$600 – $16,500 Variable pricing for the scales of the tower.

Download the Cosmic Tower Brochure as a PDF: Cosmic Tower Brochure


The Cosmic Tower was developed by Dipl.-Ing. Harald Thiers, the Managing Director of Chi-Balance GmbH in Bautzen.

The Cosmic Tower builds a clockwise (right-turning) torus field, which is connected not only to the torus field of the earth, but also to that of the solar system and that of the galaxy.

It is the torus fields that keep all the planets and suns of the universe moving.

The Cosmic Tower is currently available in different sizes.  Read  “Which Cosmic Tower is Best for Me” in the tab below to understand the differences.

The Cosmic Tower provides protection against all kinds of radiation and supports the provision of energy to our bodies cells.

Due to its unique, energetic connection and the use of various healing waters, which contain the full light spectrum including all overtone octaves, the Cosmic Tower continuously delivers the light frequencies necessary for the health of humans, animals, and plants all the way up into the higher dimensions.



Energetically, the Cosmic Tower can not only help our physical bodies to dissolve blockages and become healthy, but also make the corresponding light energies available to all our subtle bodies.

In this way, the Cosmic Tower works like a homeopath who administers all homeopathic remedies, in all potencies, and in all required quantities, simultaneously, around the clock.

The energy field of the Cosmic Tower is capable of transforming all pathogenic radiation into healthy energy fields and, thus, fully protecting humans, animals, and all of nature from microwaves, electro-smog, WLAN, grid networks, smart meters, 5G radiation, negative scalar waves, radioactivity, earth radiation, water veins, mind control, or even black magic.

The Cosmic Tower not only protects us from the destruction of our life energy by radiation (destruction of hexagonal water cluster structures and, therefore robbing us of vital electrons!), but it also supplies extra lifeforce energy to every cell in our body via the healthy living energy field it generates and maintains.

We humans, are “light-beings” and as such can live from light and it is exactly this kind of light (in the form of the purest life energy) that the Cosmic Tower provides us with 24/7 and year round.

It works like a small sun, which we can bring directly into our homes.

Some of the benefits are the following:
  • Removal of Energetic Blockages in Our Subtle Bodies
  • Significant Increase of Negatively Charged Ions in the Air
  • Elimination of the Frequency of Harmful Substances
  • Energetic Transformation of Pathogenic & Polluting Substances
  • Healthier Plants and Animals
  • Immediate Support in Mental Spiritual Development and Raising of One’s Vibration
  • Alignment of chakras
  • Repair of Gaps in Auric Layers
  • Building a stronger Protective Electron Layer Around the Entire Body
  • Deeper and more Restful Sleep
  • Harmonized Energy Throughout Your Entire Home
  • More Efficient Employees and Less Sick Leave
  • Healthy, Very “wet”, Pleasant Tasting Electron-Rich Water with Countless Light Energy Frequencies Directly from any Faucet Within the Cosmic Tower’s Field

The Cosmic Tower Project is in essence an invitation to remember the blueprint inside of all of us. As we turn inward and be who we really are, the calmness, peace and love that is inside of us permeates the world.