

The ARE X Portable device is a beneficial scalar wave generator for immediate use. Similar in size to a business card, it includes scalar technology inside to obtain maximum results at a reduced cost.

Part of the principles of radionics and bioenergy in relation to re-establishing vibratory balancing patterns to restore well-being. These postulates indicate that the energetic patterns of a sick person are different from those of a healthy person. The same happens with the vibration of a person who maintains fluid personal relationships with others, at a friendship or loving level. This perceptible vibration differs from that of a shy person or communication problems. It also happens with someone who is economically successful compared to someone who has money problems. Or who achieves success in a certain field of life compared to who fails again and again. Or the vibration of a person who is always “lucky”, compared to the one who only reaps failures.

With radionic devices, you can parameterize and represent coordinates or ratios that reflect positive vibrations in different fields. These parameters can be issued through an appropriate device, with the aim of impregnating the energetic envelope of a person to predispose it to improve their well-being or to achieve predetermined objectives.

These instruments use Programmable Radionic Cards:

ARE X Portable cards are devices the size of a business card with circuits and an scalar antenna inside them. These cards continuously emit ratios and effective radionic configurations in relation to general objectives of interest. Unlock rates and positive ratios that work for anyone. Its purpose is to influence positively and balancing the energy structure of those who use it. It is only necessary to light any of these cards by pressing a button and let them act by bringing them close to the body (in pocket or purse, for example) or place them under the pillow at night. They are rechargeable and can operate for hours emitting constantly and safely.

The ARE X Portable cards have the objective of positively influencing the energy field of the person using it, generating coded messages (encrypted codes and information ratios), specifically chosen for the chosen purpose.

The ARE X Portable cards act on the energy environment of the person in a similar way, increasing their positive vibrations and rebalancing the framework on which the physical structures are based, according to the radionic harmonization theory.

The so-called radionic scalar waves contain the so-called “Intrinsic Information Fields” or codes whose purpose is to normalize the energetic envelope of the person (or living being) that receives them to maintain or recover the lost wellbeing at that non-physical level prior to the matter , but fundamental for its correct functionality, according to the theory of bioenergetics. They can also be used to improve specific aspects that require attention.

Through research the vibration codes of people with good health in general and also with certain capacities and possibilities in different fields have been determined in particular. These are the so-called radionic ratios. By issuing these positive encodings on people with problems, we seek to restore organic or functional imbalances in relation to disorders or illness.

  • While carrying the ARE X Portable card in on mode, your energy field will be balanced by non-audible scalar radionic emissions that will positively influence your vibratory structure, with the aim of harmonizing or tuning it positively in relation to the desired objective (see list of cards available).
  • The results can be evaluated in relatively short periods of hours (sensation of physical well-being) or short to medium term (in relation to personal improvement objectives).
  • According to the radionic theory, it is possible to influence reality by using the so-called “intrinsic information fields”. That is, intentionally influencing the basic energies that structure reality. What matches the basic postulates of physics quantum. This is achieved when an organic material structure with an energy base (such as a human being) receives certain balancing information structures (CDIs or Intrinsic Information Fields) through specially designed emitting devices.


AREX Portable cards generate signals …
and vibratory structures aimed at balancing, enhancing, enriching and improving the energetic parameters of the person who uses it (according to the radionic harmonization theory). )

In practice…
These devices are designed to help people improve at all levels (within the different general objectives programmed in each card))

Like the visualization …
can modify our vibratory state and our behavior towards an improved reality, the scalar waves emitted by the ARE X Portable cards have a similar function.

The Advantage is …
that do not require concentration on the part of the person or other more complicated mental methods. Just light them. They work for hours and are rechargeable.

Just like the thoughts of a researcher generate …
energetic structures that affect the result of an experiment, scalar waves can emit encodings aimed at reaching objectives in their positive side.

ARE X Portable cards continuously emit radionic ratios (encodings that represent harmonic or positive states), alpha numeric structures, decrees, affirmations, etc., which are issued in a specially designed way (scalar technology) to modify energy patterns of the person who uses them and their environment.

  • Minimum cost The most economical functional device, now at an even lower price.
  • Preprogrammed to act according to your need or interest. It does not need adjustments.
  • Each card aims to influence a specific topic. It works by pressing a simple button.
  • Acts at the vibratory level. No contraindications. No need for adjustments.
  • Rechargeable Minimum weight and thickness.
  • Ideal to give as a gift without maintenance.
  • Excellent presentation.
  • Appreciable results in less time. 30 days of Test.

Description and objectives of each card:

General welfare and physical-vibratory balance.

It emits ratios to act and improve the vibratory level on all the main organs (heart, lungs, colon, kidneys, stomach, brain, and a long etc) also on vitality, emotional state and mood. Chakras, energy channels, lymphatic system and reserves, in addition to many others. Work the different energetic fields. Its objective is to improve the feeling of welfare at all levels. A source of active wellness and relaxation. Ideal for personal use or give away.

Energy protection and unlocks card.

It emits ratios to act at the vibratory level in relation to blocks of various kinds (general blocks) that can affect the person. If you feel that your life does not flow as it should, it is very likely that you will suffer blockages that need to be eliminated. This card also emits ratios for the elimination of potentially negative energies from any source that drains energy or acts in a harmful way, including those of telluric origin. An effective screen in relation to unhealthy influences of provenance that are.

Personal Relations Card.

People who relate well on a sentimental and social level have a special and characteristic vibration. There are also vibrations related to people who are liked by others, those who know how to earn respect in a positive and friendly way and those who develop a powerful magnetism. Charisma also has concrete vibrations. This card includes all these energetic configurations emitting them to contribute to the person who takes it a considerable improvement in that field.

Prosperity Card.

It emits a series of vibrations and messages related to general prosperity and / or economic prosperity. Radionics indicates certain ratios and characteristic symbols that affect this particular field. There are codes to eliminate specific blockages that prevent people from developing their true potential in relation to prosperity. Find the meaning of a person’s life, generate wealth, attract economic welfare, the so-called “good luck”, better possibilities … and a long etc., related to personal development. Also the vibrations linked to attitudes that lead to the generation of economic well-being. Test them if you think you need to improve in this aspect of reality.

Electro magnetic pollution stopping card.

More and more people are affected by electromagnetic pollution problems. Mobile phones, Wi-Fi stations, electronic devices of all kinds, telephony networks and a long etc. of connected instruments, greatly affect living beings in general and the human being in particular, causing migraines, pains, malaise of origin unknown and diseases that can become important. Experts warn of problems of all kinds associated with this growing contamination silenced by the authorities. This card emits signals that harmonize and recompose the vibrational spectrum of the person who carries it. It includes ratios and radionic structures to neutralize the energy problems that appear as a consequence of this contamination. The cleanliness and harmonization of the energy structure is basic to physical well-being. This standardization is recommended as a previous step to any alternative or conventional treatment because of its potentiating effects.

Memory Card.

It is designed to emit a series of radionic ratios, scalar configurations and messages related to the maintenance and improvement of memory in general, the cognitive processes of processing, retention and storage, the improvement of the energetic functions related to the brain and the increase of neuronal coordination. Ideal for people who want to maintain their neuronal faculties in the best possible state (at an energy level). Also for students, opponents and those who need a boost in their intellectual capacity. It includes ratios to stimulate the desire to acquire information, to improve concentration and to face successful exams.

Study on the impact on the blood cells effects after the use of the mobile and use of AREX Portable

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