8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges

8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges




Learn 8 Essential Methods of Vibrational Testing


With the current health challenges the world is facing, and the ever-expanding interest in “Energy Medicine” and “Vibrational Healing” methods, we have created an online class showing how to apply 8 of the most important vibrational testing methods created by the original French Medical Radiesthesiasts. 

8 methods dowsing congress 8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

The French Medical Radiesthesiasts were Doctors throughout Europe in the early 1900’s, who used experimental energetic methods to test subtle vibrational information linked to patients, pathogens, and healing techniques / substances.

We are offering this course for historical information and personal exploration purposes only – please note we use the term “Medical Radiesthesia” as the actual historical term used by the European Doctors who applied this method, however we make no medical claims whatsoever for this class, we do not diagnose or treat any illness; all methods taught should be considered Experimental.

Includes 30+ page PDF manual
summarizing key points of each method.

Experimental Practices taught in this class include:

* 3 Different Methods for Detecting specific Pathogens or Toxins in the energy field of a Person, Material, or Object

* Testing a Person’s Resistance Level to the Pathogen or Toxin Vibration

* Testing Which Vibrational Sources Weaken the Pathogen Vibration

* Testing Which Vibrational Sources Strengthen a Person the most against a specific Pathogen or Toxin Vibration

* Testing for Strengthening & Mutation of a Pathogen Vibration from the influence of Environmental sources (including method to experimentally test influences from EMF, 5G, environmental pollutants, etc.)

8 methods 5g tower 8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies

* Testing Vibrational Combinations for Strengthening a Person when exposed to a Pathogen or Toxin: Custom Vibrational Formulas Technique

*Appendix:  Case Study for creating a complex Custom Vibrational Formula

ever pendant large and medium 1 8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies
ever pendant kit 1 8 Essential Hands-On Vibrational Testing Methods for Current Challenges Vesica Institute for Holistic Studies



This online class is for anyone who already has a basic training in the “Personal Wavelength” method from French Radiesthesia.


Persons without a basic training in the Personal Wavelength method will note able to perform the practices shown in this class.


To perform the practices in this training, you will need the following items on hand:


*  A Neutral Pendulum which you can use for testing Personal Wavelength;
*  Samples / witnesses of pathogens or toxins you would like to test (these can be photos);
*  Witnesses of people you would like test;
* Witnesses of detrimental environmental vibrational sources you would like to test (these can be photos pollutants, EMF emitters, 5G emitters, etc.; for EMF sources the pictures need to be of these sources turned on and in operation actively radiating);
*  Samples/witnesses of whatever beneficial vibrational sources you have on hand to test (stones, herbs, essential oils, vibrational tools, etc.).




Method 1-  Detecting a Pathogen or Toxin Vibration in the Whole Energy Field or in a specific Area of the Body: Personal Wavelength of the Pathogen or Toxin Technique.

Method 2-  Detecting a Pathogen or Toxin Vibration in the Whole Energy Field: Connecting Ray Technique.

Method 3-  Detecting a Pathogen or Toxin Vibration: Linking Vibration of Pathogen or Toxin directly to Neutral Pendulum Technique.

Method 4-  Testing a Person’s Resistance Level to the Pathogen or Toxin Vibration.

Method 5-  Testing Which Vibrational Sources Weaken the Pathogen Vibration.

Method 6-  Testing Which Vibrational Sources Strengthen a Person the most against a specific Pathogen or Toxin Vibration.

Method 7-  Testing for Strengthening & Mutation of a Pathogen Vibration from the influence of Environmental sources.

Method 8-  Testing Vibrational Combinations for Strengthening a Person when exposed to a Pathogen or Toxin: Custom Vibrational Formulas Technique.

Appendix-  A Practical Case Study for creating a complex Custom Vibrational Formula: The Development of the EVER Pendant

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