In this paper, the idea of a new artificial intelligence based optimization algorithm, which is
inspired from the nature of vortex, has been provided briefly. As also a bio-inspired computation
algorithm, the idea is generally focused on a typical vortex flow / behavior in nature and inspires
from some dynamics that are occurred in the sense of vortex nature. Briefly, the algorithm is also a
swarm-oriented evolutional problem solution approach; because it includes many methods related
to elimination of weak swarm members and trying to improve the solution process by supporting
the solution space via new swarm members. In order have better idea about success of the
algorithm; it has been tested via some benchmark functions. At this point, the obtained results show
that the algorithm can be an alternative to the literature in terms of single-objective optimization
solution ways. Vortex Optimization Algorithm (VOA) is the name suggestion by the authors; for
this new idea of intelligent optimization approach.


       Rapid developments and improvements within different technologies have remarkable roles
on improving our modern life and providing effective solutions to the real-world problems. At this
point, it is always omitted that mathematical dynamics of the related solution approaches are
generally based on natural dynamics. In other words, it is clear that nature – biological environment
has many features and functions that can be inspired from in order to have novel solution
approaches for especially, hard, complex, real-world based problems [1, 2]. When we consider
mathematical solution approaches, methods, and techniques, it can be seen that the nature has a big
role on forming each formulations in the sense of providing alternative solutions. Even simple
mathematical equations have some bio-inspired sides that researchers / scientists have inspired from
during designing these mathematical systems. In this sense, we can briefly say that nature and
biological world has a big role on thinking about solutions and designing mathematical structures in
the way of developing effective computational approaches, methods, or techniques. At this point,
the optimization concept has been widely inspired from the nature for many years; as one of the
related mathematical solution approaches.

When we take the optimization concept into consideration, we can see that it has a great
importance on research interests in the intersection of different literatures associated with problems
covering optimization solutions and alternative approaches in order to satisfy needs in typical
optimization solution ways. In time, the related optimization approaches have gained a remarkable
momentum in designing novel methods, and techniques for being alternative to real-world based
optimization problems. As general, the associated literature has especially many different
algorithms inspired from behaviors of different organisms or natural dynamics while designing
mathematical infrastructure, which is strong enough in order to cover optimization problems and
provide effective solutions for them. At this point, swarm intelligence is a remarkable research
interest, which has a great role on providing effective solutions for optimization operations and has
strong relation with bio-inspired computation [3–7]. It seems that the future of bio-inspired
computation will be greatly affected by such developments and gain rapid improvement flow as the
number of different problems increases in time. On the other hand, we can say that the future of
artificial intelligence will be shaped from not only inspirations on human thinking / behavior
approaches but also from inspirations on natural dynamics.

Objective of this paper is to introduce the idea of a new artificial intelligence based
optimization algorithm, which is inspired from the nature of vortex. As also a bio-inspired
computation algorithm, the idea is generally focused on a typical vortex flow / behavior in nature
and inspires from some dynamics that are occurred in the sense of vortex nature. From a general
perspective, the algorithm is also a swarm-oriented evolutional problem solution approach; because
it includes many methods related to elimination of weak swarm members and trying to improve the
solution process by supporting the solution space via new swarm members. It also employs simple
mathematical equations in order to be formed and applied easily in optimization problems. In order
have better idea about success of the algorithm; it has been tested via some benchmark functions
and the results received from the tests show that the algorithm can be an alternative to the literature
in terms of single-objective optimization solution ways. Vortex Optimization Algorithm (VOA) is
the name suggestion by the authors; for this new idea of intelligent optimization approach.
In the context of the objective of this paper, the remaining content is organized as follows:
The next section is devoted a brief look at to the history of the idea and the development process so
far. After that, the fourth section provides the fundamentals of the designed algorithm. It briefly
explains the approach and provides the general structure of the algorithm, which is also called as the
Vortex Optimization Algorithm (VOA). Next to the fourth section, some brief test / evaluation
processes performed via optimization benchmark functions are reported under the fifth section.
Finally, the paper is ended by providing conclusions and discussing about future works.