Iron Phosphate

Iron Phosphate



Whenever symptoms like redness, heat, throbbing or low fever, suggest acute irritations (sore red throat, toothache, red eye, ear pain, common colds, skin eruptions, etc.), Ferr phos helps the body make the blood do its job and fix the problem quickly.


IRON PHOSPHATE (ferrum phosphate)  is key for strong oxygen carrying blood cells and thus the homeopathic remedy helps the body maintain well equipped blood cells in the face of many stresses. These include fevers, redness, irritated tissues, injuries, blood loss, “local congestions”, illness, etc., especially if the sufferer is pale, but flushes easily, and has general fatigue. It does its best work in the first stage of red irritations of all types–turning around a child’s sudden fever, discouraging ear pains from becoming congestions or cutting off colds before they fully develop. Whenever symptoms like redness, heat, throbbing or low fever, suggest acute irritations (sore red throat, toothache, red eye, ear pain, common colds, skin eruptions, etc.), Ferr phos helps the body make the blood do its job and fix the problem quickly.

Ferrum phos does have a few more specific applications. Ferrum phos as can certain cases of incontinence and urinary leaks at night.Ferrum phos can be a gentle restorative after blood loss from injuries, nosebleeds, bruises, dental work, surgeries or menstrual cycles. Pale young girls often respond well to its care. Cases needing Ferrum phos’ care most, catch cold easily and tend to be pale, but flush easily. Nervous, sensitive, timid individuals may find extra strength in this gentle, friendly cell salt. When symptoms are scarce but something is not right, it’s nice to know you can always turn to this remedy for safe, simple, worry free support.

SOLUTION: Ferrum Phosphate


FORMAT: Powder compacted into dissolvable pill

METHOD: Oral (O), Sublingually (S)

QUANTITY: 500 capsules

SUGGESTED USE: Adults dissolve 2 capsules under the tongue before bed

DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Do not mix with alcohol. Do not take if pregnant or nursing unless you have consulted your health advisor.

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