eidetic geocentrism

Quantitative inertial science has built for itself a grand theory which supposedly explains all the observed celestial movements. Modern astronomy satisfies itself by explaining that certain fundamen­tally observed celestial movements are optical perspectives resulting from earth rotation and revolution.

Quantitative inertial science explains the ec­centric planetary sky courses as complex perspectives which result from combinations of planetary movements and earth movements. Inertial theory constructs reference frames and perspective motions in order to define celestial “behaviour”… or “nature”.

Quantitative inertial science moves all the heavens and earth in order to explain observed celes­tial movements and symmetries. It sets the heavens aquiver in or­der to “explain” what sight and sense define.What inertial science has never satisfactorily explained deals with immediate experience. The question which we are asking here is best stated by children who state with incredulity:

“If the earth IS moving… why then do I NOT FEEL IT?”

We must realize that IF the earth is moving… then physical points(located on its supposed curved surface) are necessarily being DIS­PLACED with even greater rapidity as a specific spatial deviation. If thisdeviation is large enough… then it must be felt as a falling sensation despite gravity.


If we accept all the quantitative evidences which several centuries of geodesy have accumulated then we reach a most startling revelation in several simple mathematical steps.

We take the equatorial earth radius, 3963.221 miles and calculate the equatorial earth circumference to be 24911.22191 miles. Earth rotational time is taken to be 23.9344694 hours per rotation. We therefore calculate that the earth rotational speed is .28913735 miles per second displace­ment at any equatorial surface point.

DISPLACEMENT is the essential term which we will examine here.Not to comprehend the meaning of DISPLACEMENT is to miss the central revelation of these investigations.

Our desired mathematical goal is to determine the actual physicaldisplacement which a sensing organism (on the equatorial surface)experiences. We wish to clarify the maximum displacements which arepossible on the (supposed) globe.

If such displacements are sizable then they must be subjectively (and continuously) sensed throughout the day. After all… if we are “riding” the surface of an immense ball through space… then we must feel the“shifting” or “drop” as we continuously readjust spatial position from second to second. Trigonometric determinations give us the actual “drop” every second as we (supposedly) “hurl through space… unfeel­ingly”.

We must first determine the actual equatorial speed which any of us SHOULD feel. I say SHOULD feel… because we are dealing with an angular displacement and not a linear velocity. Our subjective senses are extremely precise in (survivalistically) sensing all and any slight spatial displacement. While we might not be able at all to sense constant linear velocities we do sense continuous angular displacements however slight.

If the earth is rotating we need to know its actual speed… and recognize that this speed is one whose direction continu­ally shifts with every new second. Slight directional changes produce mild nausea… despite gravity. Gravitation never cancels out the sensations pro­duced by any angular displacement even when the two coincide (as they do on the earth’s surface)… a fact which academicians conveniently fail to address.

Gravitation does not neutralize the sensate spa­tial displacement on the surface of so huge a mass as the earth. Gravity focuses on the (supposed) earth center. Angular displacements focus on each tangent to the curved earth surface… an enormous thrust.The actual speed of equatorial rotation is deter­mined as .28913735 miles per second. Were we to hang a fixed pendulum in space over any specific spot we would measure it as moving away from us at little more than ¼ mile dis­placement per second.This is no small velocity of which to speak. The point we wish to con­sider is not the constant speed of rotation through space… but the experienced DISPLACEMENT along any tangent to the surface. This is the value which triggers nerves and survivalistically protects us from“falling”.

The significance of this calculated value cannot be underestimated(as historically it has been). If the earth is rotating… then we SHOULD feel the displacement every second. If we are rotating then we should SENSE the speed because of the displaced “drop” across space from any point. After all… if you are facing any one particular point in space and are moving with such rapidity you should experience the very slightest physical divergence FROM that faced direction. This displacement produces a “headlong” feeling across a certain (calculated) space.

Eidetic Geocentrism

Earth rotates 360 degrees every day. Earth rotates .0041666 degrees every second. We examine a slice of equatorial earth and construct a right triangle. We know the hypotenuse of this triangle as the earth radius. We know the angle from earth center as ½ the angular rotation per second…which is .002083333 degrees per half-second. The sine of this minute angle is accurately determined to be .000036177 and is the most crucial term in our discussion. The accuracy of this constant determines the purity of all our subsequent calculations.

Applying the sine formula to this huge right triangle gives the value of the chord section A as .143377446 miles. Calculation reveals that the surface curvature is .144556867 miles. How curved is the surface curvature? There is a supposed 2 foot “drop” per mile tangent on the earth’s surface. We may therefore neglect the curvature across this surface section… since it amounts to .289113734 feet… less than 3 inches.

We then construct a second right angle triangle. We take the “across the ground” distance per second as the hypotenuse. We measure the displacement as a “drop” from that surface… to chord A. Using Pythagoras’ equation, we determine the actual “drop” from curved surface to chord A as 1075.018618 feet… a staggering large value!

Eidetic Geocentrism

If we are displaced from our physiological center in any space at the rate of 1075 feet per second then we should all CONTINUOUSLY FEEL the displacement. But… we do NOT in fact feel any such motion.

If the earth’s angular displacement is large enough… then it must be personally felt. Not sensing such a pronounced displacement is extremely significant… and devastating to quantitative heliocentric theory.

Experience is caught between accepting quantitative inertial mea­surements or qualitative sensual experiences… a decision which forever dominates our being and determines what our experiential reality will be.

We see here that a very significant disparity exists between quantitative geodesic calculations and qualitative physiological sensation. According to geodesically determined calculations there should be a significant sensate response to the (supposed) earth rotation. The absence of this sensation is problem­atic… and leads into a most curious series of conclusions.

Theories are accounted worthy of acceptance only when they can show connections, correlations, and equations among very divergent phenomena. Quantitative theories correlate specific por­tions of different phenomena in the inertial space. Qualitative science reveals essential communions among quantitatively incom­patible domains.

I utilize the (supposed) earth rotation as a tool for enlarging upon a fundamentally ancient cosmology… one whose world-view best comprehends and correlates the natural enigmas of experien­tial reality. The fundamental role of perception in both quantitative and qualitative sciences must be addressed and properly inter­preted.

I have been using a battery of very accurate geodesic values to calculate earth surface disequilibria. Anyone may review my calculations and arrive at these values. Each value is precisely calculated for (maximum) equatorial constants… where (according to the rotating earth model) motional displacements and disequilibria should be experienced in their extreme.

These constants constitute certain fundamental geodesic val­ues. They demand the pre-supposition that

a)       the earth is a solid spheroid of specific curvature
b)       is rotating on a relatively fixed axis in vacuum
c)       has its center of gravity in a fixed core focal point

I personally find these three accepted quantitative concepts to be the objectionable conclusions drawn from a specific distortion in qualitative space… but reiterate them for the sake of my calculations. It is possible to prove the existence of a permeating qualitative space…while utilizing the very constants which quantitative science cites as “proof” of an academically accepted terrestrial model.

Earth Geodesy Constants

  • Radius [3963.221] miles.
  • Circumference [24911.22191] miles.
  • Rotational Period [23.9344694] hours per rotation.
  • Rotational Speed [.28913735] miles per second point-disequilibrium

Angular Disequilibrium [.0041666] degrees per second.

a = [.002083333] degrees per half-second
a = [7.4999988] degree-seconds sine angle
a = [.000036177]

In the above two (geometrically exaggerated) diagrams we shall solve for the actual disequilibrium which any sensitive individual SHOULD experience on the equator every experiential second. Diagram 2 indicates a slice of equatorial earth in which we have constructed a very large right triangle. We know the hypotenuse of this triangle as the earth radius.

We wish first to find half the chord which connects both surface points as indicated. This distance represents the actual surface distance through which any observer travels with respect to an imaginary overhanging fixed point

The sine of angle “a” is known by considering the total rotational time through which 360 degrees are precessed. Equatorial surface curvature is [.144556867 miles per second rotation]. We therefore discover that chord section A is [.143377446 miles per second rotation].

We utilize the equation of Pythagoras to determine the actual “drop” (Diagram 1) from curved surface to chord as [1075.018618] feet per second… a staggering value. Quantitative analysis separates, isolates, and quantifies forces in dynamic situations. The (supposed) earth rotation would produce several experiential (physico-physiological) species which may be enumerated and distinguished:

a)       the forward thrust of [0.2891 miles per second] b)       the continuous disequilibrating “drop” of [1075.02 feet per second] c)       the forward (headlong) disequilibrating angular displacement of [7.49999 degree-seconds] d)       the disequilibrating vertical displacement of [7.49999 de­gree-seconds]

Empirical qualitative research continued to discover conscious­ness-modifying effects of “aetheric streams” among natural geologi­cal structures and in specific material configurations. Neither quantitative nor qualitative researchers ever discerned an “aether drift” correlated to the (supposed) rotations of the “earth in space”. Quantitative science took this supposition as proof that no motional reference exists. Quantitative analysis does not recognize the consciousness of space… viewing space as vacuum.

Quantitative space is not a conscious space…because no transducer exists by which space consciousness may be quantifiably measured. Only bio-articulate structures are capable of experienc­ing the consciousness of space itself. Quantitative space is not a biological formative generator… despite numerous exhibitions of spontaneous biological activity in quasi-articulate “inorganic” sys­tems (Brown, Littlefield, Bastian, Kolisko, Fox, Oparin, Reich, et.al.).

Quantitative analysis fails to identify the fundamental distur­bance in which all organisms necessarily experience discomfort. The presence of any significant rotational force would continually produce a life-defying discomfort of great extremes. Such discom­fort is not known on earth.

Fixed mass-points upon a curved gravitating body should produce several dynamic actions such as:

a)       eastward thrusts
b)       upward centrifugal “levitations”
c)       east groundward angular displacements.

Despite insignificantly small forward angular-displacement there exists a disorienting motional component which neither gravitation nor virtual centrifugal forces can neutralize. It is this motional component which must be power­fully felt and comprehended… if it exists at all.

The geotropic sense is evident in all life-forms which subsist in ground-referenced environments. Spatial disorientation produces special responses which are best understood through qualitative sen­sitivities.

The human organism deli­cately senses many varieties and distinctions of movement, displace­ment, disorientation, and disequilibrium. Specific senses detect continuous changes in human perspective… and these senses do not all require changes in velocity for their stimulation. Displace­ments in space are strongly sensed in all living organisms as disequilibria. Displacements may be quantitatively measured—but disequilibria are qualitatively experienced.



Eidetic Geocentrism

Interpretation of my findings requires examination of each physi­ological sense resulting from such (supposed) significant movement Quantitative analysis demands specific correlated measurements of motion and sense. Are the calculated large earth-point displace­ments capable of being physiologically sensed at all? If so…by which actual sense organs, sensory systems, or sensory modes must they be sensed? Neurological determinations of stimulus-sensitivity might comprise a thoroughly quantitative examination of possibly felt earth motions.

Physiological sensation accommodates and discerns several degrees of space-motional freedom with great sensitivity. Kinaesthetic equilibria correlate closely with the primary senses of being. These exist as fundamental sensations which cannot be quantita­tively discerned, described, or evaluated.

Those who study sensory systems as quantifiable neuro-responses (via electrical meters) can never give detailed descriptions of stimulus-experience. Quantitative science cannot know exact responses to stimuli because its methods demand separation from anything experiential. Quantified neurological measurements ap­pear as minute and insignificant magnitudes (Reich). Qualitative responses to specific stimuli are inordinately great when compared with quantitative measurements of those stimuli

The divergence between examining neurological dynamics and actual experience reveals the absolute separation between quantitative and qualitative science. Either we observe neurology… or experience it. There is no common ground between these two opposites.

Nerves which sense mass-motion do NOT sense earth rotations. No portion of our experience corresponds with the [1075 foot per second] disequilibrating “drop” through space either. Displace­ments in “space-poise” require far more sensitive perceptive modes than the pressure-activated neurology.

Quantitative observation of experience in organisms never yields qualitative comprehension. Qualitative Science admits hu­man sensation and observations of metacognitive activities during experiment. Qualitative Science permits experiential fusion in and among examined phenom­ena and permits deeper cogni­tion of examined entities.

Qualitative science recog­nizes sensations which exceed the inertio-physiological domain…sensations which are intimately related with organ­isms in conscious space. Quan­titative analysis does not ex­plain or predict the most intimate organismic cognition.

Whenever we are moved in space we know of it… the sensations are distinct and different from those by which we know that a spatial DISPLACEMENT has occurred. Organisms sense DISEQUILIBRIUM with great preci­sion. The important distinction between the two terms forms the foundation of all our subsequent conclusions. Organismic equilib­rium in space conceals a fundamental biological secret

Only qualitative method defines DISEQUILIBRIUM. Disequilibrium is organismic response to specific environmental displacements. Disequilibrium and displacement are two com­pletely different items but may be related in certain phenomena. Equilibrium sensations are exceedingly sensitive and precise. Quantitative science defines and measures spatial DISPLACE­MENT but not disequilibrium because physiological experience cannot be quantified.

Physical displacements are not the only sources of disequilibrium sensations in organisms. Energetic disturbances are capable of disrupting spatial equilibrium in organisms. Strong distal electrical discharges have demonstrated ability in producing disturbing irritability, fear, sleep, and nausea in living beings. In such instances there are no relative mass motions between disturbance and organism Energetic disturbances of all kinds produce specific biological disruptions.

Life-threatening disequilibrium is sensed, feared, and avoided among otherwise placid organisms. Such energetic events effect disruptions among spatially articulate patterns…which externally feed organisms with their life. These spatial patterns are bio- fundamental integrators of the organisms which manifest inertial appearances.

Qualitative experience informs each of us that earth is NOT MOVING. Bio-articulate equilibria evidence the terrestrial rest state. Properly interpreted quantitative analysis provides math­ematical enigmas which confirm this simple knowledge. Are there trans-physiological sensations which must necessarily prevail on a rotating earth surface…despite the historically assumed “neutraliz­ing” effects of gravitation? Is there a qualitative means by which a rotating earth model may be tested to satisfaction?



Quantitative analysis does not offer information about experiential disequilibria. Any motion empirically modifies consciousness and experience. Organisms and masses alike qualitatively experience spe­cific disequilibria. These disequilibria are due to specific en­vironmental “disengagements”. The qualitative species which appear in moving organisms in ground contact should include continuities in:

a) physiological disequilibria
b) perspective distortions
c) eidetic disengagements
d) consciousness disequilibria.
e) continual visceral anxiety

Not one of these supposed sensa­tions are experienced in continuous processions. Qualitative science observes and charts the occasional appearance of certain such diurno-seasonal events… observations which modify our experience during the day and among the seasons.
Facing eastward should be facing “with” the supposed rota­tional terrestrial motion through articulate life-supplying space. This poise should focus subjective sensitivity upon very distinct and powerful disequilibria. The continuous disorientation of a supposed mobile earth through articulate space must be strongly sensed by all organisms. None of these effects registers the slightest sensation.

Vertical orientation in Qualitative Space establishes organismic equilibrium through articulate extension. Organisms are articu­lately engaged and enmeshed in their life-supplying space. Any continuous disorientation in articulate space dangerously shreds the articulate patterning (auric threads) of organisms. Such violence produces great fear and nausea (motion sickness) in biological systems.

Quantitative examination studies the mass-pressure effects of velocity change on neuro-systems in order to discover the inertial cause of such sensation. An intriguing physiological phenomenon indicates the true qualitative cause of prolonged motion sickness.

Cessation of prolonged centrifugal motions produce inordi­nately prolonged organismic nausea. Sea-sickness may last up to 30 or more hours AFTER disembarking from a ship. Quantitative science has placed the “balancing” neurosensors in the middle ear. Semi-circular middle ear canals offer great resistance however to the continuous flow of liquids which (according to quantitative exami­nation) are responsible for body-equilibrium. Quantitative science must concur that nerves cannot register prolonged stimulation when once long motion has ceased. Some other cause for the continuity of such organismic pain must be found.

Quantitative examinations indicate that violent and continuous motions produce greatly disturbed bio-electric patterns. Contractive bio-electric fields are measured in organisms which are subject to violent and continuous spatial displacements. Such organisms require time in order that these bio-fields again reach equilibrium

Sudden bio-electric expansion articulately appears when equi­librium is again reached. These disequilibrium reactions indicate a specific relationship which bio-organisms have with space itself.

Organisms behave as if articu­lately “patterned” into their liv­ing space. This “patterned living space” extends into both deep ground and space…and yet ex­hibits no relative movement be­tween deep ground and the depths of deep space.

Disequilibrating motions of this environment would be sensed as articulate disengage­ment… disturbing the articulate patterns by which bio-physiol­ogy is actually (externally) sup­plied. The nameless fear which grips us when sufficiently disar­ticulated from our articulate rest- space reveals the secret (spatial) source of life.

Qualitative examination reveals that violently displaced organ­isms evidence articulate disruption in space. Violently moved organisms experience painful disruptions in the articulate pattern­ing which feeds them life. Torn articulate spaces produce prolonged organismic disturbance. Time is required for the restoration and healing of articulate distensions, distortions, and disruptions.

If the earth were truly rotating then all biology would seek refuge in non-motive locales. Organisms would scramble for places where the ground-surface angular motion is minimized…not en­larged. Poleward biological migrations would be observed from time immemorial… if this were the greater reality. Such motion would result in the severe sensation of constantly impending cataclysm. But… no such disturbance is experienced on earth.

Disarticulation through world-movement remains undetected by all organisms on earth. A continuously rotating earth demands the illness concomitant with continuous space disarticulations among all bio-organisms… a state which does not describe our world- experience. Severe space disarticulations produce severe organis­mic disequilibrium… but no such motion is detected.



Natural experiential phenomena offer several clues concerning the true and fundamental Qualitative Nature of our world. Our two previous discussions originated with an elementary question concerning experiential sensation and acceleration on a rotating mass.

Simple mathematical calculations revealed questionable disparities between earth motions and conscious experience. Contradictions were thus discovered between what quantitative world-views teach and what we experience. These contradictions are numerous, and repre­sent the fundamental disparity which exists between two distinct perceptual modes: auric and inertial perception.

Conflict among these two perceptual modes has produced two distinct and contrary sci­ences: Qualitative and Quantitative Science. Each science mutually excludes the other. The Qualitative World-View necessarily conflicts with the academically professed world-view because it is based on the fundamental, permeating portion of the generalized world experience.

Eidetic space permeates inertial space completely and dominates it. Eidetic space suffuses the dead in­ertial world with its noumenous presence. Eidetic space forms and deforms inertial space, and mani­fests anomalous energetic intrusions in naturally ordained locales and in specifically configured apparatus. More complete knowledge of foundational eidetic space enables the direct and intentional modification of inertial space. In this article we will examine the distorting influence of inertial spaces on qualitative experience and the neces­sary consequences of this interaction.



Disequilibration produces a remarkably sustained “headlong” sensation, the experience of which becomes locally generalized and experientially overwhelming. The familiar “teeter-tottering” sensation becomes a sense of reference-frame generalized pressure. The sense produces a force which permeates the entire body, and remains there until relieved. This sense is felt on bridges sometimes. Prolonged exposure on static inclines of large bridges produces the disequilibrating sensation. Disequilibration is especially sensed in very tall skyscrapers of low vibration periods.

The disequilibrating sensation compels the organism to seek positional stability or mo­tional cessation. Leisurely or rapid walking motions do not cause disequilibration. Motions which exceed these parameters manifest disequilibration and a variety of other percep­tual distortions.

Continuous angular displacements produce “headlong” thrusts. This positional disangularity continuously stresses organisms readjust referential frame. It is surprising that very slight and continuous disangularities of static position or of motion may produce vio­lent organismic revulsions. These organismic reactions offer a clue to discovering whether earth is actually moving.

Motion sickness is the organismic response to disangular positions or motions. Motion sickness may also be produced by external organismic influences. Motion sickness may be induced among static onlookers by moder­ately moving passenger-filled trains. Strong organismic attractions pull onlookers toward moderately moving passenger-filled trains. These attractions exceed the motional effects produced by reduced air pressure of the passing train.

Cinematic replays of violent chaotic motion (films taken on roller-coasters) strongly induce motion sickness. No amount of personal ocular control or single-point fixation during expo­sure to such film replays can prevent the very real sensations of nausea. Closed eye exposure to certain such films also produces anomalous personal disequilibrium. These reactions evi­dence the anomalous existence of disequilibrating patterns which are stored on film. Exposure to the patterns alone is suffi­cient to induce mildly lingering nausea.

Wild movement through space or exposure to films of wild movement does not induce nausea because of semi-circular canal responses. Such nausea may persist long after fluids in the semi-circular canals have necessarily stopped moving. Motion sickness may continue for days after the delicate nerves therein have stopped triggering their messages.

What kind of body-permeating responses are these? What possible neural mechanism produces such specialized survival responses to sustained states of disangular position or motion? Where may we look in physiological anatomy to explain these experiential effects? Which neural sensors produce such sensitivi­ties?

Though such responses have been identified and named, no distinctly special neural sensors have ever been equated with them. These re­sponses are generalized reflexes to environmental stresses which may endanger the exposed organisms. Researchers of the late Victorian Era noticed that human experience and consciousness responds to various applied influences, which cannot be anatomically ex­plained.


No responsive neural structures are found for certain stimuli which so alter experience. These influences permeate physiology but affect a more fundamental anatomy. This anatomy of which we speak exists at a far deeper level of experience than neurology.

Mild static electric charge applied to insu­lated subjects produces defined and instantaneous experiential effects. Positive charge produces malaise. Negative charge ef­fects vitalizations (Kilner, Abrams). Some quantitative analysts explain this action by pointing out that neurology is “electrical” in nature. Any electrical influence will therefore influence neurology directly, and the effects are “not surprising”.

Strong permanent magnets are applied to test subjects and produce buzzing, dizzying effects when held in the hand. Magnets applied to the spine depress or accelerate heart-rates (Abrams). Magnetic polarities effect height­ened or depressed energetic states which linger for hours after exposure. North poles energize, while south poles depress (Kilner, Abrams, Davis).

Although tests have shown that many hu­man subjects are capable of delineating magnetic north, quantitative analysts cannot isolate “magnetic sensors” in human physiol­ogy in order to explain these sensations. Some point out that neurology might be affected by magnetic inductive action in some macroscopic dimension. Despite the questionable features of such an assertion, most accept the “neuro­logical” explanation.

Very potent and defined sensations were noticed by credible researchers when large quartz crystals were applied to the bodies of test subjects (Reichenbach). Crystals applied to physiology give distinct effects which differ from both electrostatic and magnetic influ­ences. Crystallic action on physiology depends on the polarity of the crystal being used. Crys­talline points give cool, vitalizing effects, while crystal bases give warm irritations (Reichenbach).

While electrostatic charges and magnetic effects are each possessed of defined polari­ties, crystals are not. Crystals are electromagnetically neutral in their rest state. Quantitative analysts are at a total loss to explain the physiological response of test sub­jects to quartz or amethyst crystals. Neurology alone cannot not play a part in these responses since no neural sensors can be isolated and identified with the stimulus. Nerves do not respond to externally applied “neutral” influ­ences.

The analysts can neither explain the re­sponse or isolate the stimulus, and deny the possibility of its existence altogether. Acade­micians can neither explain the obvious physiological reactions to crystals, nor affirm the existence of the phenomenon. In academia what cannot be measured or explained “does not exist”.

Various celestial light sources produce dis­tinct effects on physiology (Reichenbach, White). These effects may be elicited when blindfolded subjects are exposed to pin-sized rays of specific light sources. Lunar light gives warm irritations. Solar light produces cool vitalizations. These effects defy academic rea­son completely when celestial lights are applied to metal plates and conducting wires.

It is possible, in a completely darkened room, to elicit these phenomenal responses. When hand-held, each celestial light source reproduces its physiological sensations though long conductive wires. In some experimental arrangements, these energies were conducted along silk threads, and again persisted in iden­tically reproducing their effects (Reichenbach).

Analysts do not begin giving neurological explanation for these latter sensitivities. Pow­erfully experienced by test subjects, these light effects through the hands or skin defy current models.

Academicians and popularity seeking writ­ers maintain that all such unexplained influences are effects of one’s “belief system”, a sugges­tive state induced by expectation alone. The sharply cutting sensation felt when passing specific quartz crystals over test subjects sur­passes our understanding, and guides our vision of us into the study of a far deeper anatomy.


The visceral sensations noted by credible re­searchers were also accompanied by visual sensations. In completely darkened rooms it is possible to visually detect the presence of mag­nets, crystals, plants, grounded metals, chemicals, and other humans (Reichenbach). Examinations of the human aura were con­ducted in sunlit chambers and utilized special chemical dyes (dicyanin) or filter glasses (Crookes glass). Auric anatomy was studied under various conditions, mapped, and used in diagnosing states of disease (Kilner).

aura magic

Auric anatomy interpermeates physiology (Kilner). Auric anatomy rules physiology (Abrams, Hieronymus, Drown). Auric anatomy generates and sustains physiology (Pixley). The auric anatomy is exceedingly sensitive, and precedes neurological response (White, Abrams).

The aura interpermeates physiological mat­ter. Organismic integrity derives from the thready enlivening energies which suffuse, permeate, and surpass physiology. Examina­tion of the auric anatomy reveals a complexly threaded interaction whose fundamental sup­ply emerges directly from the ground (White).

Elemental, mineral, and crystalline masses visibly influence the aura (Reichenbach, Kilner, White). The aura responds to solar, lunar, plan­etary, and stellar influences with greatest sensitivity (Reichenbach). The aura does not evidence any predominating motion through space.

The aura is the living articulate manifesta­tion, manifesting a very definite respiration. The auric diastole is a discharge process which expands articulate threads outward and upward into space. The auric articulation is the most expansive, projective, and space permeating thing known. Its upward space-permeating ex­pansion is a natural process which permits it to systematically traverse deep space. It excels as the organismic sensor.

Elaborate and sublime, these auric radi­ances and their phenomena excited Victorian researchers with the gradual awareness that they had indeed re-discovered some fraction of the “living” presence.

There is a vaporous auric layer (Reichenbach). Auric vapors rise languidly to­ward space in specific directions. Auric vapors were called “ectoplasm” by early Victorian researchers. Ectoplasmic vapors were extraor­dinarily sensitive and responsive to external influences. Ectoplasm was observed for sus­tained time periods in special black rooms and never exhibited drift in any specified compass direction (Reichenbach). Ectoplasm gradually rises to room ceilings and permeates through.

Ectoplasm is not influenced in any way by wind; wind passes through ectoplasm and leaves it unruffled. Quantitative analysis of such be­havior leads to false conclusions concerning ectoplasmic zero-density and super-tensile strength.

Auric discharges reach outward into space (Kilner, Pixley). The auric structure is pat­terned, detailed, and organized (Kilner). Fine auric patterning is discovered when auric struc­ture interacts with sensitive bioelectric sensors, revealing patterned order (Bradford).

The tools of radionics enable calibrated aura examinations (Drown).

Sensitivity among researchers differs and evidences pre-dispositions toward examining specific portions of the total auric anatomy. The difficulty and confusion of terms among aurographers is eliminated by the employment of instrumental consortium. Rate atlases of different examiners differed only because of the components and configurations utilized. Radionically entuned aura studies permit greater experiential magnifications.


Kircher geocentrism

Through radionic examination certain deep au­ric thread cores were discovered and studied in great detail. The deepest identifiable auric struc­ture is called Vril, the glowing black radiant auric core.

Rocks evidence certain radiant emissions which probe through their surrounding space in a semi-intelligent manner. The auric structure of trees is more anatomically defined than those of rocks. Each naturally rooted organiza­tion partakes more of the whole Vril process operating deep in the earth. Mobile organisms evidence the most elaborate and detailed auric anatomies, with human auric anatomy exceed­ing all others.

Radionic aura examination focus into specific layers of auric anatomy.

Vril is the glowing, thready, presence which permeates all of Nature in a complexly organized structure. Vril is the noumenous space within the luminous manifestation. Vril is the directive generative process from which con­sciousness emerges. Vril organization is evidenced in the ground, in organisms, and in space.

Vril is the deepest auric anatomical layer of our being. Vril interconnects us with every­thing we experience. The Vril perceptive process envelopes both percipient and perceived in a connective embrace, through which perception is conducted and made complete.

Sensitive ground examination reveals a spaceward procession of black radiant threads: Vril waves. These have been observed by many credible individuals and appear in rare photographs (Devereaux, Corliss). These observations occur in extreme conditions. Their magnified presence appears during lightning storms, and is termed “black lightning”, although no electricity has been associated with their appearance.

Casual natural observations reveal the ground-projected black radiance in specific locales. Black radiance notably appears near grounded iron artifices. Certain iron poles dem­onstrate their black thread projectivity at certain hours. These are observed against the sky at dawn and dusk. The black thready ray is dis­tinctly different from the orgone, and precedes orgone. Orgone appears when the black ray appears. The black ray is more fundamental than orgone.

Black rays are radiant and vitalizing. Ground-emergent black rays generate and sus­tain auric anatomy. Black thready rays produce clarity and sharp vision among certain rock formations. Numerous ground-emergent black rays produce a local black radiance which is unmistakable. Black radiance noticeably di­minishes the haze of solar light. This effect is very strongly experienced near evergreen trees in full sunlight.

Ground-emergent black rays pierce and dis­solve inertial space, maintaining constant inertial space dissolution. Inertial space densi­ties in particular ground points and distorts local perception. Sight-lines along the black rays gives remarkable space experience. Radionic apparatus greatly magnify this spaceward experience and extend auric striations deep into space than inertial space normally permits. Auric extension along black raylines is distinc­tive.

The aura is the radiant index for any earth motions. Movement of the earth through space should reveal itself as trailings in the auric diastole process, but does not. Space-projected light does not manifest drifts irregardless of its distance (Michelson). Light beams directed to the moon did not drift as did massive projec­tiles. Space projected masses − on the other hand − drift considerably (Foucault, Coriolis). A perceptual contradiction exists here, the con­clusion of which is a startling revelation of ancient truths.



Auric anatomy gives sensual experience and consciousness. Neither the implicate nor the explicate structure of the aura is well exam­ined. The anatomical detail of internal and external auric structures must be clearly de­fined. Auric portions which have been studied are limited to the boundary radiance between physiology and space: at the skin layer. Exten­sive examination of this boundary layer was conducted during the early 20th Century (Kilner). Radionically entuned photographs made the first approach toward true knowledge of the internal auric anatomy (Ruth Drown, DeLaWarr).


Ancient naturalists observed auric interac­tions during perception very extensively. Radiant, thready emanations from both per­cipients and perceived were observed to mesh, intertwine, and blend (Platon). The radiant, thready emanations of percipient and perceived were termed “eidola”. This portion of our expe­rience completely interfuses and enriches experience in the Qualities. The oculo-pro jected eidola are called (in modem terminology) “visual rays” (Beasse).

Auric perception is true and complete com­munion with the thing perceived. Auric experience is principally a visual process which occurs along striated auric lines of the outer­most auric layer. This auric perceptive mode is termed “eidetic vision”, but defines an entire synaesthesic experience. Auric perception is connective perception. Changes in the per­ceived thing effect changes in the percipient.

Auric striations are space continuities. Per­ception warps when these striations are resisted, occluded, distorted, influenced, strained, or severed. Very specific distortions in the auric body effect survivalistic warning reflexes. Irresponsive behavior is deleterious to organis­mic integrity. Auric anatomy is consciousness and sensual experience. Auric sensations are primary and survivalistic.

Researchers have observed the auric condi­tion at rest (Reichenbach, Kilner, Blondlot). The aura maintains its articulate poise and organization when organisms are at rest. The auric process absorbs articulation from the ground during the systole and discharges out­ward in the diastole.

Portions of the auric anatomy waver and pulsate at times, but do not lag toward specific compass directions continually. The aura is complexly composed organization, having de­fined structure and interpermeating parts (Kilner, Hunt). One observes specific anatomical interpermeations which evidence specific auric layers (Kilner).

Radiant auric structures maintain their ground and spaceward orientations. Radiant auric structures are complexly striated. Undu­lating activity appears among the auric striations in the form of densifications, expansions, con­tractions, color changes, and rarefactions (Kilner). Undulating activities mark specific organismic interactions with the environment (Kilner).

Each auric part is highly responsive to envi­ronmental influence (Reichenbach, Kilner, Drown). The aura is more highly responsive to environmental influences than any common (inertial) material. The aura evidences tenacity and continuity, yet reveals no inertia (Kilner). Auric emanations exhibit articulate patterns which emerge ex nihilo. Such patterns can never, therefore, participate in the pre-deter- mined motional states of referential frames into which they emerge. Such articulations are delicate and processional in nature. Manifest­ing spontaneously as they do, striated auric patterns do not partake of supposed earth- referential momenta.

While it may be argued that ectoplasmic manifestation may partake of earth-frame referential momentum, the same argument does not hold for spontaneously emerging patterns. On a constantly moving earth, these patterns should evidence immediate skewing, distor­tion, and collapse, resolving into jet-like streams of ectoplasm. This is never observed.

Auric radiance responds to the presence of materials. Auric radiance can be “drawn” into metals and grounded objects. Auric “arcs” and “discharges” are easily observed. Each metal produces specific effects on materials and or­ganisms (Galvani). Each grounded material directly influences auric anatomy in diverse manners. Auric discharges are processional, periodically advancing and holding their form. Fluttering, drifting, or trailing is never ob­served among processional auric discharges to ground or across spaces, as would be expected on a moving earth.



Dicyanin dyes, Crookes Glass, and other deep violet chemical-glasses permit direct viewing of both the ground-projected auric structures which suffuse all things, and the more highly organized anatomies which radiate from them. Certain academicians have erroneously equated such vision with ultraviolet sensitivity. Certain auric portions may be visualized directly in complete darkness or near special multi-lay­ered iron capacitors (Reichenbach, Reich).

All grounded things emanate perceptible auric anatomies. The radiated auric forms be­gin in the ground as thready patterns. These primary supplies are transformed within living organisms with astounding detail and articula­tion. The auric anatomies of organisms are more highly detailed and reactive than those of so-called inanimate objects. The observed au­ric effusions were emissions neither in the infrared, nor ultraviolet spectra, as some recent writers have suggested. Auric structures are distinctly different.

Conducted auric emanations behave in man­ners distinctly different from infrared and ultraviolet emissions, although affecting such energies as by-products in their discharge across inertial space. Researchers noted that applied stimuli effected instantaneous modifications of the energetic body (the aura) before physi­ologic effects were registered. Auric radiance responds to heat, light, and energetic applica­tions directly.

The effect of each specific influence pro­duces observable distortions in the auric anatomy with instantaneous experiential re­sponse, while resulting physiological changes lag by tenths of a second. Auric experience precedes physiological response. The body of physiology is a resistive coating over the aura. Full-scale research on the auric anatomy during the Victorian Era realized the fundamental axioms of world-experience which have yet to be theoretically correlated and adequately com­prehended. Certain hard vacuum tubes are excited by special electrical impulses and mani­fest aura-like discharges in their interiors. Researchers recognized that certain energetic states were highly responsive to space-permeating auric structure, and could help visualize the presence of auric articulations.

Such tubes evidence high degrees of inter­nal organization and articulation once electrified. Certain tubes exhibit anomalous internal structures when grounded directly (Crookes, Tesla, Dollard). Vacuum tubes of this variety are permeated and activated by ground-projected auric threads (Crookes, Tesla). These hard vacuum electrical discharge tubes manifest succinct sensitivity to distal organismic influences. These designs served as auric indicators and organismic detectors (Tesla). Spherical forms of these tubes were used with optical concave cathodes to examine space-permeations (Crookes). These electri­cally activated auric receivers were sensitive enough to visually evidence the slightest move­ment of the earth through space (Crookes, Tesla, Lenard). Earth motions would produce steady directional streaming or bending. No such phenomena were ever detected through these extraordinarily sensitive devices.

The aura evidences a characteristically thready, highly responsive, cohesive, and ar­ticulately integrated organization. Researchers have observed the auric trailings which pro­ceed from moving organisms. It is established that physiological movements effect pro­nounced auric trailings (Hunt). Auric trailings are left behind moving organisms, and lag in directions opposed to those of the motion.

If the earth is rotating and revolving, then there is continuous acceleration at the surface for 12 hours, and deceleration for 12 hours each day. In such a motive environment one would expect to detect subtle ectoplasmic drifts. No spontaneous, persistent, or direction-dominant auric trailing is ever evident among organismic hosts in the ground-referenced environment. Sensitive auric trailings would be expected on a space-moving earth.



The aura is constantly processing from the ground. Its patterns appear ex nihilo and ex­pand outward into space in naturally rhythmical pulsations. Despite our aura-based sensitivi­ties, we are not informed of any constant earth movements.

Very slight auric disturbance produces no­table discomfort. Certain kinds of disturbances produced exaggerated responses which last for long time periods. Physical displacements, electro-magnetic influences, manufactured par­ticles, and radiations effectively depress auric metabolism through time (White, Kilner). Sub­jects exposed to electric and magnetic influences experience discomfort. Exposed subjects mani­fest exaggerated auric proportions which last for hours (Kilner).

Distortions of the fundamental auric anatomy evoke sensations which range in symp­toms from mild discomfort to severe nausea. All externally applied influences first effect changes in the auric anatomy, physiological responses follow. Auric disturbances produce resulting measurable physiological responses which evidence considerable filtering and en­ergetic diminution (Reich). Auric experience is always more powerful than the measured physiological response.

Moving the physiology effects defined dis­tortions in the auric anatomy.

The experiential results of all distortive influences produce instantaneous illness with subsequent retarded neural responses. Aura precedes neurological response, and is the per­ceiving, sensing being.

Perception alters during motion consider­ably as the result of auric distortion. Specific unidirectional motion manifests several famil­iar phenomena which find their explanation in auric behavior. These distortions do not appear when moving at the ordinary walking pace. The leisurely walking pace is a natural rhythmic motion in the auric ground-connective envi­ronment.

Organismic movements throughout the en­vironment effect specific auric disturbances. Disequilibrium is a survivalistic sensitivity which informs organisms of extremely slight perturbations in local auric states. One senses disequilibration whenever organismic ground- reference is disturbed. Any disturbance in ground-connection produces distorting stress and disturbs the auric anatomy directly. The peculiar disembodied sensation experienced during plane travel is typical of responses to sustained weakened ground-connectivity.

Movements in the auric ground connective environment are always sensed as generalized conditions. Specific local disturbances effect strains, distortions, or weakness in the auric connectivity among organisms. These activi­ties alter consciousness, perception, and health. Times preceding earthquakes render certain individuals in highly weakened states. Heavy construction, blasting, and extensive mining operations produce greatly disturbed auric in­tegrity in a district. Resulting organismic disarticulation destroys or disperses all natural life.

The aura evidences metabolic respiration in natural periodic intervals.

Movements which interrupt these periodic intervals − or which place strain during diastolic or systolic cycles of the aura − produce sickness. The aura has primary absorptive and response- projective characteristics; each process of which occurs as the absorption and transformation of highly articulated patternings.

The ground supplied patterns must not be disturbed while they are being absorbed. Pattern absorption especially occurs during sleep, when the organism is a complete rest with respect to the ground. Absorbed patterns produce physiological responses, REM eye patterns. Sudden awakenings during critical portions of sleep evidence the disturbed patterning in a striking physiological malaise which lasts for hours after.

Stresses on auric ground connections produce generalized anxiety, malaise, and motion-sickness. Spinning rapidly in tight circles brings illness. These playful activities do produce prolonged states which may last for hours. Faster movements distort and damage more of the auric anatomy. This becomes pronounced when executing swift and sudden turns. Auric anatomy self-repairs and heals in time depending upon the motional disturbance and the time spent engaged in the motion.

Temporary symptoms manifest when the thready auric complex is disturbed.

Severe motional disturbance, exposure to permeating inertial energies, exposure to specific materials and material configurations disturb auric patterns and produce malaise or sickness. The illnesses have no physiological cause and cannot be diagnosed. Medical diagnosis fails to correctly identify the causative agencies in such states of malaise. Prolonged illness manifest when disturbances damage received auric patterning. Long-term motion sickness is induced when auric anatomy is sheared, damaged, or destroyed. Severely damaged patterning produces permanent conditions of illness.

Inertial space conditions induce auric stresses. Travel across any space evidences auric-resistive stresses. Depressed and distorted auric patterning is observed after-motion. Moved objects and organisms require a dispersive time period during which densified inertial space is neutralized. Inertial space is suffusive and permeative. Prolonged inertialization removes defined conscious states. Excessively prolonged travel accretes sufficient inertial densification which alters emotion and cognition.



Auric anatomy externalizes its tri-layered na­ture when moved with velocities which exceed the normal walking pace. The inner, middle, and outer aura reveal themselves in perceptual distortions which appear externally. During motions which exceed the walking pace, the aura expands. It does so in response to the strain placed upon moving organisms and their thready ground connectedness. Ground connectivity must be maintained so that life is maintained.

During the magnified motional auric state, one perceives a distorted world-view. One observes a tri-layered and contradictory world-view when traveling at constant velocity. Percipients note the following experiential distortions:

A)     In directions perpendicular to that of the motional direction

  1. Immediate stationary objects appear colorless and ephemeral, moving very rapidly in the opposed direction to that of one’s travel, inner aura distortion.
  2. Intermediate objects seem fluidic, deeply colored, and follow one’s travel direction at a slower velocity, middle aura distortion.
  3. Objects at the extremes of one’s view seem vaporous and unmoved, outer aura distortion.

B)    Perception in forward directions of travel

  1. sensual densifications toward the center field of view.
  2. visible negative curvatures in a forward sphericular distribution from the percipient.

C)    Perception in aft direction of travel

  1. sensual dispersion away from field center
  2. center field appears immobile
  3. flanking fields appear to follow percipients



geocentric model

We have our being and perceive from the ground and out into spaces. The auric systole absorbs ground-projected articulation. The au­ric diastole projects space-permeating discharges. Our usual and most concentrated conscious directive guides us through topo­graphic space along the ground. Upward solo-directed consciousness is most difficult, manifesting curious resistance. The auric sys­tole-diastole is process which is distorted by inertial space resistance in this case.

The negative curvature of objects ap­proached is a most striking feature of experiential motion through space. Moving percipients experience the curving of all ob­jects forward and away from the traveller’s direction. Large static objects appear to unfold away from the moving percipient.

The leisurely walking pace represents natu­rally cooperative organismic response in the undulating ground supply. The walking pace envelopes the percipient in the ground-pro­jected oscillation. Percipient auric systole-diastole absorbs this ground articula­tion and expands as personal need demands.

The Einsteinian curvature of space does not accurately describe qualitative experience dur­ing motion. Einsteinian theory asserts that space curvatures and optical distortions can only appear at near-light speeds. Common and ac­cessible experience teaches us that velocities exceeding that of a leisurely walk manifest perceptual distortions which continue intensi­fying until they reach certain critical values. The rapid approach of percipients toward any natural object distorts the very thing approached. This rapid approach produces the experience of sphericular surfaces which enfold away from us.

The negative sphericular distortion appears gradually at velocities which exceed the natu­ral walking pace. This reluctance of Nature to enjoin rapidly approaching percipients distorts our perception of distal realities and appears to be the “true shape of Nature”. Without the knowledge of this phenomenon we model all distal reality according to a false generaliza­tion. Distorted auric articulations become distorted perceptions.

Motions produce perceptual distortion. Mo­tion produced perceptual distortion persists for a distinct time period which is related to the degree and duration of motion in space. There is a gradual cessation of this negative sphericular process in space. When the percipient stops moving the perceptual distortion gradually ceases manifesting itself. This feature seems to indicate that objects are discharging a permeative quantity which is capable of cloaking objects and distorting our perception.

The static state and casual walking pace each represent natural and beneficial organis­mic conditions. Once-moved percipients continue to experience perceptual distortions for a significantly long time period after travel has ceased. These percipients experience a perceptual disparity when comparing what they now see with their perceptual state while mov­ing. Auric reformation adjusts and moves to the new condition at rest and produces temporal perceptual confusion.

Auric movement is slowed by the inertial condition of the percipient. Percipients requires certain time period for the absorbed inertial space to discharge. Perception clarifies as this discharge process proceeds. Highly inertialized percipients may continue experiencing percep­tual disparity for hours, and even days.



“Motion-sickness” is far more penetrating to the sufferer than is ever medically addressed. Such unfortunates actually experience a dual reality. Physiological accommodation of mo­tion produces auric rigidifications in the absorbed inertial space. These rigidifications prevent instantaneous accommodation of mo­tional state and perception, and require time for their dispersion. Administration of chemical depressants does not affect accelerated percep­tual restoration, and merely pacifies the physiological irritations which have been de­veloped.

Experiments with flywheels of various com­positions have revealed that auric perception is driven outward from axles. Spinning wheels manifest a continual absorption of inertial space which proceeds from rim to axle, and requires time. This inertial-absorptive phenomenon makes continual viewing of spinning wheels very difficult, with mild nausea following.

The effects vary among organic and el­emental wheels. Perceptual distortion from steel wheels is very sudden. This is experienced as a very defined forced movement of perceptual focus along the surface of the rotating wheel from axle to rim, and out into the surrounding space.

Perceptual focus is held out to a specific distance at fixed rotation velocities. Increased rotational velocity forces perceptual focus out further away from the spinning wheel. Wooden and rubber wheels force perceptual distortions away from the rim at a slower rate. Slowing the rotation of spinning wheels reveals a very gradual discharge of the perceptual distorting principle from the wheel mass. Distorted auric articulations become distorted perceptions.

The perceptual distorting effects exist in defined base levels in static masses which are rapidly approached. Organic matter disperses perceptive focus from center-field more rap­idly than mineral and metallic matter when approached at rapid velocities. Organic matter widens perceptual focus, while mineral and metallic matter concentrates perceptual focus when rapidly approached. Mineral and metal­lic matter powerfully concentrate the perceptual focus, exceeding the dispersive power of or­ganic matter.

The generalized focussing of perception occurs whenever natural forest clusters are rapidly approached in automobile travel. This concentration of perceptual focus into the min­eral-metallic content produces the curvature effect. Forest clusters appear rounded at their edges when rapidly approached. Metropolitan areas appear excessively dense and curved.

Discontinuities of the perceptual focus line vary with materials and material configura­tions. Auric experience varies among materials, places, and configurations, and constitutes one study branch of Qualitative Science.

Perceptual focal lines permeate physiology in continual extensions and effect ocular mo­tions. Sensitive percipients notice persistent movements of their perceptual focus line across specific grounds. These movements engage the perceptual focus and drag the eyes along mean­dering linear paths. The ocular drag differs among grounds, materials, and configurations. Ocular drag is slow or rapid, dense or disper­sive depending upon distal auric conductivity. The aura perceives things at a distance and subjectively discerns the perceptual topogra­phy. Static perception of static objects remains rich and undistorted at close range. Perception alters with increasing distance across inertialized space. Distal impressions remain fixed in consortium because inertial space rigidifies the distortions of all auric striations. These base level distortions increase with in­creasing distance. Sphericular distortion in the static state varies with percipient ground posi­tion, placement, distal site perceived, and intervening grounds. Percipient experiences on elevated platforms reveal sphericular horizons which are entirely dependent on the ground articulation of the site. Different sites measure different sphericular distortions.

The general experience of negative sphericular distortion (curvature) at first seems to evidence a reluctance of Nature to enjoin with the percipient, as if all of Nature were withdrawing from the approaching percipient. Do the distal realities warp and distort on behalf of the moving percipient, or is the mov­ing percipient becoming altered in some strange manner?

The auric process is consciousness, percep­tion, and sensual apprehension. It is through the aura that we experience communion with perceived things in the fundamental auric mode. Inertialized space and inertialized materials alter the aura. Perception is thus constantly distorted and influenced, a topography of auric concentrations and dispersions. Perception at static local range is very weakly distorted be­cause of inertialized matter. This weak distortion acts as a distortive background of perception, but permits potentially strong perceptual link­ages.

Background perceptual distortions become greater with greater static distances. Glass lenses focus auric striations intensely and density their pattern (Abrams). Distorted auric articu­lations become distorted perceptions. Telescopic examination of distal locales inten­sifies the ocular auric striations with resulting highly magnified curvatures resulting. All tele­scopic examinations produce sphericular distorted perception, which exceed the merely optical lens aberrations.

It is obvious that the percipient is altering, and not the whole of space and Nature. Close examination shows that the phenomenon is produced by the distal extension of aura in resistive inertial space. Reality does not warp or distort, the aura is distorted by inertial space. Therefore we do not truly know the face of reality of which academicians profess precise knowledge, since our very agency of percep­tion is forcibly altered when examining distal realities.



Vril permeates all of Nature and is the genera­tive interconnection of Nature. The potential exists for unlimited experience of distal Na­tures. However, terrestrial experience teaches us that unlimited auric extension and perme­ation of Nature is limited and quenched. Our experience teaches us that certain desires and perceptions are restricted by an unseen resis­tive process in space. When children learn of this principle they experience disappointment and fear at a deep level.

Space has perception-warping properties which have never been discussed or studied in adequate detail. The perception-warping prop­erties of space are rarely guessed because perceptual distortion masks all attempts at recognizing its reality. Also devising clever experiments which can detect the space dis­torting influence is quantitatively difficult, if not impossible. The sphericity of planets, stars, sun, and moon is quite deceptive. The aura warps when traversing inertial space, and with it warps our perception.

Space resistance is termed space inertia. Inertial space is an invasive occlusion in Vril Space. Inertial space resists our feeble at­tempts at permeating the perceptive space which is ours. We could intimately experience distant locales were it not for inertial space.

Inertia exceeds the Newtonian definition. Inertia is an effect which is caused by an invasive space, an auric resistant space. Iner­tial space is a mind-altering resistance. Inertial space permeates physiology, emotion, and mind. Inertial space resists the progress and persistence of thoughts, of feelings, of physical life.

Inertial space resists, distorts, limits, quenches, and chokes all explicate auric ex­pression. Inertial space limits our complete perception of Nature. Inertial space binds our experience of distal locales. Inertial space is the antithesis of life, of the aura, and is an invasive alien in the fundamental Auric World. Inertial space distorts and occludes auric per­ception. This distorted auric state becomes generalized into a false world-view. Percep­tion-resisting inertial space is insidious but not omnipresent.

Inertial space can be dissolved by appropri­ate radionic means. Distal auric experience may be greatly magnified and extended by radionic apparatus. Quantitative science nei­ther admits the aura, nor utilizes the radionic tools for restructuring and extending proper perception.

We have now established certain correlations among well-known historical phe­nomena. Taken together with a few more decisive axioms, we will further the plausibil­ity of a new world-view, and the marvelous technological potentials which it affords.

A collection of Journal of Borderlands Research Volumes can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/2L5cGWo

A collection of Gerry Vassilatos work including the VRIL Compendiums can be downloaded here: http://bit.ly/2LecJzm
