suggested relationship is:

1. The stimulation, by conscious attention or subconsciously by the essential simplicity, of stores sets of co-ordinates, preprogrammed as the heritage of the human species, or individually acquired from experience, directs the whole of our living activity.

2. We were designed as systems of boundaries and energies, but these can become modified into barriers and stresses. Barriers and stresses result from failure to accept the direction of the essential simplicity and from endeavoring to extend our activities beyond the limits of design.

3. Radiesthesia detects boundaries and/or barriers. It can, therefore, be used to measure the difference between a boundary and a barrier, and this could represent a degree of ill health.

4. In an inanimate electronic system such as a television receiver, a boundary has become a barrier, once it has been correctly measured, may be temporarily restored by the injection of the appropriate “corrective message” in the form of a pattern of supplementary electric potentials.

5. In man, a boundary which has become a barrier, once it is correctly measure, may be treated with the appropriate corrective message.

6. Because man was designed to be self-repairing, the remedial pattern is able to set in motion his repair mechanisms as long as he is not producing too many new destructive patters for himself.

The foregoing I offer as my concept, described to the best of my limited ability for your consideration. For me, it seems to be a source of growing understanding, and I shall count my endeavor to render it comprehensible well rewarded if I have succeeded in interesting you.